* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Aw Vic that's a complete nitemare I'm sure ur well peeved off its just crap when things start as ur nearing the end of pregnancy.. I hope u start to feel a bit better soon hun xx
Oh vic he sounds a right knob. Hope you get some answers soon, how frustrating. Xx
Oh dear Vic! Sorry to hear about your crappy doctor.. Hope the itching stops soon!!

Oh went and got his daughter himself as woke up (again) in a slightly better mood. Whilst he was gone I blitzed the rest of the flat (I think my nesting might be slightly kicking in lol). I then got a phone call and my flat has been rented out after two days on the market - well chuffed :) so my day has picked up lol xx
I'm sure some of you remembered my posts from yesterday about my contractions being irregular and stopping every few hours...well at half 11 last night, they came back with a bang, the contractions were stronger, regular and getting quicker...by the time it was 00:15am, I told my hubby we are going into hospital. After a horrendous journey to the hospital (4 sets of contractions and country roads just don't mix!). Got to the assessment room at 00:45, was examined and to my surprise I was 5cms gone already...now the midwife examining me had a good root around inside me, and managed to burst my waters...

The contractions were now coming one on top of the other...had no gas and air, was being sick on this...was taken straight down to the delivery suite..barely as my body just gave way, it just wanted to push...was there at 1:20, and was told there was no time for epidural and or any other drugs...I had to push this baby out myself! Alas Miss Áine was born at 1:46am after a few pushes from myself...I was so traumatised at how quick it had went, compared to the longer labour I had with my firstborn...after all that, I just had a wee 1st degree tear...she weighs a healthy 7lbs and 12ozs. Taken up to the ward at 3:30am, and we came home today at 2pm....goes to show how quickly it can all happen, even when u think nothing is happening !
Wow congrats nmurr... It really is amazing what our bodies can do x
Hi ladies! Can't believe some of you are still waiting for your babies, I'm sure you're ripping your hair out!

Congratulations to those of you who have had your babies in the last few days. :)

My little boy will be a week old tomorrow, the time has both flown and crawled (not loving these sleepless nights lol). I posted my birth story in the announcements section if anyone fancies reading a novel lol:


I don't know if Lisa is intending to do a thread for us to chat in after all our babies are here, but I do hope we continue to stay in touch. It's been lovely sharing experiences and excitement with you all and I'd love to see our little ones growing up. xxx
It would be lovely to have a May 2014 mums section in the next bit! So we can share our little ones growing up!
Or maybe a closed Facebook group?! X
Yeah I think it'd be good to still have a group - not sure how I would have coped without you ladies and I'm sure I'll need you even more once wee one shows her face! Xx
Thanks ladies! Got my cream so hope it works a bit!

It would be lovely to have a May group to share how we're all getting on :) xx
I'm sure some of you remembered my posts from yesterday about my contractions being irregular and stopping every few hours...well at half 11 last night, they came back with a bang, the contractions were stronger, regular and getting quicker...by the time it was 00:15am, I told my hubby we are going into hospital. After a horrendous journey to the hospital (4 sets of contractions and country roads just don't mix!). Got to the assessment room at 00:45, was examined and to my surprise I was 5cms gone already...now the midwife examining me had a good root around inside me, and managed to burst my waters...

The contractions were now coming one on top of the other...had no gas and air, was being sick on this...was taken straight down to the delivery suite..barely as my body just gave way, it just wanted to push...was there at 1:20, and was told there was no time for epidural and or any other drugs...I had to push this baby out myself! Alas Miss Áine was born at 1:46am after a few pushes from myself...I was so traumatised at how quick it had went, compared to the longer labour I had with my firstborn...after all that, I just had a wee 1st degree tear...she weighs a healthy 7lbs and 12ozs. Taken up to the ward at 3:30am, and we came home today at 2pm....goes to show how quickly it can all happen, even when u think nothing is happening !

Huge congratulations xx
Yea defo b good to keep in touch when the babies r here.. One week til me due date it can't come quick enuf... I'd a big bit of slimy stuff today so maybe that's the plug starting to come away... I'm so flippin nervous about labour... I'm such a wimp lol x
Delighted to announce the safe arrival of Imogen Sophia Turner today at 16:15 by emergency c-section weighing in at 8lbs 5oz. The three of us are all doing well although shattered! x Will post a birth story and pic when I get home in a few days
Congratulations nmurr and Gayle! Wishing u a speedy recovery xxx looking forward to seeing pics!

I still need to do my birth storey and add photos! Xx
Congratulations gayle!

I think its mouses turn today!

These daily births are exciting! X

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