* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Popping in to say hi :) few more days il be over here :) how exciting , just had gt test today sat waiting the 2 hours for next bloods so bored yawnnnn , hope everyone is well xxx
It's unreal how quick, only 11 weeks to go on Saturday, we're gonna get nursery decorated this weekend hopefully x
Thought I would share with you ladies, our boy was caught smiling at us today, little monkey :) . X


  • 27+3 scan.jpg
    27+3 scan.jpg
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Oh Hayley don't remind me lol. Still have so much to do, my DS is still in the nursery as I'm currently moving all the sockets etc (well my DH is) in the room he'll be going into, got to book my plasterer so then I can get underway with the new skirting, architrave, carpet, door and painting his pirate theme lol.

Stunning scan pic Ashleigh x
Just popping in to say hi......just over 2 weeks and I'll be here too.....where the heck has the time gone??? Xx
We think tri2 went quick, apparently tri3 flies in too, before we know it all our babies will be turning 1 !!! Welcome to the new ladies :) . X
Almost tri 3 and I still have no name for my baby :-/ we seriously need to sit down and look together , we like Annalise for a middle name for a girl but that's as far as we have gotten lol no boy names as yet , I remember having a convos bk in the early days about names n dan and kids saying oh fgs we have plenty of time well hello we don't have plenty of time now and we are still nameless! Oh and I still need my pram! So un organised this time I'm usualy all done by now but money is hankering my plans! Does not help we have a holiday to pay for by June about a grande left on it :-/ oh bring on the stress lol xx
Almost tri 3 and I still have no name for my baby :-/ we seriously need to sit down and look together , we like Annalise for a middle name for a girl but that's as far as we have gotten lol no boy names as yet , I remember having a convos bk in the early days about names n dan and kids saying oh fgs we have plenty of time well hello we don't have plenty of time now and we are still nameless! Oh and I still need my pram! So un organised this time I'm usualy all done by now but money is hankering my plans! Does not help we have a holiday to pay for by June about a grande left on it :-/ oh bring on the stress lol xx

Hubby & I were the same, we had 3 girls names (Abbie,Lillie & Dallas) and no boys that we could agree on! We decided to wait and see what we were having before we got stressed and low and behold we are having a boy, we had name chat EVERY SINGLE DAY until we agreed on a name, we would just shout names at each other or read stories in the paper or listen out for something nice on TV lol. We have decided on "Corey" :) I hope you get a name chosen soon, people always say oh you'll know when you see him but I don't think I could handle being in labour and still have no name lol!

Have you been pram browsing or had a look online? I looked at loads online and had 1 picked and then went to a shop and looked at the 1 I had picked and didn't like it, ended up going for something completely different. We have chosen the iCandy Cherry in black, its also one of the cheaper iCandies as money isn't growing on tree's for us either unfortunately, just go around some shops and have a play around with them :) . X
Hey ladies, had my growth scan today, baby head is measuring about right (my DS has fluid on his brain and measured approx 7w ahead so this is really positive news) belly measures just over a week ahead (my DS was the same, apparently I bake them chunky) and legs are measuring 3w behind (which is a sign of the genetic condition my DS is being screened for :-( ) but all in all, baby seems to be doing well. I have another growth scan booked at 36+5 so my consultant said she wants baby to still be in then lol.
Still breech, but my consultant said there is no reason I shouldn't be allowed a water birth as long as baby turns, I manage to go full term and I have clear waters this time (if they go) which is good as I was told it may be a low chance of me having one. So I'm a happy bunny :-) x
Yer I did want the silvercross wayfarer but I've changed my mind now I want the silvercross elegance :) il be doing a lot of walking and baby will use the pram to nap in downstairs so wanted summet roomy and suitable for sleeping in , I'm going to try get a hardly used second hand one cos ppl buy these big prams and then realise shit they won't fit in boot lol we have a vectra so it will fit fine if need be , I realy like it it's very classy looking and the bag is gawjus that comes with it , I'm very excited to get it but just end to save now and hopefully by about 37 weeks il go get one, glad all seems ok sproglet :) xxx
Hey ladies, had my growth scan today, baby head is measuring about right (my DS has fluid on his brain and measured approx 7w ahead so this is really positive news) belly measures just over a week ahead (my DS was the same, apparently I bake them chunky) and legs are measuring 3w behind (which is a sign of the genetic condition my DS is being screened for :-( ) but all in all, baby seems to be doing well. I have another growth scan booked at 36+5 so my consultant said she wants baby to still be in then lol.
Still breech, but my consultant said there is no reason I shouldn't be allowed a water birth as long as baby turns, I manage to go full term and I have clear waters this time (if they go) which is good as I was told it may be a low chance of me having one. So I'm a happy bunny :-) x

So good to hear about the scan results! The short legs could totally be because baby takes after you in being a shorty and its nothing to worry about. We are the same height btw, lol! Us shorties have to stick together!! Let's hope anyway, but there is no point worrying about "might be's" and "could be's". Best wait to see what issues you are actually facing when more is known and certain. God I wish I could take my own advice sometimes!

Anyway, fx all is fine and this baby is cooking til fully oven ready! Breech is irrelevant at this stage btw as baby has room to move up, down and back again.
Thanks fao, I know there's plenty of time to turn and just hoping he/she cooperates lol.
Little legs is very much likely with mummy being 5'2" and daddy being a huge 5'5" lol. Poor little peanut has no chance.
I'm so in love, I've really let myself get emotionally attached this time to my bump (which I found really hard with my DS) :-) so happy.
Managed to get my first full night sleep in a week last night as my little man has had/got hand foot and mouth, finally starting to recover and let mummy know by letting her sleep! What a good toddler. X
Wow yas realy are short asses arnt yas lol I cAnt talk I'm only around 5.2 aswel oh is 5.9 my girls are only small but my biys are all quite tall my youngest Bradley he was my biggest born and longest although he was always small but when he hit 13 he just shot up he's the biggest out my boys now around 5.9 and he's only 14! So I think that's probs why ur little baba has short legs hehe xx happy valentines day ladies :) xxx
EEEEEEEEhhhhhhhhhh coming across to tri 3 from today :D EXCITING!!! xxx
My bubba has above average femur length...gonna have long leggies!! Maybe because I'm 5'8 and hubby is 6'2 though!! xxx
Welcome to tri3 dooeyona :-) perhaps your and my baby should share out the femur's equally and be nice about it lol.

Yeah Jojo we're an average bunch of midgets lol. My DS was always on 50th centile for legs in pregnancy, this one is below the 5% bless him/her x
Awww sprog, jokes aside, I hope all the measurements even out by the time this peanut is ready to come. Baby still has a lot of growing to do, and plenty of time to do it yet.

We are 29 weeks today!!

I think that once we get to next week with the number 3 in there, it will seem so very real! :shock:
Thanks fao, I hope he/she does some serious growing.
Yeah next Saturday seems really quite crazy!!!!

Happy 29w hunny x

Also Jojo, it's your official 1st day in tri2 - woop woop
Have a lovely weekend ladies!!

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