* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Hey hun, I'm carrying a breech monkey, I get kicked in my foof, thumped in my stomach and head but in my ribs. My DS was in the correct position quite early and he used to kick around my belly button, thump my foof and stick his butt in my ribs. So I guess you can't be sure from movements x
Welcome over everyone :) , my baby is very very lively the last few days and sometimes feels like he/she is shuddering it's whole body it's so odd lol , and today the movements made my whole torso move quite violently like the baby is running out if room already it's like I remember my others but much later more like 35 weeks ish , I know I'm measuring 2-3 bigger and baby is 50th centile which for me is bigger than my usual babies so could be I'm not used to big movements this early but hell felt like was trying to escape lmao xx

I'm having exactly the same feelings hun! I think baby is having a major party in there lol! I don't know how big baby is yet (find out on Friday hopefully) but I have the feeling he's bigger then my first at this stage.

Is your baby head down? Mine has been at every scan and I get a lot of movement done low at the top of my cervix and even my rectum lol! This evening, he had one particularly violent movement and the top of my arse wobbled! :D
As far as I know my baby is head down or head just to the side I feel back and bum just under belly button and then the legs curl round I think , but movement I get what I think is a hand near my foof area elbows and ones near my belly button I don't get nothing higher than about 2 inches above my belly button, it all depends on now big ur torso is mine is quite normal some ppl have a short torso so there for get high up movements quite early on and then the full on under ribs later on and then u have those taller ppl with long torso who get all movement quite low compared to some of us , it's quite impossible for us to know by feel alone as we arnt a midwife and I've had 6 other babies and I still have no idea lol,xxx
As far as I know my baby is head down or head just to the side I feel back and bum just under belly button and then the legs curl round I think , but movement I get what I think is a hand near my foof area elbows and ones near my belly button I don't get nothing higher than about 2 inches above my belly button, it all depends on now big ur torso is mine is quite normal some ppl have a short torso so there for get high up movements quite early on and then the full on under ribs later on and then u have those taller ppl with long torso who get all movement quite low compared to some of us , it's quite impossible for us to know by feel alone as we arnt a midwife and I've had 6 other babies and I still have no idea lol,xxx

Well I just had a scan today and baby is actually breech! So goodness knows what he's tickling my cervix with because his head and feet are up near my ribs lol.

I have had some strong rolling movements over the last few weeks though, so I suspect he's changing position quite a bit.

I'm very short, but have an average torso I think. Though my bump has always been higher than average for dates, when I was 24wks it was way higher than my belly button. I looked at old photos from my last pregnancy and I'm definitely carrying this one higher.

Here's my scan pics from today, I've got more on the CD but these are the ones I asked them to print out.


Aww they are real gd pics :) , it's so hard to tell how they are laying isn't it head and buts can feel the same and fists can be mistaken fir feet lol , cannot wait till my scan next week see how mine is laid x
Gorgeous piks hun and welcome to the breech club. Fingers crossed both our little monkeys turn x
Aww they are real gd pics , it's so hard to tell how they are laying isn't it head and buts can feel the same and fists can be mistaken fir feet lol , cannot wait till my scan next week see how mine is laid x

You're not kidding there lol. I was rubbing what I thought was a bum yesterday, turns out it was probably his head! :D

Gorgeous piks hun and welcome to the breech club. Fingers crossed both our little monkeys turn x

I'm sure they will, probably at the last minute after we've been scared senseless being told we'll have to have c-sections. :D
Amazing pics, just commented on your thread. Just had my 28 week appointment. All was good, was measuring 26.5 which is in the middle of my chart so all good. Took a few attempts to get blood and then had my anti d so arm took a bit of a battering, lol.

As I suspected baby is probably transverse, they aren't worried at the moment though xxx
Aww Suffolkmum he's lovely :) great pics.

I have no idea what mine is up to today! I've just been booted in the ribs! Also I feel so bloated up there which feels awful. I eat and feel bloated straight away. Suppose I better get used to it! Just had to run to pee as I was in agony after a couple of hours out in a coffee shop! Last week it didn't bother me! Had so much more movement generally the last few days.

Aww Rachel - got my bloods and anti D on Tuesday. Not looking forward to it as I haven't had injection since I was 17. Not bothered about blood being taken so think I'll be ok? :) how big was the needle?! :( xx
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Oh and it usually takes them at least 5 mins to get a vein. Why the appts are 15 mins long with all they have to do I'll never know. Both my last two have been half an hour! So this time - talking about physio for SPD, general health, urine sample, measurements, heartbeat, bloods and injection...how is this one going to be 15 minutes?! X
Mine have all been quick so far but this one was defiantly longer. Yep you will be fine. The needle going in is fine. Quite a lot of fluid to go in so you feel a bit of pressure as its a muscle injection but it doesn't hurt xxxxx
Got my anti d Monday and scan and consultant hoping they do it in arm, was meant to get bloods aswel but had them done last week wen I had my gtt test so that is all done and dusted , why is pregnancy all about beeing a dam pin cussion lol xx
Glad you didn't find it painful Rachaell, my hospital do it in your leg, I know they do the double dose, which some do and some still dont. I remember it vividly with my DS as well as the nurse that did it, I found it painful and found my leg hurt for the rest of the day, but everyone is different, mine is tomorrow with this baby.
Mine have all been quick so far but this one was defiantly longer. Yep you will be fine. The needle going in is fine. Quite a lot of fluid to go in so you feel a bit of pressure as its a muscle injection but it doesn't hurt xxxxx

Thank you :) I'm sure my midwife said that the injection will be in my arm, so fingers crossed it doesn't hurt too much. I think I can remember the weird pressure feeling rather than pain when I had the one years and years ago! X
Glad you didn't find it painful Rachaell, my hospital do it in your leg, I know they do the double dose, which some do and some still dont. I remember it vividly with my DS as well as the nurse that did it, I found it painful and found my leg hurt for the rest of the day, but everyone is different, mine is tomorrow with this baby.

Hope it doesn't hurt as much this time xx
Can I join you girls....just creeping into tri 3 and feel like this has all happened too quick! It was only yesterday I was in tri 1 - well that's what it feels like!! I'm due 28 may xxx
Of course mouse! :) it's going soooo quickly!!! X
Hope it doesn't hurt as much this time xx

Thanks, I'm terrible with needles anyway, I just don't like them. This bigger made me cry lol. Will let you know how I get on. X
Welcome mouse I kwym it's gone so quickly think having Xmas bang in middle helped it pass quickly , can't believe it's almost march it seems mad , hope ur jab don't hurt to much sproglet , mine seems like a gd day to have it as I see baby on scan on same day makes it bearable lol xx

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