* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

I was thinking jo, in theory with you being due first and not being a first timer, kath being induced at 39 weeks and me probably hanging on for bloody weeks, it's most likely we'll have our babies in that order, so how about kath does yours, I do kaths, and you do mine (by which point hopefully you'll be well settled at home with your little one!). Does that sound sensible? Xx

Yer that seems like a gd idea to me Lucy :) I'm sure kath will agree aswel :) xxx
I've been feeling really ill after I eat in the evenings. Proper bloated, achey and sick. It's horrible. I guess it's cos there's not as much room in there anymore :( xxx
I'm getting bad heartburn again, mostly starts on an afternoon. Slight nausea too like it was in tri 1, and also feeling huge and very squished on an evening. Just about to do some housework and cannot be bothered haha, moses basket was delivered today though I love it! My back is very achey, looking forward to a hot bath later whilst oh is out at drum practice :-) xxx
Hi girls, hope you're all doing well. :)

I had an unscheduled appt with the midwife yesterday. I've only just discovered that my 3yr old's umbilical cord had an abnormal attachment and wanted to ask for another scan to see if it's happened this time. If it has, I'm probably going to scrub the home birth as there are some possible risks during delivery. I've been referred for a chat with a consultant in just over two weeks. I'm really nervous as the midwife said he doesn't have a great bedside manner lol. Just want him to give me the damn scan!

I also discovered that I'm not anaemic after all! My levels are 10.6 which is apparently fine for a woman at my stage of pregnancy. It would only be considered a bit low for a non-pregnant woman. The midwife advised me to continue taking the liquid supplement I'm on if I wanted to and they would only worry if my levels have dropped further in a few weeks. So much for thinking I was past being jabbed with needles lol!

Today I've finished assembling the nursery furniture. It can't go in the nursery yet, but I need hubby to varnish it and I've also been painting the door/drawer knobs to match the duck egg furnishings I'll be adding. Can't wait for the room to be painted and new carpet laid down - all happening next week!

I've also got new off-road wheels for my pushchair! Had to order them through a friend in the US as they aren't available over here and was annoyed at the hefty customs charge I got stung for, but they look great so I'm happy lol.
Hello ladies! Hope you're all well and bump buddied up!! Our nursery furniture arrived yesterday and it's lovely...so happy with it! BUT...I've decided I want to change the paint colour now that I see it in the room much to hubby's dismay (he just painted it!!) He just sat with his head in his hands shaking his head and laughing at me!! OOPS!! Can't wait until it's all finished now though. Been buzzing about today, unable to sit still! Done about 6 hours of cleaning, pottering about..the start of nesting maybe??
Also getting sore groin / undercarriage!!! Hurts when walking, rolling over in bed etc and gets worse as the day goes on. Hope it's not the start of SPD?! xxx
Happy 29 weeks to me ;)
Still havent found a bump bud xxx
have you girls done your nurserys and started to collect things together for hosp bag xx
My nursery all done x


  • received_m_mid_1393186503725_afe9b63e4bd3114107_0.jpg
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Aww lovely nursery Loz!

Hope all May mummies have had a lovely sunny day today, I have! Woke up in a really good mood, managed a quick walk around town, spent the afternoon in a pub beer garden with friends and some yummy food!
My pain feels much more manageable the last two days, I've really bandaged my hips up and been doing a pregnancy Pilates 10 minute video each day. Wonder if it's doing me some good?

Bought a few baby items from next earlier, the lady asked me if I wanted a gift receipt, me and my friend had a chuckle as she was saying that you couldn't really tell I was pregnant in my new spring top!

Hi all. Glad you're having good weekends!! We were productive today, picked the tiles and suite for the bathroom in my old flat which we're in the process of doing up to rent out, then walked into the city for lunch (had to get a taxi home I was so tired) had a bit of a rest then went for a carvery with oh's auntie. Just got back and already in bed. Hardcore lol. I've noticed I'm getting a lot of downy hair on my bump - anyone else? It's odd and I don't like it!! X
Omg jazzy you're so lucky! On the way out of the cafe at lunch earlier the waitress shouted to me "good luck with the little one!!" and I hadn't mentioned it. I am pretty massive though :(
Hi ladies, sickness eased off a bit...unfortunately cheese seems to be the culprit, I love cheese :( had a lovely weekend went to Stratford and bought some baby clothes, and as team yellow lots of white (practical eh??!!) and neutral. Most things ticked Off list, just waiting for an empty spare room to paint and get a new carpet, and can then get cracking in putting everything up! Can't wait! Only have 24 days left at work, but still have 5 days left to take before I leave....
Lovely sunny day here, amazing how a bit of sunshine makes you feel happier! X
Hi girls, hope you're all doing well. :)

I had an unscheduled appt with the midwife yesterday. I've only just discovered that my 3yr old's umbilical cord had an abnormal attachment and wanted to ask for another scan to see if it's happened this time. If it has, I'm probably going to scrub the home birth as there are some possible risks during delivery. I've been referred for a chat with a consultant in just over two weeks. I'm really nervous as the midwife said he doesn't have a great bedside manner lol. Just want him to give me the damn scan!

