Aww Cherry - really feel for you. He should understand all the effort you go to - what would he do without you doing all the stuff you've listed there today? It's not moaning - you really shouldn't have to ask him to do stuff, you're heavily pregnant! He should take the weight off, so to speak. Hugs!
Well I've had a rubbish day. Migraine that's still lingering, not helped by doctors and chemists! Rang drs yesterday to check it was ok to stop taking my iron tablets (levels had gone up a bit, midwife said "you can probably stop taking them" and as I had 3 left I thought I'd ask. A receptionist phoned me back yesterday and said I'd need to go and have more blood tests this morning even though I had them two weeks ago. So I went, right arm veins produced no blood - ouch! So she tried the other arm - fine. So I thought that's that! But while I was there I thought if show her the ridiculous rash on my stretch marks - it does look awful and has been getting worse. I only mentioned so I could try to get dr to look at me as my hands had become itchy too (so maybe not the heat rash like the midwife said on Tuesday) mod he says that it looked angry and sore and booked me in to see a dr as there was an available appt. Sat for nearly had an hour, which I didn't mind, as it wasn't planned, went to see dr, showed him and explained about my hands. Haven't seen this dr before and the first thing he did was ask me where the nearest hospital was - Sunderland? I said, Erm no it's Durham! Don't care if he's been here before (and he has!) he should know that. So he thought of OC obviously - I should've known! Started googling it and talking me through the condition reading stuff like 'itching may be caused by a minor issue, May need further tests in pregnancy. Bear in mind I told him I was overdue! He then found the number for hospital and said he wanted to soesk to gyne (his word) registrar! Who has in theatre! Got through to someone else, explained the situation and what were they going to do about this, I heard the woman on the phone ask who was calling! He hadn't even told them! Totally professional!! They transferred him to pau, as they said they'd do my blood tests, so I thought great, my stretch marks are itchy and I'm going to have to go all the way there for blood tests they can do at the drs! She said that the nurse at the surgery could do them, and told him which they needed, he Keith asking what the letters stood for. There was also a big language barrier as he was difficult to understand. So I sat back in the waiting room, then he called me back in, took my blood pressure - 148/90 said it was fine! Felt my stomach while I was lying down - not great as I'm dizzy and having migraine symptoms. Sent me back out for the blood tests. Luckily the nurse worked out that the iron ones I'd had taken could be checked for OC! Told me to ring at 5pm as results could be back. Finally left drs nearly two hours after I arrived, went to chemist to get the cream dr had prescribed which is basically moisturiser and they didn't have it. Said to come back later, still didn't have it so I'm taking the prescription to Tescos as don't want to wait til Tuesday! Rang drs at 5 - no results back. Now I'm itching all over and trying to get rid of this migraine! Forget watching out for symptoms of labour or baby's movements! Argh! Fed up! So sorry for long rant! X