* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Thanks Sinead! Had sweep at 10am, which is much better than 5pm which it could've been at the latest! Didn't hurt was just uncomfortable, well, not even uncomfortable, just dodgy!!!! Haha. Cervix is softening and I'm half a cm dilated - I mean, go me! Lol! So she did sweep. Baby went mad afterwards - well the poor thing would!!! Heartbeat was ok before and crazy afterwards lol. Midwife was great though, I told her about my itching again and that I'd been tested for OE but they couldn't tell me til Tuesday, which turned to all over my body last night and had me in tears at 3am (had two hours sleep so feeling awful) and she made a 20 second phone call where she was instantly told my blood results are normal :) so just have to put up with it.

So I had some cramping immediately afterwards and my body being typical, she said if you have fresh blood ring the hospital, as soon as she left I felt a gush, went to loo and saw fresh blood! So now got a pad on to see how it goes. Cramping has eased a bit. She did say she touched lots of blood vessels so I might get some blood, the jelly she used or muscus plug. Seems to be none of that though lol. Just have to wait it out! X
Yay hope things get started for you :-) I had lots if blood when I had my sweeps before not gushing out but def there. Hopefully that will ease and contractions will pick up for you soon :-) keep us posted on how you get on. Glad they've been able to put your mind at rest about the itichhing and hopefully all will be gone soon when baby makes an appearance xxxx
Thank you. Will keep you updated :-)

I'm starting to wish I'd been drinking raspberry leaf tea for the last few weeks but you just don't know do you. He/she will arrive when they like! x
I think a 90 year old lady could get off the sofa quicker then me today.
Spd and back pain is playing me up this weekend! Boo!
Oh good luck with your sweep vic, I hope it gets things moving for you! X
Thanks ladies! I've just had a raspberry leaf tea and bought a pineapple, I mean I've got to start trying something haha!!! I might go into labour before the pineapple ripens lol x

How are we all today? I walked round b and q and Tesco and I'm proud of myself lol, bump is tight all the time now and some cramps. No more blood which is good! This is definitely worse than the two week wait, but at least at the end of the two weeks I'll be induced and somehow get my baby rather than find out I'm not pregnant! Eek! x
Oh and it's exactly 1 year today since my miscarriage. I'd say a perfect day for bump to get a wriggle on! I've told 'it' too! X
I've just been leaning on my tummy on my ball, trying to click my back, however it just made me need a poo! Oh dear. X
Oh dear jazzy! Incidentally, my sweep this morning made me poo within about five minutes lol x
Would love it to be a sign but I really don't think it is!
I am so jealous of these June mummies popping before us! X
Lol jazzy! I just came back on here to write "what are these June mummies playing at? Not fair!" Lol x
Lol I was about to write exactly the same thing! Looks like June mummies turning into May mummies and us May mummies turning into June mummies :( xxx
Booooo for us! What are our babies playing at? Mine is in serious trouble, I'm grounding him for a few years!

I think my oh doesn't want to go to work this week, we've dtd twice this week, and now he's suggesting we go for a walk! Might just manage a hobble around the block after tea, I've lived on the sofa the last two days! X
It's awful all these June mummies going before us lol... I ink we cud well b June mummies now... The sofa and bed r my friend today and I hate it.. Just want thus baby and go back to normal x
I've just milked a few syringes of colostrum out of myself in the vain hope of setting something off. Now just feel very tired so think I'm gonna have my third short nap of the day! X
Lol I find I'm really tired all day and then can't sleep at night! Lost all hope of this baby coming any time soon. My oh is also very keen not to go back to work after the bank holiday weekend but I just can't face dtd right now :/ xxx
Lol cornish I am getting a few drops at most when I squeeze... I'm not gonna breast feed tho so I'm not worrying too much lol x
Today I got up stupid early after yet another shit nights sleep, I have hoovered, dusted, tidied up, prepared dinner, been out to get a few bits from shops. Oh has been and cleaned his van out as selling it, that's it and now after dinner (just in time for washing up) he is now asleep!! Washing up now done(not quietly mind!!!!!) I asked him yesterday to sort out any other bits of washing as trying to get it all done and on top of what with baby arriving imminently. Anyway, he never mentioned if he had done it.....asked him this morning 'oh yeah, it's in the washing machine!!' Had he turned on the machine??? NO!! Time for another chat!! Grrrrr
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Yeah I'm finding I struggle without a nap in the day too! Awake at night with hip pain, end up sleeping in my back to relieve the pressure.
Hmm...I'm debating going to see how my pump works, I might wait till after my midwife appointment on Wednesday see if baby's made any progress, ask for an internal, coz there's no point in trying if he's not ready! I have a feeling he's further engaged (was 3/5 last time). Xx

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