I also discovered that I'm not anaemic after all! My levels are 10.6 which is apparently fine for a woman at my stage of pregnancy. It would only be considered a bit low for a non-pregnant woman. The midwife advised me to continue taking the liquid supplement I'm on if I wanted to and they would only worry if my levels have dropped further in a few weeks. So much for thinking I was past being jabbed with needles lol!

Today I've finished assembling the nursery furniture. It can't go in the nursery yet, but I need hubby to varnish it and I've also been painting the door/drawer knobs to match the duck egg furnishings I'll be adding. Can't wait for the room to be painted and new carpet laid down - all happening next week!

I've also got new off-road wheels for my pushchair! Had to order them through a friend in the US as they aren't available over here and was annoyed at the hefty customs charge I got stung for, but they look great so I'm happy lol.

Really hope your appt goes ok in a couple of weeks. You never know - the consultant might be in a good mood! Hope so! And I hope you get the scan and all is ok.

Sounds like an exciting next week :) I love it when a plan comes together! (A-team reference intended!!!)

That's interesting about the anaemia. And good! I'm looking forward to asking my number! All I had before at 8 weeks was full blood count 140.

Hello ladies! Lovely and awful day at the same time yesterday! Went to see a friend in York and walked far too much, too much in and out of car too so my SPD went to new levels! Hips and joint where leg attached to bum (and at the front) locked and I was shuffling like a penguin. Also had about 50 severe dizzy spells throughout the day after two nights sleep and totally blurred vision. Saying that I'm almost pleased I went! So difficult being with people who are sympathetic but can't feel the pain or dizziness. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Got more sleep last night but in agony turning over - more than usual and I'm just sitting about mostly today! Hoping it'll go back to normal pain soon. I understand why some of you ladies are on crutches now. Totally get it. I couldn't cope with this every day. Though two people called my bump neat and I bought a lovely pair of booties! :)

Lou - sounds like a lovely productive day! :) pleased sickness has eased but sad news about the cheese :( I love cheese too.. The sun makes a great difference! It's fighting the cloud here!

Cherry that's good you're resting well! I already had hair on my bump before pregnancy haha!

Loz that nursery is lovely! So pretty xx
Hi ladies. Was having a good day today until I decided to inspect my bump in the mirror and under my bump, where I can't see by looking down normally, are loads of purple stretch marks :( I'm gutted cos I didn't think I had any :( all my oh has done since is laugh :( xxx

Sorry to hear about your dizziness and pain Vic but well done for going :)

Glad you found the cause of your sickness Lou - even if it is delicious cheese x
Happy 29 weeks to me
Still havent found a bump bud xxx
have you girls done your nurserys and started to collect things together for hosp bag xx

I'll be your bump buddy if you still need one. :) vic30 is doing my labour thread, but we're only a day apart, so probably wise to have multiple buddies lol.

Lovely nursery btw. I have a nursery thread on here somewhere, I'd be grateful if you'd add your pics to it. :)

Hi all. Glad you're having good weekends!! We were productive today, picked the tiles and suite for the bathroom in my old flat which we're in the process of doing up to rent out, then walked into the city for lunch (had to get a taxi home I was so tired) had a bit of a rest then went for a carvery with oh's auntie. Just got back and already in bed. Hardcore lol. I've noticed I'm getting a lot of downy hair on my bump - anyone else? It's odd and I don't like it!! X

Yes! I was only pointing out to hubby the other day how I've got a hairy bump lol. Fortunately it only shows in certain light.

Hi girls, hope you're all doing well.

I had an unscheduled appt with the midwife yesterday. I've only just discovered that my 3yr old's umbilical cord had an abnormal attachment and wanted to ask for another scan to see if it's happened this time. If it has, I'm probably going to scrub the home birth as there are some possible risks during delivery. I've been referred for a chat with a consultant in just over two weeks. I'm really nervous as the midwife said he doesn't have a great bedside manner lol. Just want him to give me the damn scan!

I also discovered that I'm not anaemic after all! My levels are 10.6 which is apparently fine for a woman at my stage of pregnancy. It would only be considered a bit low for a non-pregnant woman. The midwife advised me to continue taking the liquid supplement I'm on if I wanted to and they would only worry if my levels have dropped further in a few weeks. So much for thinking I was past being jabbed with needles lol!

