I'm sure we will all have our babies this week good luck doe tomorrow Vic hope it works if things don't start today for you.
I've got midwife tomorrow for 40 week appt but think I might ask for a sweep I know last time I asked she said if would be 41 weeks but I think I'm going to have a moan about all these contractions I've been getting and see what she says! Although 2 sweeps didn't work for me last time so will probably be pointless!! Xx
I haven't heard anything from a hv and I'm due today! I asked my mw and she said it's nothing to worry about, they may not visit until after the birth.
I had the hv come round to introduce herself at 37 weeks. I received a letter about two weeks earlier. It depends how each area does things I suppose x
Oh my goodness what an awful nite I've just had heart burn was rampant all nite I'd the worst pain at the top of my bump lik baby was all on top of my ribs... I swear I'm. Miserable... Wish I cud just get thia baby moving x
Yeah I think it depends how busy they are. I was worried about it but my mw said I'm not missing out on anything so I've given up waiting for the letter now!
What's everyone upto today? I've got my final essay due in for open university on Thursday so really need to get that done incase baby shows herself (unlikely lol) and I've got our friend coming round at 1pm to swap the brand new washing machine from my old flat with the older washing machine from our flat (tennant wants a washing machine but they're not having my new one lol).
We're on a severe weather warning all day so I'm not going to go out much if I can help it! X
Happy due date cherry! I had a shitty night too, my cramps get worse day by day; wish they were in my womb and not my arms and legs! I think I slept about an hour and at 5am I had to run a hot bath to try and help soothe my legs. It didn't work though Off to the midwife in a bit, she's no doubt sick of me moaning about the cramping but I don't have anything else to tell her! Wish she'd give me a sweep really as I desperately want this baby out but she's already said they don't do it until 41w Bums!!! X
So hacked off, had my 40w appt and this baby still hasn't started to engage. Unbelievable. She said they can only do the sweep at next weeks appt if it is engaged as they need the baby's head to push against to perform it otherwise they can't do it properly. I could cry - except weirdly during this pregnancy I seem to have lost the ability to cry, apart from twice when the cramps/sleepless nights first started around 28w. I feel like a good cry would make me feel better but it's like I've become empty of all emotion. I just feel so frustrated now. Pretty sure I'll be heading for a June induction. I don't mind so much if it weren't for the pain I'm in at night, if I could just get more than 1-2 hours sleep it'd be ok, but I feel like I'm losing the plot x
Awk cornish I'm so sorry it was such a disappointment today... My baby wasn't engaged and they did two sweeps... It seems diff hospitals hav diff policies... It's just all this hanging around and waiting and not being able to take anything into ur own hands it's so frustrating... Iv been crying since last nite I am just so fed up of not being able to do anything I don't wanna go out its too sore so all I do is sit about waiting waiting ggggrrrrr x
Thread hijack- cornish have you tried an epsom salt or magnesium salt bath? The magnesium in the salts is supposed to help with cramps, relax muscles and help you sleep. I have had some seriously tight muscles in my shoulders giving me horrible headaches and it seems to be helping so far....
Urgh why is nothing ever simple! Today I arranged for my oh's friend to bring my washing machine from my old flat to our new flat and replace it with my oh's old washing machine. I had to go out so was under the impression it'd all be done by the time I got back. Just got home and they've moved the old one to my old flat and left the new one in the middle of our kitchen! Apparently he didn't have a plug to put on it but reckons we can easily do it ourselves. I've just googled it and fitting a plug is relatively easy but we'll also have to plumb in the washing machine.. He said he can come and do it at the weekend but I really don't want to be without a washing machine until then, esp if baby decides to make an appearance! X
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