* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Glad everyone is doing ok. Great to see your pushchair arrived sproglett, how annoying about the colours though! Hope they sort it out soon. I've got 28w appt tomorrow and must make a list of things to ask the mw as I'll forget when I'm there ;) xx
What naughty babies! Living up to being tourian (?!) already!

Dooeyona my legs are deffo less spikey! Wish other areas would behave the same!

I have been to a concert today - with the special needs children in the class - and baby has not stooped wriggling all day!
Looking forward to my 28 week appointment Wednesday, the question that I must not forget to ask is for her to have a fee and see how baby is lying!

Sorry to hear you're having to worry about this pregnancy Sproglett. I hope it all comes to nothing. My friend seemingly went into premature labour at 31 weeks with her last baby, she had the steroid injections but then contractions stopped and nothing more happened until closer to her due date.

Fabulous happy stash there! :)

Yeah it must be so confusing - I'm presuming the one I'm taking will work regardless of what I take it with. I'm having it with evening meal to try to stop the nausea or anything similar. Oh I've been feeling like I'm going to die since December 2011 lol. I've been tested for pretty much everything without diagnosis. Considering it's got worse the last few weeks I can only presume it's to do with the pregnancy and possible lack of iron. I can cope with tiredness generally but this is awful. I should be used to it by now but it's still scary. I was hoping it would be something they'd missed hormone wise and pregnancy would sort it out haha.


I've had a couple of spells of dizziness with this pregnancy, but they didn't last thank goodness. I think vertigo is an awful condition to suffer from, but people who've never suffered from it don't really understand. When I had the neuritis, my head was spinning even if I was lying down, hubby had to help me in/out the bath and I crawled up and down he stairs, I was so scared of falling. It made me throw up every day and I used to lie on the floor and cry because I didn't know what was happening to me.

My best friend suffered from labyrinthitis for years and now has a profound fear of dizziness. If she ever needs to take something, if one of the possible side effects is vertigo, she won't take it. I found out that taking multivitamins makes me dizzy, now she won't touch them in case it happens to her.

I do hope you get some answers or at least it eases after you've had your baby. I think it probably will if it's already gotten worse since conceiving. I get tinnitus while pregnant, so clearly it makes all sorts of things happen to your balance system.

In other news, I've just spent two hours assembling this lol:


It's part of the furniture range I've ordered for the nursery. I can't build anything else until we have room to put it, but hubby allowed me this for now lol.

Aww that's so cute! Lovely! We've just order our nursery furniture and should get it in a few weeks :)

I feel your distress with the lying down spinning dizziness as it's awful and I don't think anyone can understand vertigo if they haven't been through it. It's so scary. The stuff hubby has had to help me with when I was really poorly for months I don't even want to go into! I don't blame your friend having a fear of her dizziness, and I did laugh when I took betahistine for a year as it says 'may cause dizziness' on the information leaflet! It's why I'm terrified of gas and air or anything like that. I had a colonoscopy and the sedation made me so dizzy I thought I was going to die, again! It's this type of scary dizziness that makes me have to consider leaving the house, driving, turning my head a certain way, turning round in a shop, getting up to make my lunch, even laughing and moving my eyes bring it on. I had that every for a year and I don't want to go back there! The ENT doctor said I had labyrinthitis but that was misdiagnosed and I never really had an answer from them as my eyes didn't dart about when I stared after having my head turned quickly so they ruled out positional vertigo and all sorts. I'm hoping it all doesn't get too bad again. It's awful feeling uncomfortable all day. It's also difficult explaining why I haven't worked for so long and that I don't have a diagnosis. Probably because they stopped investigating nearly a year ago! It makes it sound like I'm lying or exaggerating too as it's not like I'm falling about all over the place, it's just a constant feeling of movement, be it me or the room. It's one of those ailments where looking perfectly 'normal' doesn't help. "Well you look fine" doesn't go down well! Ok so I'm ranting now! Lol x

Don't be afraid to try gas and air hun. I'm terrified of anything that causes dizziness, but all the G&A did was make me feel a bit tipsy!

It's awful that they've not been able to find a cause. With my friend, it turned out she needed surgery in her nose to correct something, plus she has always had trouble with her eustachian tubes getting blocked.

Before I realised that multivits caused my dizziness, I was diagnosed with BPV and given betahistine as well. Not that it really helped, but I've still got it in the bathroom cabinet in case of a general dizziness episode when I'm not pregnant lol.
Thanks hun. I think I'll give it a try and I suppose if it did make me dizzy then I can stop it. Hey, I'll probably be dizzy anyway. I know, it's frustrating. It actually all started in my sinus area and I had antibiotics shoved at me for months, but trying to convince the ENT that sinus problems cause dizziness was a losing battle! He was just concerned with my ears with which they found no problem. I have lots if pressure in my nose and my forehead often goes puffy. It feels blocked at the top and it sounds odd but I can feel that's where it's stemming from. But I've had MRI and CT scans of my brain/head as I was smelling strange smells and had so much pressure in my head. I had so many symptoms at once so they didn't have a clue. I was hysterical though so I'm not surprised they thought I was depressed initially. I'd rather they had mentioned vertigo before depression though!

