* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Well I feel a bit daft posting about my boring couple of days after that exciting birth announcement lol.

I'm feeling really happy today though as we're getting a brand new car in a couple of weeks and I can finally learn to drive! At 33 years old, it's about time I stopped relying in hubby to transport me everywhere lol.

We spent 3hrs at the dealership yesterday and my poor bored 3yr old was such a well behaved little darling. He had a brief meltdown when we needed to sort out paperwork and he wanted to go to the play area at the opposite end of the showroom, but otherwise he was an absolutely angel. We went to asda and bought him some chocolate as a treat afterward lol.

We've been doing extended rear facing in the car, but he's getting bored looking out the back window so we switched his seat around on the journey home and he loved it. I can't wait until he's 15kg and we can buy a proper group 2 seat for him.
Great news about the wheels!! :) It'll be lovely when you've learnt to drive and you get that freedom. I can drive but we've just gone down to one car so I don't have it in the week when hubby is at work, it feels really odd to not just be able to nip out!

I had my 34w appt today, all fine, baby still head down but sideways on so its back is facing my left hand side, legs wrapped over on my right hand side. She didn't seem worried but did ask if I get uncomfortable; I said yeah sometimes but to be fair the uncomfortable bump is the least of my worries! All my other bits hurt way more! Getting so excited about having this baby now, even though it still feels totally surreal, I just cannot wait to not be pregnant and to be pushing my pram around! X
Great news about the wheels!! :) It'll be lovely when you've learnt to drive and you get that freedom. I can drive but we've just gone down to one car so I don't have it in the week when hubby is at work, it feels really odd to not just be able to nip out!

I had my 34w appt today, all fine, baby still head down but sideways on so its back is facing my left hand side, legs wrapped over on my right hand side. She didn't seem worried but did ask if I get uncomfortable; I said yeah sometimes but to be fair the uncomfortable bump is the least of my worries! All my other bits hurt way more! Getting so excited about having this baby now, even though it still feels totally surreal, I just cannot wait to not be pregnant and to be pushing my pram around! X

We'll only have one car as we're trading in our huge 4x4, but hubby works from home so I should be able to use it anytime I like.

Sounds like your bubba is in a pretty good position hun. Mine moves from the left to right side all the time, but doesn't usually go anywhere else.
Its so strange to experience cramps, feels like I'm going to get my period and that's something I haven't felt for a while lol. Getting lots of funny little aches and pains at the moment, assuming its just body and baby preparing for birth!

Start my iron tablets tomorrow thank god! Been feeling so week and dizzy throughout the day and its such a horrible feeling.

Only 2.5 days left at work after today :) hurry up Friday 12:30! X
Its so strange to experience cramps, feels like I'm going to get my period and that's something I haven't felt for a while lol. Getting lots of funny little aches and pains at the moment, assuming its just body and baby preparing for birth!

Start my iron tablets tomorrow thank god! Been feeling so week and dizzy throughout the day and its such a horrible feeling.

Only 2.5 days left at work after today :) hurry up Friday 12:30! X

I've been having cramps for weeks, it's weird isn't it? A couple of times, I've had to sit down for a minute as they've been pretty intense.

I'm guilty of forgetting to take my iron lol. I find I get breathless if I miss a dose and that's usually my reminder to take one.
Its so strange to experience cramps, feels like I'm going to get my period and that's something I haven't felt for a while lol. Getting lots of funny little aches and pains at the moment, assuming its just body and baby preparing for birth!

Start my iron tablets tomorrow thank god! Been feeling so week and dizzy throughout the day and its such a horrible feeling.

Only 2.5 days left at work after today :) hurry up Friday 12:30! X

I've been having cramps for weeks, it's weird isn't it? A couple of times, I've had to sit down for a minute as they've been pretty intense.

I'm guilty of forgetting to take my iron lol. I find I get breathless if I miss a dose and that's usually my reminder to take one.

I was hoping it was maybe the start of something happening but if you have had them for weeks I wont expect anything anytime soon :( I really thought I was going to go early but knowing me I will be overdue and need to get induced!

Tut tut, you better remember ;).. I hope they make me feel better. I've heard they can make you quite constipated which is the last thing I need as I'm already taking lactulose! X
Yeah I've been having cramps too, just the body preparing I'd say. Iron tablets only made me constipated for the first few days I took them, try drink a glass of orange juice with them for few days, the vit c helps absorb the iron into your blood better, and helps with constipation. I was anaemic for about a year then fell pregnant and now I'm not, bit backwards lol. I'm in agony with this pelvic pain, trying to stay on the go as it stops it hurting but I'm tired! Cx
Its so strange to experience cramps, feels like I'm going to get my period and that's something I haven't felt for a while lol. Getting lots of funny little aches and pains at the moment, assuming its just body and baby preparing for birth!

Start my iron tablets tomorrow thank god! Been feeling so week and dizzy throughout the day and its such a horrible feeling.

Only 2.5 days left at work after today :) hurry up Friday 12:30! X

I've been having cramps for weeks, it's weird isn't it? A couple of times, I've had to sit down for a minute as they've been pretty intense.

I'm guilty of forgetting to take my iron lol. I find I get breathless if I miss a dose and that's usually my reminder to take one.

I was hoping it was maybe the start of something happening but if you have had them for weeks I wont expect anything anytime soon :( I really thought I was going to go early but knowing me I will be overdue and need to get induced!

Tut tut, you better remember ;).. I hope they make me feel better. I've heard they can make you quite constipated which is the last thing I need as I'm already taking lactulose! X

Sorry lol, maybe they do mean labour is on the way for you. Fingers crossed!