Today I've finished assembling the nursery furniture. It can't go in the nursery yet, but I need hubby to varnish it and I've also been painting the door/drawer knobs to match the duck egg furnishings I'll be adding. Can't wait for the room to be painted and new carpet laid down - all happening next week!

I've also got new off-road wheels for my pushchair! Had to order them through a friend in the US as they aren't available over here and was annoyed at the hefty customs charge I got stung for, but they look great so I'm happy lol.

Really hope your appt goes ok in a couple of weeks. You never know - the consultant might be in a good mood! Hope so! And I hope you get the scan and all is ok.

Sounds like an exciting next week I love it when a plan comes together! (A-team reference intended!!!)

That's interesting about the anaemia. And good! I'm looking forward to asking my number! All I had before at 8 weeks was full blood count 140.


I hope he is, I'm bricking it rather lol! Must remember to call him Mr and not Dr or I'll be off on the wrong foot before we've even started lol.

Hello ladies! Lovely and awful day at the same time yesterday! Went to see a friend in York and walked far too much, too much in and out of car too so my SPD went to new levels! Hips and joint where leg attached to bum (and at the front) locked and I was shuffling like a penguin. Also had about 50 severe dizzy spells throughout the day after two nights sleep and totally blurred vision. Saying that I'm almost pleased I went! So difficult being with people who are sympathetic but can't feel the pain or dizziness. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Got more sleep last night but in agony turning over - more than usual and I'm just sitting about mostly today! Hoping it'll go back to normal pain soon. I understand why some of you ladies are on crutches now. Totally get it. I couldn't cope with this every day. Though two people called my bump neat and I bought a lovely pair of booties!

Lou - sounds like a lovely productive day! pleased sickness has eased but sad news about the cheese I love cheese too.. The sun makes a great difference! It's fighting the cloud here!

Cherry that's good you're resting well! I already had hair on my bump before pregnancy haha!

Loz that nursery is lovely! So pretty xx

Really do sympathise and understand about the dizziness. *hugs*

I was on crutches at the end of my last pregnancy. Think I need to see the physio again soon as my pelvis locks up if I dare sit down for more than five minutes and turning in bed is becoming excruciating at times.

Hi ladies. Was having a good day today until I decided to inspect my bump in the mirror and under my bump, where I can't see by looking down normally, are loads of purple stretch marks I'm gutted cos I didn't think I had any all my oh has done since is laugh xxx

Sorry to hear about your dizziness and pain Vic but well done for going

Glad you found the cause of your sickness Lou - even if it is delicious cheese x

I got my first stretch marks at 31 weeks with my last pregnancy. I really thought I'd managed to avoid them, but they appeared very suddenly. They will fade hun, I promise.
What a lovely sunny day ... hoping its like this while im off on mat leave ... when are all you may mummys finishing work xx
Hi ladies. Was having a good day today until I decided to inspect my bump in the mirror and under my bump, where I can't see by looking down normally, are loads of purple stretch marks I'm gutted cos I didn't think I had any all my oh has done since is laugh xxx

Sorry to hear about your dizziness and pain Vic but well done for going

Glad you found the cause of your sickness Lou - even if it is delicious cheese x

I got my first stretch marks at 31 weeks with my last pregnancy. I really thought I'd managed to avoid them, but they appeared very suddenly. They will fade hun, I promise.

Thanks. I was only bragging yesterday that I didn't have any :( just bought some bio oil from Amazon as it was quite cheap and have spent the afternoon sorting clothes to try and make myself feel better. My oh got annoyed at me for being upset and said I should be pleased to be pregnant. I am pleased.. I really wish men understood what it was like xxx
What a lovely sunny day ... hoping its like this while im off on mat leave ... when are all you may mummys finishing work xx

I'm (hopefully) going to 38 weeks so my last day will be 9th May. Only nine weeks to go eeeep!! X
I know Loz the weather has been stunning! Went to the garden centre and bought some new plants and then re did my window boxes and pots. My back is feeling sore from the bending now though, gone are the days when I could do a full day hard core gardening, digging beds and pruning! Lol.

Unfortunately I already have alot of stretch marks from loosing weight, I don't seem to particularly be gaining any more but I think I few on my hips are creeping further around to my tummy. I have tried every sort of cream but nothing really helps, at least it keeps your skin nice and soft though : ) xxxx
What a lovely sunny day ... hoping its like this while im off on mat leave ... when are all you may mummys finishing work xx

My maternity leave starts on April 28th but I am planning to take 2-3 weeks annual leave first. I can't wait - I'm feeling pretty tired one and will be glad to have time to get flat ready/make dinners for freezer etc.

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