* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Hayley_May – I wish I had seen this post this morning as I took my first tablet with my morning cup of tea, luckily took my second one with some Fanta orange so hoping that works better. Really hoping I don’t get constipated. Yes that’s a bit back to front lol suppose it’s better now that you are not anaemicJ. X

Suffolkmum – I didn’t have a choice of tablet so hoping she looked at my notes, saw I’m already constipated and took that into consideration. The ones I have been given are called “ Ferrous Fumarate 210mg” I googled them to see what the side effects were and came across this “If you are trying to become pregnant, are pregnant, or are breast-feeding, you should seek medical advice before taking this medicine” I’m assuming since I was prescribed these by my midwife they are safe? I have never been anaemic before either, baby is just taking all our iron lol. X

Fao – Good to hear nursery is all complete and ready for little one. Look forward to seeing the pictures. I’m going to post some once EVERYTHING is in place; I still need to put up some photos and curtains etc. My waterproof mattress protector is on the bed also, don’t want my mattress getting ruined if I was to break in bed. X

Vic30 – Sorry to hear the headaches are back! That can be a right pain, whenever it’s me all I want to do is curl up in bed, I can only imagine how draining it must be for you. It’s funny to feel that pain again after 9 month or so without period cramps! X

Louj81 – You are like me with the posts, I try post everyday so I don’t fall behind but even that gets hard sometime, we are just a bunch of chatterbox’s lol! Don’t know where I will find time to post when baby is here – night feeds possibly?

Men are always the same, they could live with everything everywhere whereas us woman need a place for everything and everything in its place….. Well I know I do! I HATE CLUTTER! Hubby seems to think he is making the place look tidy by just putting everything in 1 corner of the room, drives me mad but he is good with a hoover so I can’t complain reallyJ.

Glad you enjoying mat leave and managing to get baby clothes hung out! Its supposed to be lovely all weekend where I am so that’s a bonus! My mat leave starts on Friday afternoon. I’m being treated to a half day and lunch by my boss so looking forward to that J

Spa day sounds great, I have one to use which was my mother’s day prezzie, need to book it. Was waiting until I was on mat leave though so it’s more relaxing knowing I don’t have to return to work after all my pampering! I get my nails done every 3 weeks, just shellac on my natural nails as they are pretty long, I’m booked in for May 7th for baby blue – hoping I’m still pregnant by then or it defeats the purpose of my “labour nails” lol! After that appointment baby can come anytime lol!
Good luck with scan! That will be lovely for your mum to see J hope she doesn’t get too emotional. X

Cherrybelly – Don’t panic, plenty time. Plus baby will be in with you at first anyway I assume? I know it’s still nice to have everything organised for their arrival but sometimes getting EVERYTHING done is just impossible. Enjoy the class, hope hubby goes with you as it can be hard to remember everything with “baby brain” X

Sproglett – Grr how annoying about the carpet, I hate when companies do that – give you a date and then change it! It throws all the rest of your plans which is quite annoying, especially when baby could come at any minute! Sorry to hear about your car trouble L its just typical! Our road tax is due at the end of April and its quite expensive but that’s just how these things work, always need to pay out for something when trying to save as much cash as possible! X
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Growth scan went well, could only find one of the 2 fibroids, and it's shrunk some more so that's good :) just got to wait to see what consultant says in a few weeks. Baby currently estimated weight of 5lb4oz, and growing well :)
Hey ladies, had my 34 week appointment today with the dragon midwife, she forgot to bring the papers for the birthing centre! Baby is head down, heart rate was 124, and estimated that he is now just above 50th centile rather than over 90th! Weight is about 5lb2.
Only thing is I can't read her writing so don't understand what it says under the engaged box, doesn't say free and doesn't say a fraction! No clue! X
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Ashleigh, I dint get the floravital on prescription. I just chose them as they contain ferrous gluconate, which is the form least likely to cause constipation and gets absorbed more easily too.

If you find the prescribed ones do give you constipation, you can get the floravital ones off amazon and they aren't too expensive:


I'm supposed to take 3 a day, but am a bit forgetful lol!
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Growth scan went well, could only find one of the 2 fibroids, and it's shrunk some more so that's good :) just got to wait to see what consultant says in a few weeks. Baby currently estimated weight of 5lb4oz, and growing well :)

Great news that your growth scan went well :) always nice to see little one further along isn't it :)
Growth scan went well, could only find one of the 2 fibroids, and it's shrunk some more so that's good :) just got to wait to see what consultant says in a few weeks. Baby currently estimated weight of 5lb4oz, and growing well :)

Great news that your growth scan went well :) always nice to see little one further along isn't it :)

It is, was quite clear which I was surprised about, saw its face and lips moving about lol, and we are still head down! It hasn't moved since wk27, I'm sure it's starting to engage as it feels lower lots more pressure this last week than before X
Growth scan went well, could only find one of the 2 fibroids, and it's shrunk some more so that's good :) just got to wait to see what consultant says in a few weeks. Baby currently estimated weight of 5lb4oz, and growing well :)