I'm using the floravital iron pills, they are a more absorbable form of iron which doesn't cause constipation. I chose them as I get quite constipated towards the end of pregnancy and I'm certainly not going to encourage it lol.
Yeah I've been having cramps too, just the body preparing I'd say. Iron tablets only made me constipated for the first few days I took them, try drink a glass of orange juice with them for few days, the vit c helps absorb the iron into your blood better, and helps with constipation. I was anaemic for about a year then fell pregnant and now I'm not, bit backwards lol. I'm in agony with this pelvic pain, trying to stay on the go as it stops it hurting but I'm tired! Cx

Agreed, orange juice or anything else with vitamin c really helps absorb the iron. Avoid tea or coffee though as they do the opposite.

I've never been anaemic before, though people have always commented as I have very pale skin and dark hair.

Hang in there with the pelvic pain, only a few weeks to go! xxx
awww Irishemma, the poor little mite! Hope she doesn't have to stay too long attached to the tubes and you can take her home soon. you must have been distraught at the experience. hope you are looking after yourself and recovering well too. my thoughts are with you and your lovely girl. I look forward to reading your birth story when you have the energy! take care sweetie.
I finished the nursery today - will post pics shortly. Got my terries down from the loft and washed them, found some more baby toys in the loft and the baby gym I could not previously find - result!

Also, drum roll....... last night I put 4 large absorbent sheet pad things on my bed under the bottom sheet, and one on the floor next to the bed in case my waters break in the night!!! Had a bit of a freak out as just bought a brand new mattress and don't want that ruined, or our carpet. bought the pads in mothercare - Huggies brand.
Well ladies my DS's bedroom should be complete this weekend, just got to put one more head of silicone on the windowsill, carpet down, furniture up, then finishing touches, light, curtains etc..... So far so good, no twinges etc so looks like baby might stop in at least till I get Jacob out the nursery (I know baby will be in my room for a few months, I just have nowhere currently for his/her clothes when I do the wash as Jacob is taking up all the furniture lol.
It's so exciting, isn't it, getting the baby's room ready. Makes me feel it is really happening!
Yeah. Feel so unorganised this time and it's not through lack of trying lol x
Hi ladies, my severe headaches are appearing again! Argh! And as for the vertigo symptoms, well, I'll not start!

Anyway, I was lying in bed just about to go to sleep last night and I got really bad period pain, it was so weird after all this time as it was so sore. I actually had to concentrate on breathing! It lasted about five minutes then I fell asleep lol. So strange!

Pleased all your rooms are coming along nicely. Hubby built my chair and the stand for Moses basket last night :) xx
Hi ladies, I am so rubbish at posting in here, but I do have a good read, so am up to date with everything I think!!
Can't believe how close we all are now! I keep going back to tri 1, and it's scary seeing the December mummies page.....the January one will soon be starting!!!!

Our nursery is so nearly finished, there has been arguments and almost divorce before marriage! But....carpet fingers crossed going in just after Easter! I can then get everything over from my parents and get organising!!im sick of stuff everywhere!! My oh isn't fazed, I am....I don't do clutter very well!! Had a nightmare with the walls....had to peel the old paint off as it hadn't stuck, and went all powdery, so got some treatment which worked(!!) 2 coats of emulsion, and a coat at of colour later, and some blood sweat and tears and it's fab! Left one wall completely white and we are going to use that as a feature wall to put wall art on....wasn't intentional, we just didn't have enough paint to cover, and thought rather than buy more, would make a feature out if it once we know the sex! About to wash all clothes as It's so nice and hang them out! Didn't realise I had so much!
Loving mat leave so far....I'm not bored yet!! Went to a spa yesterday just for an eyebrow wax, going to book a spa day I think - only 75£ and get 4 treatments and a lunch!! Got a facial booked for 2 weeks time, and going to get hair done and nails too, so will be skint but relaxed!! (If I pay by cash my oh will never know....sshhhhh!!)
Got growth scan today to check on fibroids and baby position before consultant appt in 3 weeks, my mum is coming with me as she has never seen a scan before, she's v excited! xx
Hi all. I'm still so disorganised! Room nowhere near sorted but I guess I'll sort when I leave work in two and a half weeks. Mini hospital bag is done due to our road trip. Got home late last night and we're exhausted today. Got second antenatal class at 6:30pm but oh has announced he isn't coming as needs some time alone. He can't understand why I'm so upset about it so I've given up talking about it. Feeling tired and drained and sad. So much to go but can't be bothered to do anything today!!! X
Oh vic sorry to hear you're feeling so rough again :(
Cherry, I'd be equally as pissed off! Surely the whole point of them is you're both there so it isn't just one of you trying to remember everything. Hope he comes round to the idea.
Glad to hear lots of nurseries are almost ready, we haven't had that issue as we only have a 1 bedroomed flat but we've painted our room to freshen it up a bit so that feels good :) x
OMG..... The carpet for my DS's room is now not arriving till next Wednesday!!!! So can't make up his furniture or move his clothes and him out the nursery to wash and baby's clothes and put them away.

Also my car broke down Sunday as couldn't find anything wrong with it and it started again fine, broke down again last night, thought we'd got to the bottom of it, a new relay (so about £6 - woo hoo bonus) well turns out it isn't and MIGHT be my fuel pump, so that's gonna be about £250/£300 with labour and that might not even be the problem, meanwhile I have no car to get to the hospital or get home with baby and with the bank holiday no mechanics open to help me :-(

Grrrrrr. - rant over, pregnancy wise I'm all good, no twinges etc (probably a good thing hey lol)
This baby is putting some major pressure on my back and downstairs today lol! Think he wants out!

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