The betahistine was useless for me I think, however I came off it and then conceived so it will be interesting when my hormones go back to normal xx
I've got a weird lump on my right leg, near the bottom of my calf but on the inside leg. It feels like a bite but is a hard lump. Noticed it yesterday and it looked worse a couple of hours ago & hubby came in and said the leg looked puffy so we popped to doctors and randomly managed to get an appointment just waiting 20 mins - unheard of at our surgery. He looked down at my leg, asked if I was pregnant (usually look at tummy for that ;) and he got the tape measure out and started measuring both legs lol. I know he was checking for swelling due to a possible blood clot but said he he didn't think it was that at all. He's given me some pyriton type stuff and asked to see me tomorrow! "About 5pm? I'll book it in for you" pregnancy treatment eh? Never seen anything like it haha! I'm not bothered about the itchiness I'd just like to know what it is! Doesn't even seem to have a spot or puncture! X
Ooh suffolkmum where did you get that toy box from? Is it sturdy enough to sit on? We're downsizing our sofa to make room for baby things inthe lounge and I'm on the lookout for a toy box that is strong enough to double up as a seat if we have visitors as we'll only have a little 2 seater sofa. X
I a,so hate nighties I wear them in lanour that's it lol I ai t wearing a hospital Johnny no way lol
Ooooo meant to say Sproglett we found out last week bubs is defo a boy :blue: :) xx
Fab chloenat :-) I still struggle at my scans to say I don't want to know lol.

Jojo, with my DS they stripped the nighty off me I got myself for labour and put me in a hospital gown - oh the dignity lol x
Ooh suffolkmum where did you get that toy box from? Is it sturdy enough to sit on? We're downsizing our sofa to make room for baby things inthe lounge and I'm on the lookout for a toy box that is strong enough to double up as a seat if we have visitors as we'll only have a little 2 seater sofa. X

It's this one from argos hun: http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/1442227.htm

I haven't dared sit on it to be honest, because I'm feeling rather hefty at 164lbs lol, but it is very solid and sturdy so could probably cope fine. The picture doesn't show it's scale clearly though, so bear in mind it's only 70cm wide and would be rather snug with two adult bums on it lol.

I'm intending to fit a cushion on it so it's more comfy if anyone does end up needing to sit on it.
Ah right, thanks Hun :) Yeah think my arse is 70cm wide on its own right now ;) xx
They ain't taking my nighty off me they can piss off what's the difrence between a nighty and a daft hospital Johnny ppfftt I will put in labour plan do not take nighty away from me or else lol , I have just bought or rather will tonight wen I collect it a mamas n papas baby changing unit just the shelf type one for a grand total of 10 quid! Will get some lovely whicker baskets for the shelves and it will look lovely in my room next to crib :) bargain hehe , happy pancake day ladies may u eat as many as u like ur allowed ur pregnant lol xx
Haha! My arse size isn't doing to well either ;) though the scales say I'm still not putting on weight argh! As long as baby is ok at next appt on the 18th. Yes I'll def be more comfy in the dreaded nighty than the dreaded hospital gown! Definitely put that in your plan Jojo it'll be soooo funny ;) haha xx
Ha, I've not dared go on the scales, I'd rather not know! My bump is just completely all out front, just hoping I don't' start growing extra chins.

Have my 28 week apt tomorrow with another different midwife. I hope she's nice and friendly as I want to ask her some really silly questions! Mainly about my very manly snoring which is just getting louder and louder. At this rate the neighbours will be complaining, its embarrassing! I've tried a nose strip but no difference tp it at all. Keep waking up at 4 every day, so tired.

Pulled my back on Sunday and it still hurts. Takes ages to get going when I've been sat down. Feel like I'm falling to bits lol.

Still can't decide on a pram, we're pretty certain we want an Icandy. Expensive I know, but his parents are insisting on getting a good one for us so we're not going to complain!
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Awww kautostar, sorry your waking in the night a lot and about the snoring.
I have read that we will snore more in pregnancy something to so with it interfering with our sinuses :-( also the waking up at the same time every night is usually your body training you for restless nights, you will possibly find that this will be a time baby wakes in the night when he/she is out x
Yes we keep joking that me being awake is all part of the baby training us! I was always one of those people who needs loads of sleep so I'm really quite proud of myself (and amazed) that I can still function on so little sleep! Just goes to show I guess.
Hi ladies. Had my GTT today and it wasn't too bad although I was sooooooo hungry! Luckily it was a gloriously sunny day here so in between blood draws, I sat outside with a take a break! I did a little dance when I had my final one and went straight to the hospital shop for a sandwich!! My boss gave me the whole day off and I came home and had a two hour nap! Was meant to try and be productive but nevermind, sleep is more important! Booked by whooping cough jab for Friday so it's gonna be a week of needles for me :( xxx
Ok so I've just been to the doctors again after they wanted to see me about the weird lump/bite thing on my leg. Conclusion is that it's a bite bit don't need antibiotics. Anyway, he said just before you go i'll take your temperature. So he faffed about putting something new in the ear thermometer, used it and said yes your temperature is fine, it's 35.8! Now to me that's low! It's usually around 37 for me. But I couldn't remember what's normal so I didn't say anything. I'm now freaked out! Wish he hadn't taken it, it was only because he said if it gets worse, the redness spreads or I start to feel really tired then come back! I said I'd been really tired but that's probably the anaemia. Wish I hadn't said anything! It's eith having that anti d injection too I'm convincing myself there's now something wrong! Argh!
I had my last uni lecture today (1 essay, 1 dissertation and 1 creative piece to hand in and I'm done) I have my 28 week appointment tomorrow, physio and whooping cough jab Thursday. Ah Deary me!

Aw Vic, I wouldn't worry too much - easier said than done!

Cherrybelly, catching up on sleep is being productive!


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