Great news that your growth scan went well :) always nice to see little one further along isn't it :)

It is, was quite clear which I was surprised about, saw its face and lips moving about lol, and we are still head down! It hasn't moved since wk27, I'm sure it's starting to engage as it feels lower lots more pressure this last week than before X

Aww :) I've been feeling more and more pressure each day, think I have an impatient little boy in my belly lol x
I've got an appointment at the hospital tomorrow with a high risk consultant to discuss a possible induction date! Quite nervous tbh but glad that my OC is getting taken seriously after reading some people's stories about it being difficult to even get a diagnosis x
Irishemma, I have just seen your post on Ceriann's thread explaining what happened. I'm so sorry to hear your little girl is so poorly and you have been through a similar experience to Ceriann. My bestest wishesnto you and hope bubba is going to have no long term effects and be well enough to go home soon. My thoughts are with you.

Cherry, I hope you managed to persuade OH to change his mind about the classes. They are for pregnant women AND THEIR BIRTH PARTNERS, tell him! I went to one tonight and everyone had someone with them, either their partner or their mum. Nobody goes to these alone. If he wants "me time" he can choose another night. Men can be so selfish sometimes!

Sprog, how annoying about the carpet. I would be mad with them about it. Don't they understand how important it is for a pregnant woman to nest at this late stage? I am angry for you!

Ashleigh, thank you. Just curtain rail and curtains to go up now. I just go in there and sit now. How sad is that!!!

Lou, great to hear about the scan results.

Jazzy, I have a scatty midwife too. Glad the appt went well other than the things she forgot!

The parentcraft class I went to was brill. Would recommend going. Even though it is my 4th baby, and I have learned loads from this forum there were still new things I learned, esp about standard practice in my area for various things. Got the chance to ask questions that my midwife never has time during a checkup to answer. Very informative, and involved the birth partners too. My OH learned a lot despite him saying he knew everything!
Fao - Lol at your OH, men always think they know it all.

Cherry - I hope your OH has decided to be a bit more involved. :-(

Gemma - think your little by is resilient to the hot food now lol. Fingers crossed for your appointment.

As for the carpet, it's a small company owned by my DH's best mates uncle, so I don't really want to pull my face too much cuz I'm getting it for cheaper and not paying for fitting etc, also DH's best mate is coming round straight from work wed to get it down for me too rather than me having to wait till he's off.
Thankyou :). Lol I know! Will update when I have been the hosp. Hope everyone has a good day x
Morning all :) so I went alone.. Felt a bit better as I went and saw my friend and her gorgeous baby first which cheered me up. When I got there, I saw another girl sitting on her own and said "are you on your own too?" She said her oh had to work so I said "good, mine too" sat down and nothing more was said.

It was a good class though and I'm glad I went. It was all about slightly more complicated labour so pain relief, forceps, ventouse, Caesarian etc. Last one next week is about what to expect when baby gets here. I've told oh if he doesn't go next week I'll kill him.

Got my 34 week mw appointment this morning. Interested to hear where baby is laying as I've been getting a lot of pressure so pretty sure she's down low now. Have a good day all xx
Glad your class went well Cherrybelly, your OH has been so inconsiderate poor you. I do feel for you.

Had my 34 week midwife apt yesterday where she spent a good while moaning about the computer system and the whereabouts of my blood test results!

Anyway baby is in the perfect position 3/5 (engaged? quite sure!). She weighed me and cos it was in kg I had no idea what it was till I got back and googled it then had a bit of a shock! I've put on 2 1/2 stone!!! I honestly thought I hadn't gained too much weight, maybe a stone and a bit. No wonder I'm waddling!

She was horrified by my other problem (glamorized in seperate post!) , she didn't look at my bottom area but sounded as if she didn't believe the dr's diagnosis! Just recommended frozen peas (they don't touch the sides literally!!!!). Just have to keep on with the cream and ice, in bloody agony all the time though.

Have a good day everyone! Just 5 days left at work for me and they've organized a party for me on my last day :)
Being induced this Saturday at 8am! At 37 weeks 6 days! I am so excited and very nervous!xx
Wow Gemma! That's so exciting and scary to have a date! We'll all be thinking of you xxx

Sorry about your oh Cherry but I'm pleased the class was ok.

I've just read your post too Irishemma - I can't imagine what you've been and still are going through. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way xx
Lucky thing wish I was beeing induced soon lol FC it is not a long drawn out process for you xxx
Awwww wow getting induced means it's going to be very real for you!!!

I'm getting excited now just had midwife 36 weeks today and she said lol one has really dropped to 2/5ths which is good! I have 4 working days left finish next thurs as 37 weeks woop.

I'm really waddle as her head is pushing on my bone now and it's sore!! Tried having sex last night and was super in the end after me saying ouch and not there and mind my belly lol!!!

Still need to pack bag! I'm hoping for an early arrival but I know my luck will be 2 weeks late lol!!!

Thanks ladies :) I will have to start a labour thread on Saturday and keep you all updated x

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