* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

That's a scary thought - it's not long at all now, and give or take a few weeks we'll have our babies! I'm so looking forward to finding out the gender. Everyone who saw the scan said boy xx
I have that bloated can't bend in the middle feeling, baby kicks the side of my tummy near my ribs and makes me jump sometimes with the big ones. Today feeling like I need a wee but don't go when I try. Argh! Is it wrong to be over being pregnant now? Got the 'over due fed up' feeling already! X

I'm totally over being pregnant now too. Sooooo sore and uncomfortable already.
When did you send your form off sproglett? I have no idea how long it takes to get any sort of confirmation back from them! Think I did mine just over a week ago. X

Haven't sent it yet, I had a pay rise about 7weeks ago and they ask for 13 weeks pay of your choice so will be using everyone possible since then, will be sending it once I break up from work in a couple of weeks, just concerned how long t'll take to start up.

Sproglett how you been this week after visiting triage? Is baby moving plenty? Xx

I didn't go up there hun, baby started to be more wiggly again, my midwife thinks he/she might have changed position so movements are not as strong, although baby is very very wiggly again now lol.

Had my whooping cough jab today, all went well, arm is still ok at the moment too :-)
I'm also over being pregnant! My oh started talking about having another one the other day and I said "I think I'm done being pregnant for a while!!!" It's our anniversary today so we're off for a meal tonight. Normally I'd be dolling myself up and getting excited but I so can't be bothered!! X
The evening of my whooping cough jab, I went to bed, tried to lay on that arm and I was so sore!! Had a little red spot swell up on it and it hurt over the weekend (jab was fri) but it's much better now xxx
Ah right I'll let you know then sproglett when I hear back about mine. Good idea about waiting as long as you can :) x
Ashleigh I have felt exactly the same today. My tummy feels so full and heavy and my baby keeps doing summersaults not just kicks. It actually hurts sometimes! They will be worth it but I do think eakk I will still get bigger!!!
Hi Ladies, hope you all had lovely weekends in the sunshine!

I can't believe that we are getting fed up and uncomfortable with so many weeks still to go! I don't remember it being this bad last time, but I do share all of your sentiments at the moment.

Having said that, my back/pelvis pain has been a lot better for the last 3 days or so. touch wood this continues.

Had a private scan on Sunday and baby breech, back to my front and hiding his face into the placenta and not cooperating AT ALL!! Had to give up and did not get my dvd and just some rubbish photos. I am too far on to rebook, so hopefully I will get a partial refund.

I was lying in bed last night feeling the disappointment, and hey presto I feel a lot of squirmy movements and baby starts to turn! He spent a long time transverse - I could feel it!!

Had my 32 week NHS growth scan today and guess what? Baby now head down again. doh!!

Got them to check the gender again just to make sure, and yes, he is still a boy! And what a wriggly little bugger he is, ha!
I'm also over being pregnant! My oh started talking about having another one the other day and I said "I think I'm done being pregnant for a while!!!" It's our anniversary today so we're off for a meal tonight. Normally I'd be dolling myself up and getting excited but I so can't be bothered!! X

Aww I hope you enjoy your meal anyway hun. I'm over being pregnant at the moment too. Feel awful saying that though!

That injection doesn't sound good! Mine hasn't been mentioned yet - must do our whooping cough one much later in pregnancy! Xx
Vic, I didn't get told by my MW about the WC vaccine, I read about it on this forum and booked myself in with the nurse at my GP practice. If you want it, then you might need to be proactive.
Hi Ladies, hope you all had lovely weekends in the sunshine!

I can't believe that we are getting fed up and uncomfortable with so many weeks still to go! I don't remember it being this bad last time, but I do share all of your sentiments at the moment.

Having said that, my back/pelvis pain has been a lot better for the last 3 days or so. touch wood this continues.

Had a private scan on Sunday and baby breech, back to my front and hiding his face into the placenta and not cooperating AT ALL!! Had to give up and did not get my dvd and just some rubbish photos. I am too far on to rebook, so hopefully I will get a partial refund.

I was lying in bed last night feeling the disappointment, and hey presto I feel a lot of squirmy movements and baby starts to turn! He spent a long time transverse - I could feel it!!

Had my 32 week NHS growth scan today and guess what? Baby now head down again. doh!!

Got them to check the gender again just to make sure, and yes, he is still a boy! And what a wriggly little bugger he is, ha!

Oh what a tinker baby you have - nothing else but a boy haha! Such a shame for the photos and DVD but pleased baby is on the move xx
Had my 32w growth scan yest, baby is weighing approx 4.4lb an between 50th and 90th centile across the board. She was a pleasure, lay head down kicking away at my ribs with her hands in her mouth, can't wait now! Xxxx
My girl has been jumping around bouncing and kicking non stop since yesterday morn lol
Just been watching my bump wobble all over the place ...even wake in the night and shes still at it
lol !! Still haven't found myself a bump bud yet ;(
hope you girlie's are all well xxx
Had my 4d scan last week it was amazing so gutted I missed out with my other 2 pregnancies. Here's a little pic. Didn't really move from the head area as were team yellow but still worth it :-)
Had my 4d scan last week it was amazing so gutted I missed out with my other 2 pregnancies. Here's a little pic. Didn't really move from the head area as were team yellow but still worth it :-)

Aww Sinead that pic is so cute :) xx
Vic, I didn't get told by my MW about the WC vaccine, I read about it on this forum and booked myself in with the nurse at my GP practice. If you want it, then you might need to be proactive.

Thanks for this fao. I had no idea. I think it's totally unacceptable - if it's not routinely given then it should be mentioned to us still, regardless of whether it's given at midwife appointment or by a nurse. Shouldn't have to come on forums like this or google to find out about it. Although after reading the comments in the Nhs website I'm not so sure I want it. But surely if it's of such great importance why isn't it mentioned to us? They bang on about the flu jab enough. Apologies for the rant! x
Was awake in the night and started worrying that the baby will hate me and I won't know how to look after them properly! We start NCT next week so no doubt its related to the anxiety about that! Have an urge to read tons of baby books now. Told OH and he said he was worrying yesterday about carrying the baby up and down the stairs!
Morning ladies. About to go in to my 29w mw appointment. Hoping she tells me my bump is a normal size as everyone keeps saying how massive I am! That's rubbish that not everyone is told about whooping cough jab!! Xxx
Kauto, your baby won't hate you. They'll love you so much cos you're they're mummy :) xxx

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