* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

My I've pop addiction is crazy I take them to bed with me :-/ so I then end up peeing all bloody night 100 I've been through this week if not more , I have a couple left till I get to Asda tomoro I like the orange ones best cos they are the crunchier ones , if I don't get I e pops wen I need them I start chewing the skin inside my mouth , love when I'm in labour I empty the ice machine on labour ward lol it best b full wen I go in or there be trouble lol soon as I give birth the craving is gone just like that lol weirdo ain't i hehe xx
Aww I really hope it all goes as well as it can for you cherry.

Vic although that's a really sweet thought about letting someone else use it you never know unless you try it, you may end up loving it. You may change your mind in labour anyway but it's worth giving it a go and just getting out if you don't like it. With my first it was in a separate room so when I got out I went back to a other room and with my second they had a birth pool in all the rooms so I could get in and out as I wanted. I planing using it again if it's free but I think there I only 2 in our hospital.

Wow jojo that's a lot of ice pops. I am eating a few at the mo (never did before) but dont think I could get through that many!! Lol. Xxx
I really would like a wart birth this time, we have a few at our hospital but they are mainly in the midwife led unit. There's one in triage and one in the delivery ward, so just got to hope for the best as the triage 1 they prefer to only use for the early stages and I'm under consultant so have no chance of using the MLU ones so all being well no one is in the main delivery suite one lol.
Also it's to the discretion of the team on at the time, I have been told by my consultant there is no reason I shouldn't be allowed it even though I need to be on an IV and baby needs monitoring, but who ever is working at the time may just refuse me access to it - so we'll have to see! X
Morning all, hope we all slept well - no stupid o'clock posts must be a good sign! I'm up bright an early for our road trip! Been to morrisons and bought nappies, maternity pads, nipple pads and will take a couple of baby grows, hats, blankets and my bounty pack for my mini hospital bag just in case lol... I wonder if I should put on the car seat just in case??? Now waiting for argos to open as I've lost my tomtom charger and then we're off! Wish us luck lol, it's a glorious day for a drive :) xxxx
Morning all! Start of a busy-ish week for me! Couple of doctors and hospital appointments! I might aswell live there until I have baby! Ah well, couldn't ask for more on point doctors :)
Lovely day for a road trip! Although yesterday I spent an over an hour in the car through on the hills - did start to get a bit travel sick. Had to stop for ice cream on Exmoor. Hehe! Hope it all goes well as it can do, sounds like your super prepared incase of an arrival!

I so want to commence the great wash, but want to save it for when I go on mat leave! Deary me! X
Morning Ladies,

Hope you all had a lovely weekend, it wasn’t great weather where I live but today is a lovely day :). I’m hoping hubby can get the grass cut after work, it’s out of control!!

Had the midwife on Friday, everything fine, measuring at the high end of small on my chart which is ok and nothing to worry about just means he could be a little tot. Bloods came back low on iron so I’ve to go and collect a prescription for iron tablets later on today. I thought we would have done my birth plan but she said she will do it next time, not back to see her until 2nd May and I’m due on 11th !

I’ve had a lot of pain down below, not sure if its pressure or what, I thought it was but I’m not sure if pressure should be painful or just uncomfortable? I could hardly move in bed last night without it being terribly sore.
My mattress protector arrived so that’s now on the bed and ready in case waters decide to come through the night lol I’ve been drinking tonic water and my restless legs have really calmed right down (hope I’m not jinxing myself) I’ve had quite good sleeps the past couple of nights without having any leg trouble. I thought I would have to build the tonic water up and keep drinking it but it worked the first night of drinking it and its surprisingly quite nice without gin haha!

This is my last week at work WOOOOHOOOOOOO! Finish up on Friday afternoon, I have a half day ;). X
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hope you have a good journey Cherry. I would put the carseat in. Mine has been in the boot of the car for the last week, but mainly because I have no room in the house!

Gemma, hope all is well at your appts today.

