* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

My mum text me last night asking if I was watching bgt (I wasn't so didn't reply straight away). When I replied about 15 mins later she replied "ooh I just text your sister saying I thought you were in labour cos I hadn't heard from you!" I replied with "yeah sorry I had the baby but forgot to tell you.." That shut her up lol x

I think this is the most annoying thing ever! Yeah like we're going to have the baby but not say anything!

What really annoys me is when I call someone and they answer saying 'hiiii' and seem to then expect me to say 'I'm in labour' and wen I don't they're the ones who are disappointed!! Try being the one who is pregnant and not in labour - that's disappointing!!!!! Grrrr.
I think this is the most annoying thing ever! Yeah like we're going to have the baby but not say anything!

What really annoys me is when I call someone and they answer saying 'hiiii' and seem to then expect me to say 'I'm in labour' and wen I don't they're the ones who are disappointed!! Try being the one who is pregnant and not in labour - that's disappointing!!!!! Grrrr.

Exactly mouse!!
Well had the second sweep. My word that hurt! What on earth am I going to be like in labour???!!! My first sweep didn't hurt and wasn't even uncomfy. I've never had such a sudden sharp pain as soon as she started. It was a different midwife, my usual one but her student did the sweep. She can't have done anything wrong because it started hurting as soon as she started. Anyway they said cervix is really difficult to reach as it's right at the back. It wasn't the other day? Lol. Confuzzled! I bled the other day but not this time. She managed to get to it with me tilting with my fists under my bum - that wasn't easy lol. Cervix very stretchy and 1cm dilated so I've improved a bit!

Induction booked for 1pm Friday. She gave me all the information and it was difficult reading for me with no sleep so had a weepy moment :( Hope baby decides to come beforehand. I've got so many questions now they've left. Typical me! She mentioned possible going home after tablet inserted and needing another one 6 hours later but also mentioned staying at the hospital. Breaking waters the next morning? Realised I knew nothing about this!!! I'll guess we'll just have to wait and see! Hope I go into labour quickly as I don't want to be overnight in hospital without hubby with this itching, dizziness and not getting to sleep.

Oh, my rash is probably itchiness of pregnancy! Lol x
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Hey guys :) sorry I haven't posted much, being a mum is busy work!! Just got Heidi snoozing on me so thought I'd post to say I hope you're all okay and it won't be long until your babas are here. Not sure if it will work or if you've already tried but I did nipple stimulation and after 2 hours of it that's what kicked off my contractions. Whether I was ready to go into labour or what I don't know, but I'd had no signs, started that and it made me have Braxton hicks then they became painful and just didn't stop, had baby the next day. I did 15 minutes on each nipple with a 5 minute break between changing nipples, and just lay in bed doing it for 2 hours straight. Some may say it was a coincidence but I swear that's what got things going for me xxx
Had my midwife appointment, no internal for me. Booked for sweep next Wednesday, then get induction the week after!
Midwife didn't want me to get despondent, tells me to keep active, she kept saying 'if I don't see you with baby before'.

Feel pants, just ate a chocolate bar, concidering eating another. Xx
Aww ladies it's definitely busy once lil one arrives. Ellie has let us get no more than 4 broken hours of sleep since she was born and were on day 8!!! Don't know how I will manage when oh goes back to work.

As for the labour I was already 4-5cm when I had my reflexology and sweep but I can say over the 2 hours after it progressed like a rocket. Xx
Had my midwife appointment, no internal for me. Booked for sweep next Wednesday, then get induction the week after!
Midwife didn't want me to get despondent, tells me to keep active, she kept saying 'if I don't see you with baby before'.

Feel pants, just ate a chocolate bar, concidering eating another. Xx

Could be worse jazzy, you could be me ;) I wish I'd been more active, felt well enough or even felt like it generally!X
Had my midwife appointment, no internal for me. Booked for sweep next Wednesday, then get induction the week after!
Midwife didn't want me to get despondent, tells me to keep active, she kept saying 'if I don't see you with baby before'.

Feel pants, just ate a chocolate bar, concidering eating another. Xx

Awww jazzy that sucks. I hate how some mw will do it and some won't, it's so inconsistent! Mine won't until 41w either :( I'm really crampy today but it doesn't come in waves, it's just like constant period pain so I think my poor little body is just knackered from carrying this massive baby about!

I'm now sitting in my old (empty) flat awaiting carpet fitters who were meant to be here 15 mins ago - so annoying! Also had an email from the letting agent saying the prospective tenant wants me to put a new oven in! I can't afford a new bloody oven... I feel cross about that lol.
Well good luck to mouse and Vic with your sweeps and hopefully me, jazzy and cherry will just go into labour anyway. Midwife wouldn't do a sweep :-( have to wait till next wed and induction the following tues.

Hayley I did the same in my last pregnancy and swore by it but who knows really as you never know what would have happened by nipple stimulation worked for me on the basis I was having irregular contractions for quite a whole anyway. But I've done loads of nipple stimulation over the last week and it's not worked but just don't think I've been doing it long enough

Think I'm going to get my curry have a bounce and get stimulating! Xxxx
It wasn't all such doom and gloom I suppose, she witnessed one of my tightening a that I was having last night, and she used the c word! (Contraction, ladies!!)

So just jumped up the stairs after moping around for the last two hours. Gonna do star jumps later and bounce on my ball, with a tub of caramel chew chew!
Good luck everyone, let's gets these little blighters moving! Xx
Congrats poppyinbloom. I've been to hospital today with reduced movement again. They popped me on monitor, and everything was fine. Had 5 tightenings whilst I was there (about half hour ish), and the last couple reached 30 on the monitor, no pain with them at all, presumably braxton hicks. Have consultant appt tomorrow, not really sure what that's for tbh, saw them 2 weeks ago, so unless they are planning on inducing me I have no idea.....the chap I saw had a very thick foreign accent I couldn't understand!!! And can't decifer his handwriting either!! Xx
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Awwww congrats poppy!!

Yay for the c word Jazzy :) I've been in lots of pain all day, went to pick my oh up from work and was in so much pain I could barely drive, it doesn't come in waves though it's just like one long period cramp which is weird... hopefully its the start of something!!

I just finished my final piece of ou work so don't have to worry about it anymore until October which is a relief.. baby can come now lol. xxx
Right then, who's gonna have one of these naughty may babies today?! I got all excited in the night as I had 3 spots of bloody mucus on the loo roll; they were tiny (not much more than pinhead size) but one was like a blood clot, very red, and the others were blood tinged so I was convinced I'd wake up this morning to lots of plug coming away, but just been again and there's nothing! Just clear/creamy cm again. Naughty body... Still no cramps or anything exciting going on either so don't think I'm in the running for today! Xx

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