Fabulous happy stash there!
Yeah it must be so confusing - I'm presuming the one I'm taking will work regardless of what I take it with. I'm having it with evening meal to try to stop the nausea or anything similar. Oh I've been feeling like I'm going to die since December 2011 lol. I've been tested for pretty much everything without diagnosis. Considering it's got worse the last few weeks I can only presume it's to do with the pregnancy and possible lack of iron. I can cope with tiredness generally but this is awful. I should be used to it by now but it's still scary. I was hoping it would be something they'd missed hormone wise and pregnancy would sort it out haha.
I've had a couple of spells of dizziness with this pregnancy, but they didn't last thank goodness. I think vertigo is an awful condition to suffer from, but people who've never suffered from it don't really understand. When I had the neuritis, my head was spinning even if I was lying down, hubby had to help me in/out the bath and I crawled up and down he stairs, I was so scared of falling. It made me throw up every day and I used to lie on the floor and cry because I didn't know what was happening to me.
My best friend suffered from labyrinthitis for years and now has a profound fear of dizziness. If she ever needs to take something, if one of the possible side effects is vertigo, she won't take it. I found out that taking multivitamins makes me dizzy, now she won't touch them in case it happens to her.
I do hope you get some answers or at least it eases after you've had your baby. I think it probably will if it's already gotten worse since conceiving. I get tinnitus while pregnant, so clearly it makes all sorts of things happen to your balance system.
In other news, I've just spent two hours assembling this lol:
It's part of the furniture range I've ordered for the nursery. I can't build anything else until we have room to put it, but hubby allowed me this for now lol.