Ashleigh, re pain down below, my baby's head has been bouncing around in or on my pelvis and bladder this past week. Quite uncomfortable and makes me kind of gasp when he does it. Feels like grinding down below? Also, he pushes upwards with his bottom against my ribs and that is quite uncomfy too. This then starts off some BH which leave me breathless! Oh the joys!

Sproglett - I would kind of like to leave out the warts from my birth, hahaha!
Seriously though, it is horrible having to rely on pure luck and timing as to whether you get the pool or not. I am in the same position. I really want the pool for pain relief and to support my body with this sjd as I think my ability to walk and move around will be limited and I am NOT lying on a bed to give birth! Not sure if there is really anything we can do?
Thank you :) everything should be fine, just awaiting on an appointment time to see a fetal medicine specialist this week!
Ooh well done for the pre journey shopping Cherry and best to be safe rather than sorry. Have a safe journey.

Good luck for your appointments Gemma - at least you know you're in good hands.

Sorry you felt sick jazzy but pleased the ice cream helped. I must try some ice pops by the way ;) especially now our freezer is in the living room lol

Ashleigh - like a few of us I have more pain down there too! Some of it is just weird beat/pulse type stuff but it feels as though baby is head butting down there and trying to get out lol

I might give the pool a go, it may help with pelvic pain, though I'm not sure what that'll be like alongside contractions!
I think babies are getting us ready. I've been having pains/pressure down there...just more uncomfortable than hurty. bit like fanny daggers but last longer and not so sharp, perhaps baby's head causing issues.
I'm currently waiting for a friend to come over with her 10 month old, and we are off for a walk to the coffee shop. dissertation distraction :-D
oh I'm so naughty!
nice easy week at work this week to look forward to - only doing a day and a half! x
Have a safe journey Cherry! Good luck for appointments Gemma, its good to know they are keeping a close eye on you at least. You have to take a break Jazzy, enjoy the sun for a bit : )

I defo think babies are starting to get us ready. I think as a group we are doing well though no early babies yet!

I really want a water birth, but there is only one pool at my hospital too. It make me anxious as I really really want it, but know that I shouldn't get my hopes up. Apparently its not used that much, its more if there are enough staff on at the time for you to use it! My midwife said I should have a home birth if I really wanted a water birth. But I live a long way from the hospital and with it being my first baby I just didn't fancy it.

Got my hospital bags packed last night finally : ) 4weeks to go, whoop! xxxx
Cherry - I'd take the car seat, mines been on the base and in my car for the last few weeks.

FAO - I didn't even realise I wrote that, hahaha, oops.... Oh well gold for a giggle. I had no choice on my bed birth last time and I hated it, I was in so mic pain :-(.

Gemma - hope the appointment all go well.

Ashleigh - I've only discussed my birth plan today, haven't started writing one yet though, don't know if I'm going to lol.
I am gonna hope I get to try a water birth. I think I would hate having to stay on a bed, I think I would much prefer to move around.
my friend used a birthing seat and she said that was good, to be able to sit up with her oh behind her.
is it weird that I'm kinda looking forward to being in labour? x
I dunno what I want haha I've decided to just go with the flow, think there's 1 pool at my hospital, will see on saturday as we're goin to have a look around. I'm definitely not lookin forward to labour haha just want it done and out the way. Had my midwife app today and everything was fine, says it sounds like I have a touch of spd as I ache from my groin to my knees during the night, as long as I keep active during the day it doesn't bother me but first thing on a morning, wow it's hard to get up haha. It's my first day of maternity leave today and I'm a bit bored already lol need to find a hobby xx
Growth scan went fine, babys head is reallyyyyyy far down! Also got my appointment time for Thursday to see a consultant about inducing! Yeyyyy
Woop we made it! Took a long time but we had lots of stops and were very relaxed about it. Actually had quite a nice time. Hotel is gorgeous and right by the sea. Just wish we were having a holiday instead of a funeral... X
hi there. Will update more soon but Baby Maia arrived via emergency c-section at 9.17am weighing 6lbs. She's had a rocky start and we are being transferred to Glasgow but i hope things are looking positive
Congratulations Emma, think your our first May mummy! Hope your both doing well and have a speedy recovery xxxxx

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