* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

I'm living in hope that this one has started tp engage when we see the midwife on tuesday. Doesn't feel like it though and I still feel very squashed high up. Have a feeling it doesn't know up from down! ;) x
Cornish I'm still squished even though baby is engaged, his butt still reaches up to my ribs, so you can imagine the kicking he's giving me with his boney knees! X
Ooh ouch!! Thankfully any kicks I get are more like slow pokes and tend to come out my sides, so not having painful rib kicks, just squashed! Mine is 'LOL' when they write down the position - no idea what that stands for but she did a little sketch first time showing baby's back up one side and bum and legs on the other side, so its back doesn't face the front. Hope its not an issue for labour :/ No-one has mentioned it if it is! I'll have to ask on Tuesday. X
Ooh ouch!! Thankfully any kicks I get are more like slow pokes and tend to come out my sides, so not having painful rib kicks, just squashed! Mine is 'LOL' when they write down the position - no idea what that stands for but she did a little sketch first time showing baby's back up one side and bum and legs on the other side, so its back doesn't face the front. Hope its not an issue for labour :/ No-one has mentioned it if it is! I'll have to ask on Tuesday. X

Just googled it and apparently it means the following:

LOL: Left Occiput Lateral
The back of your baby’s head is to your left side.

I always google all their funny little codes :) pah bank holiday Monday and I'm up at stupid o'clock to pick my mum up from working the night shift :( xxx
Ah Thanks! Now I know :) Ooh that sucks having to be up and out the house so early on a bank hol :( x
I'm so fed up! I wasn't expecting a miracle but nothing going on after sweep yesterday! My itching has taken over! Making sleep so much worse. I could rip my skin off. It's even all over my fingers! I've tried tablets (prescribed) and cream which helps for a bit but it's awful during the night. I wake up with a different itchy bit every half an hour. I'm covered in little bumps. They arrive before the itching so I'm not even creating them! Really fed up with this pregnancy now. What a horrible end to it, I've had enough annoyances but now a combination of the itching, headaches, tiredness, dizziness, people texting and possible induction are bringing me down. I know people complain about going overdue and how awful it is near the end generally but I never thought I'd feel like this. Hubby's at cricket today and the rain has stayed away. I could go to my mum & dad's or see friends but I'd rather sit here and itch in my own environment! Can't even sit outside because it's sunny and would not help my rash! I've got my gorgeous tinker cat for company :) nothing left to do for baby. That's what you get when you pack hospital bag at 32 weeks! I can't get excited about baby coming either because I feel so poorly. The extension stuff isn't helping either. Got the plasterer coming at 8am tomorrow!

Sorry for the rant!!! Hope you're all having a nice bank holiday!!! X
Oh vic that sounds horrendous :( Wish there was a quick fix for you. Hope that baby makes an appearance very soon and lets your body get back to normal. It's rainy and grim here today but keep hearing people saying about nice weather, think it totally skipped us!! X
Oh Vic, that sounds horrible! I hope baby gets a move on so these horrible symptoms go away!

Happy due date Cornish! No nice weather here either, although I'm over heating after my bowl of porridge for lunch!

Sore boobs last night and today, anyone else? X
Awk Vic that's awful dear love u ur just well and truly over this pregnancy... I really hope something happens soon... I'm not holding out much hope for my third see in Monday I think it's hit or miss wi them and they're bloody sore xx
No nice weather here either! Sorry you're feeling so bad Vic :( I've had lots of pain in my back and bump today which made me really anxious but I don't think it's labour. Been bouncing on my ball a lot which has helped. Feel better for not thinking about it so we're watching breaking bad lol..

Happy due date Cornish, my turn tomorrow! X
Hope everyone's ok today. Getting a bit fed up with false starts a lot think I'm going to end up leaving things till last minute as I'm not going to believe I'm actually in labour till I'm in agony.

We've been for a long walk this afternoon and I actually feel like baby could fall out!!! Don't think it's going to get anything started pretty sure il just now be really uncomfortable for the rest of the eve! Xxx
Same here sinead we tried a walk today and my tummy was just so hard and uncomfortable practically the whole time I don't no y when m standing up its always hard lik that x
Thanks ladies. Sorry I'm whinging, we're all in the same boat. Not literally of course - unless it was a big boat ha ha! That reminds me - haven't weighed myself for three weeks eek!

My bump is always hard now with even a short walk, after about a minute. Went round Tesco yesterday and it was only a few hrs after sweep but really did feel like bump was going to fall out. Don't have much of a stride when I walk either, and that's not the pelvis.

Come on babies!!! X
We had a waddle in the pissing down rain earlier and it doesn't seem to have done anything, I'm bored of this waiting game already :( xx
Yup I was right! Painful contractions with lots of sharp stabby pains that I'm sure will just keep me up till 4 in the morning and everything will just stop! My first was so straight forward! Lol Vic def think you should be next as your overdue, have you had any dates for 2nd sweep or induction? I still have 2 days till dd! Hopefully will get a good night sleep and I'm not going to do anything to try and bring it on because it doesn't seem to work and just causes pain!! Xxxx
Oh Vic it's not good these babies need to get out ASAP... It's just so miserable feeling lik this... I just want baby in my arms and to stop feeling lik a big moody cow x
I've got the health visitor coming tomorrow, apparently they like to introduce themselves before baby arrives!
I've been so lazy this weekend! Been sofa surfing and napping!
Here's to a week of baby arrivals! (Cheers with a glass of squash!) Xx
Yes let's hope for a week full of babies! I've been getting lots of pains today but no real pattern - really hoping to have her in the next few days!! X

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