I have that bloated can't bend in the middle feeling, baby kicks the side of my tummy near my ribs and makes me jump sometimes with the big ones. Today feeling like I need a wee but don't go when I try. Argh! Is it wrong to be over being pregnant now? Got the 'over due fed up' feeling already! X
When did you send your form off sproglett? I have no idea how long it takes to get any sort of confirmation back from them! Think I did mine just over a week ago. X
Sproglett how you been this week after visiting triage? Is baby moving plenty? Xx
I'm also over being pregnant! My oh started talking about having another one the other day and I said "I think I'm done being pregnant for a while!!!" It's our anniversary today so we're off for a meal tonight. Normally I'd be dolling myself up and getting excited but I so can't be bothered!! X
Hi Ladies, hope you all had lovely weekends in the sunshine!
I can't believe that we are getting fed up and uncomfortable with so many weeks still to go! I don't remember it being this bad last time, but I do share all of your sentiments at the moment.
Having said that, my back/pelvis pain has been a lot better for the last 3 days or so. touch wood this continues.
Had a private scan on Sunday and baby breech, back to my front and hiding his face into the placenta and not cooperating AT ALL!! Had to give up and did not get my dvd and just some rubbish photos. I am too far on to rebook, so hopefully I will get a partial refund.
I was lying in bed last night feeling the disappointment, and hey presto I feel a lot of squirmy movements and baby starts to turn! He spent a long time transverse - I could feel it!!
Had my 32 week NHS growth scan today and guess what? Baby now head down again. doh!!
Got them to check the gender again just to make sure, and yes, he is still a boy! And what a wriggly little bugger he is, ha!
Had my 4d scan last week it was amazing so gutted I missed out with my other 2 pregnancies. Here's a little pic. Didn't really move from the head area as were team yellow but still worth it![]()
Vic, I didn't get told by my MW about the WC vaccine, I read about it on this forum and booked myself in with the nurse at my GP practice. If you want it, then you might need to be proactive.