* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Ooh dooeyona that looks painful. I have an itchy bumpy red rash below belly button but I think mine is self inflicted! I (as well as everything else!) get hairs there and in trying to soften them and not shave so much, I used a cream that didn't bring the hairs off! Three days later I had the itchy rash, looks very much like yours. That was a week ago argh! It's bad enough having stretch marks and general itchiness there anyway! Really hope your cream works xx

I'm with you on the nesting too. There's so much to dust and clean ready for baby but I'm so hot and tired I can't be bothered. I'm going to put a wash on now. Wow!!! It's even more tiring doing nothing but I just can't be bothered. I know I'd be so much happier if it's done. Maybe I'll try tonight when it's a bit cooler!

I sat on the ball last night and I found it uncomfortable while I was on it - groin and just general hard bump problems, almost like the ball should be higher! I'm not that tall, I'm not short but still! Hoping ones at hospital are better. I haven't bounced yet with dizziness but I'm giving it a go tonight! X
Yes you get constant check ups and people saying c'mon we're bored waiting etc and I am like you think you got it bad!!!! They haven't got a bloody clue!!!!

To top it off 3 people in my oh family were due the same day as me and one a day later!!! Two of them came 2 weeks early and one 5 days early!!!! I'm now 4 days late so talk about salt in the wound :(

So frustrating! And thru get out of it by saying they're just excited! Swap excited for tactless!!! I didn't do it to my friends when they were pregnant (with my friends it's the ones who haven't had kids which are the problem!) though my mum should know better lol x
Thanks everyone! Well not much change still regular contractions some more painful than others. Midwife was useless wouldn't check to see if I'm dialating as I could talk through contractions explained I went in with my first at 9cm and my 2nd I was 6cm and could talk though them fine. Oh well. There's not a definite pattern of them getting more painful as time goes on so will just have to see how the next couple hours go.

Really not sure I fancy being in full blown labour in this weather though! Xxx
Oh Hun, she sounds useless! Everyone is different and I guess it depends on your pain threshold and where the pain is as to whether you can talk through them or not! Well let me know (if you have time!!) when I'm needed for labour thread :) How exciting! xx
Well I've had a productive day :) Had letting agent out to my flat and he's very pleased with it. He took pics and is going to start showing people round so fx we get some tenants soon!

I then met my dad for lunch and happened to mention a couple of bits I still need for baby (changing bag, steriliser ooops..) and he suggested we go to mothercare to have a look and he bought them for me, as well as a baby sling thing. I feel a lot more organised now :)

Gonna wash all my baby blankets and Moses basket bedding this afternoon - just need baby now! X
I've just lost my mucus plug. I lost it with my first and he was born 48hrs later and second I believe I lost it in labour although I can't remember so hopefully things will really pick up tonight. Vic I've got your number and will def be keeping you posted. I was just going to message but think il wait for contractions to pick up a little. Xxx
I am hot n bothered thnk god for ice pops lol FC sinead hope it's the real deal and I said to myself today I realy don't wanna go Into labour today cos that hospital will be unbearable in this heat and well I've been having some pains myself but could be silly braxtons again just keeping eye on them ATM xx
Hope it's the real deal jo! Has it started to cool down up there yet? It should be peeing down here at the mo according to the forecast, it isn't but looks imminent and the air has definitely started to cool. Xx
Fingers crossed Sinead and Jojo. This baby alien I'm now naming it feels different. So much more Braxton hicks, period pain and constipation feeling. I've been out walking to collect avon brochures and bump felt so heavy, hubby helped with most of them, I was in agony with stabbing pains, I just feel so full and struggling to take a deep breath. It's like the Braxton hicks is everywhere. Managed by and q to look for a toilet for the extension but hubby had to go into Tesco himself (his idea) only went in for a couple of things. I just feel totally different. My legs, ankles and feet seem to have suddenly joined as one, I want to throw up or go to the loo, it's weird. My feet are throbbing but I've hardly been in them. Lots of discharge. I'm pleased I'm at the midwife tomorrow. I've just got this feeling something's going to kick off tonight! I'm probably wrong! Maybe it's just because I went out for a short walk. How people go for long walks I don't know.
Hope it's the real deal jo! Has it started to cool down up there yet? It should be peeing down here at the mo according to the forecast, it isn't but looks imminent and the air has definitely started to cool. Xx

Not sure where Jojo is in the north east but it's still warm here. Breeze has been lovely though x
Ok let the countdown begin - will it be Jojo, Cornish or me who has their baby 1st....... Or will they all arrive together :lol: We should start taking bets!! Xx
Ok let the countdown begin - will it be Jojo, Cornish or me who has their baby 1st....... Or will they all arrive together :lol: We should start taking bets!! Xx

Ha ha! I don't reckon it'll be me, apart from a very occasional mild period type cramp I've had nothing today; no more pink/brown discharge, just feel the same as always! I just ate a pineapple core whilst making a fruit salad, reminded me of when I was eating them to help with ttc! X
My last bump picture at 39 weeks - today is my induction day eeeekkkk!!!


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Looking good kath! Bye bye bump!! Drop me a text once you've spoken to the hospital and I'll get your thread started :) I won't keep pestering you with texts all day as it'll probably drive you mad; I'll await updates as and when you feel like texting or getting mark to text. Hope everything goes really well :) xx

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