* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Delighted to announce the safe arrival of Imogen Sophia Turner today at 16:15 by emergency c-section weighing in at 8lbs 5oz. The three of us are all doing well although shattered! x Will post a birth story and pic when I get home in a few days

Huge congratulations :) lovely news and such a gorgeous name xxx
Congratulations gayle. Looking forward to seeing pics of the new arrivals :-) vic I hope your feeling better today. Nothing to report here today but we did just dtd which was actually quite enjoyable for the first time in a while. Lol. We have a kid free weekend as oh parents have them which is lovely as we're still in bed.

So I'm not sure if I'd rather enjoy my weekend as it wil def be the last one for a while!! Xx
Ooh ive just thought, I haven't filled in my birth plan yet, anyone else not done that? I'm not going to get too excited about it as I can't actually plan for the unknown but I'll write how I'd like it to go ideally and then say but what will be will be! X
I've filled in the birth plan section in the maternity notes Lucy, not sure what different areas are like. I know it might not go to plan so I've written the main stuff down. I could bulk it out, type it up, print it out and attach it to the file but I really can't be bothered now. Like you say, it could more than likely go out the window anyway so I don't see the point! X
Congratulations gayle. Looking forward to seeing pics of the new arrivals :-) vic I hope your feeling better today. Nothing to report here today but we did just dtd which was actually quite enjoyable for the first time in a while. Lol. We have a kid free weekend as oh parents have them which is lovely as we're still in bed.

So I'm not sure if I'd rather enjoy my weekend as it wil def be the last one for a while!! Xx

Thanks Hun. Just creamed the bump! Hopefully it'll settle. Awful migraine last night so feeling shocking today. Thought with all the rain hubby wouldn't be playing cricket but the pitch is fine so he's off out there now!

Enjoy your weekend!!! Sounds lovely! xx
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Well I'm risking it today. Gone to Birmingham to the bingo lol! It's only 40miles from home.....eeek!! X
Aww I hope so vic. Have you got your sweep tomorrow? Hope that gets thing started for you. Started having strong contractions a little while ago. My friend came round so I could so her lashes and it all stopped. Xxx
Thanks Sinead - yeah it's sometime tomorrow between half 8 and 5! Think she's ringing in the morning to let me know a better time! Hopefully it'll go ok, it's weird going into the unknown lol x thought baby might've arrived by now. Sorry your contractions eased off Hun xx
Hey, hope everyone's feeling ok! I've started to feel really off this eve, feel like my forehead is burning (although I don't have a temp), a bit sick and just generally rough. Probably means nothing but who knows lol!! Xxx
I hope it's the start Cherry or if not, they you feel better soon! I've been having hot flushes but that's nothing new lol. You know if you have a Braxton hicks - how long does your bump stay hard for? Or how long do contractions last in early labour? Know everyone is different. Just realised I've forgotten everything lol. I'm not in much pain but my bump has been rock hard for about five minutes. I've got a stinging type pain, but quite sharp at the right of my belly button. This is all too much lol x
Aww cherry feel better soon!
(I'm excited I think mouse is in proper labour, so just waiting for her to give me the go ahead for her labour thread!)

Nothing to report here! X
So then, anyone fancy birthing today?! No signs of anything here... Today was my original due date according to my LMP, and then it got adjusted by 1 day at the 12w scan, so in theory today and tomorrow are both my due date! ;) I'm heading back off to bed now for a snooze as only managed 2-4am and have been wide awake since but sitting on the sofa just now with hubby watching ninja turtles (we're so mature...!) I felt my eyes starting to droop so going to make the most of this time being able to go back to bed! X
I've decided that mine is not coming out till they induce and pull him out. So there's no chance I'm gona pop in may...I have given up. Oh and that he'll be at least 10lbs and completely ruin me. X
Lol I've decided mine will be the same lol.. She's not leaving of her own accord! I'd love to have her today though! X
I've decided that mine is not coming out till they induce and pull him out. So there's no chance I'm gona pop in may...I have given up. Oh and that he'll be at least 10lbs and completely ruin me. X

Same here... I'm gutted... I really hoped he'd be here by now lik my other three but nope he clearly has other plans to make me suffer pregnancy as long as possible x
No nothing here either. I think i will be over really thought things were happening again yesterday very painful contractions yesterday afternoon kept getting woken in the night then finally fell to sleep properly at 4am and wake up to nothing!! Oh well trying not to read to much into stuff and realise baby will come when it's ready! I've got some work today aswell so ideally need to get that done. Xxx
Vic good luck for your sweep today look forward to hearing an update :-) xxx

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