* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Well the countdown is really beginning now.

Already feel so heavy, and can't bend over easily, and get out of breath a lot.
Awwww hun, this lo never EVER stops wiggling, all day from when I wake till when I go to sleep and if I wake in the night too all I get is kick, wiggle, kick, kick lol, nothing like his/her big brother who NEVER moved.
Omg :shock:

Are you counting to 37 weeks then? My first was 37.4 but the last two were between 40 and 42 so thinking I might go over with this one. Who knows?

I remember you saying Jacob was early, so hopefully you will cook this little one a bit longer, eh!

Every time I think about the birth, I think about all the things I have to do in the house first! And then I feel so tired and fed up just keeping on top of everyday chores, I never have time for the massive clear out we still need to do. Hopefully when I'm on mat leave I will have more time. With working in week and only just weekends to get stuff done, its so hard at the moment. Wish I could bend over without turning purple, lol.
Awww bless you, I'm counting to 40w but 37 would be a massive mile stone for me. I'm high risk for prem labour this time but just feel like this one is going to go over lol.

I totally understand what you
Mean about going purple. I definitely can't do as much now with Jacob as I'd like, I just feel like I'm worn out by moving but I'm loving it. X
Morning everyone, got my 28w midwife appointment today! Hopefully iron levels will be up with blood tests and baby is measuring average, got growth scan on Friday too. Woke my OH up during the night snoring, that's a first for me! Baby will just not sit still, little wriggler xx
Hi Hayley, hope tests went ok today. I have my barrage of them on Monday.

Hey Sprog - 28 weeks today!!!!!! For me, this feels more like the viable date, because that it what it used to be back when I had my first child (centuries ago now, lol). I cannot believe we are on the home stretch. It seems so soon and at the same time so far away. How does that work? :lol:

I am such in two minds about work atm. Enjoy work a lot when I am stuck into it, but also fed up having to heave myself to work and last the day there too. Perhaps I can't decide how I feel about anything right now. Note to self - do not make any major decisions until headfog clears.....
Yay 28weeks...

I can help but always think well only so many weeks till I had my DS and scaring myself half to death as his room isn't ready for us to move him into yet so that baby can have the nursery. In fact it's not even close!

I only work 2 days a week as could commit to more days due to excessive appointments etc for me DS but it's worked our well as I don't particularly want to go, but like you once I'm there and stuck in, I do enjoy it.

Yeah decision making is definitely not your forte right now bless you.

Got my growth scan on Thursday
:-) yay x
Hello, all went fine, don't have consultant appointment until Thursday so will get more info then but baby is weighing app 1269g, about 2lb 8 I think, which from lookin around online I think is pretty average. She was kicking away happily makin the sonographers job hard as usual haha. I'm undecided when to leave work too, need to hand matb1 in with a provisional date. Am thinking week running upto Good Friday, give me nearly 3 weeks before due date xxx
That's me into tri 3 now apparently! Hope everyone is well. I'm being sent to Birmingham for a weeks training for work this week and am struggling with the idea of being away from hubby and cat for a week. Also a bit nervous about bring so far from my hospital
Etc! Still, at least staying in a hotel for a week and not having to cook or clean for a week is good!
Awww irishemma you'll be fine hunny :-) think positive!

Hayley_may I know what you mean I'm breaking up the last Friday in March but that's purely to being high risk of prem labour. I was due to go on mat leave 9days before my DS was due, luckily I wasn't at work when my waters went lol x
I hate the thought of her coming early though and me not having a chance to chill a little and do once over on house for final prep. Think ill finish 11th April and hope she doesn't come too early if at all early ha. I know I'll be itching to have her here by then though xx
It's scary to think it's only 6 weeks till my DS came - must stay positive that baby WILL stay in till 37 + lol
Good morning xx I will officially join you next week but sticking my head a bit early to say hello and oh my God third trimester...
With the twins being so unpredictable and high risk for early labor the third trimester may not be a huge wait for me...though preferably and ideally will cook until 37 weeks at least xx 38 is even better lol xx
No major problems until now xx I am huge and I have often pelvic pain but yeah it will only get worse so I may as well "enjoy" those last weeks that I can still walk.
All shopping bar the cot beds is done and the only thing that remains is to decorate the 2 nurseries and put everything in place.
Currently we have tons of unopened packages with things for the twins piled up in the hallway...
The babies will share the same nursery and the same bed for the first couple of months. A previsionary nursery at the first main floor of the house so they don't wake Amelie who sleeps upstairs. Once one of them starts sleeping a bigger part of the night the will be moved upstairs in the same room but separate beds and once one of them starts sleeping trough they will be moved in separate rooms.
Did I mention how not so ready I am for 3 under 2 years old??????
Awwww hunny, bless you, I know what you mean about being high risk of prem labour as you know. I'm hoping to cook to 37weeks too lol. You're a lot more organised than me by the sound of it. And 3 under 2 scared the living day lights out of me. I was rather amused winding my hunny up though saying what if there is 2 in there this time, he was rather restful that there isn't lol x
I belong here now :) Irishemma we are due the same day, wonder who will pop first ;) X
Hi ladies, looks like its my turn to join too :) so excited, can't believe we are tri 3! Xxxxx

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