* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Oooh that's exciting Sinead! Another person due on my due date with exciting signs :) keep us posted! I just dozed off on my sofa and woke up dripping in sweat :( yuk xxxx
Good luck sinead... Lol cherrybelly it's such a nitemare these last few weeks just seeing pains and symptom spotting.. Just wish these wee ones wud get a wriggle on lol c
Oh how exciting sinead! Good luck!

I feel like my journey is gonna end after being induced, overdue and lots of failed sweeps! X
After having a bit of bloody discharge last night I haven't had any more, all back to normal again. Gonna get bouncing again later though, see if I can jiggle this baby out! X
Sounds like everyone is getting pretty fed up!! 3 days overdue here and no real sign that baby's on his way :( Come on little ones!!!!!
Still nothing here jst more uncomfy movements and braxtons getting more n more and more uncomfy , sick of the are u still here well yes unless yr seeing things grrrr my foof is so sore n achy think baby has moved down more and is ready to engage fully soon as I go into labour and I think it's going to be quick which I'm terrified about ,gd luck at mw sinead hope it's the real deal her having a root about up there may get things going more aswel xx
I'm freakin starving! Had breakfast, then a sausage roll and crisps, now doing a sandwich as early lunch! Geeze! X
Oohh good luck Sinead - hope it's not long now :-) xx

Well in less than 24 hrs I will be going into hospital to be induced - I am sooooo scared!!! I hope it's not a long drawn out labour that lasts for days :-( Today I plan to do nothing!! Need to save my energy :-)
Really shit timing - just found out our house land line is down. They wanted to come round tomorrow to fix it!! Good job we have mobiles!! :wall:
Oh Katkin, good luck for tomorrow, you'll be fine I'm sure. We'll be thinking of you!

Oh Cherry - yuck! I'd hate that, I'm a major sweaty person as it is lol. Have a nice glass of water and a shower if you can xx

Ooh I've just got a Braxton hicks whilst I'm typing, what fun! Had a bit of period pain and lower backache last night bit I know that doesn't mean much when it stops!

In other news, I bought some ice lollies yesterday (thought of your liking to them a while back jazzy!) and they're yummy! Mmm! I'm really hungry again generally too. It's weird! Xx
Oh how exciting sinead! Good luck!

I feel like my journey is gonna end after being induced, overdue and lots of failed sweeps! X

I feel like this! It's silly as I'm only 1 day overdue and I know that's just an estimate too. I'm just sick of everyone asking about signs and any movement?! I think, do you see a baby? Have a told you I'm in labour? I'm not sure there's any other way of answering. I could have pains for ages and nothing happens, so what's the point in asking? Ask me how I am, yes, but grrr!! x
Oh how exciting sinead! Good luck!

I feel like my journey is gonna end after being induced, overdue and lots of failed sweeps! X

I feel like this! It's silly as I'm only 1 day overdue and I know that's just an estimate too. I'm just sick of everyone asking about signs and any movement?! I think, do you see a baby? Have a told you I'm in labour? I'm not sure there's any other way of answering. I could have pains for ages and nothing happens, so what's the point in asking? Ask me how I am, yes, but grrr!! x

I haven't had too many people asking yet apart from my mother in law!! Every single time my husband speaks to her she says 'any news on the baby?' and he politely informs her he'd probably have mentioned it if I was in labour or had given birth! ;) It's driving him mad!!! X
I Oh I'm addicted to ice lollies too... I think I'm gonna end u wi failed induction too for some reason... All my kids hav come at 38 weeks so that's y I'm so frustrated sitting here at nearly 39 and no baby... I swear I think is go us going over lol.. I don't o if they can actually induce me tho as I had a section hen two normal deliveries but the other two my areas had broken natural before that does anyway know?? Xx
4 days overdue today!!! Still lots off egg white that's super runny!!!! I have to where a towel and if I go to the toilet I can generally push some out tmi!!!!! It just stretches and strings out it's quite watery!!!! Felt queezy and had a very loose bowel movement this morning after being gassy all last night. Had a few cramps and tightenings but not much else!

Midwife at 2pm tomorrow for the reflexology session. I was hoping I wouldn't need it!!!! X
I'm getting lots of fanny daggers, but what the hell do they mean? It seems it's just another pointless thing to throw in the mix to confuse pregnant ladies even more!
Sat bouncing and rolling on my birthing ball for 45 minutes this morning, am I the only one that finds these balls completely uncomfortable? I feel like I walk like a cowboy for a bit after, and man does it hurt my coccyx. I have to go lie down on the sofa and let my butt recover!

Yeah I have been getting texts addressed to baby asking him to come out now. It's all very strange, people are concerned that I'm not gonna tell them if he arrives! Chill out! If he had arrived I'd be shouting from the rooftops! X
I agree jazzy- I walk like a cowboy after being on my ball, get groin pain for some reason!? Don't feel it when I'm bouncing though, only when I try to walk afterwards.

I'm losing the plot today- feel like I'm on the verge of tears. Want to nest and get things done (nothing major, all of the important stuff is done!) but just can't be arsed so sitting watching crap tv feeling sorry for myself.

Also developed a nasty rash on my bump which is itchy as hell. It's also spread to my thighs. Think it might be polymorphic eruption of pregnancy. Whatever it is is driving me nuts! Went to doc this morning and got cream and antihistamines. Will use the cream but reluctant to take tablets until baby is here.

Ok that's enough of a rant for now..may come back later for round 2...or just to cry!!

Yes you get constant check ups and people saying c'mon we're bored waiting etc and I am like you think you got it bad!!!! They haven't got a bloody clue!!!!

To top it off 3 people in my oh family were due the same day as me and one a day later!!! Two of them came 2 weeks early and one 5 days early!!!! I'm now 4 days late so talk about salt in the wound :(
Dooeyona I am exactly the same wi the crying I can b fine one mine then feeling so sorry for myself the next lol... It's just at that point where u just want ur baby here and other else will do.. Iv a friend due two or three weeks after me and she was having paid the other nite and I was saying to m hubby if she goes before me I'm gonna scream lol.... That rash looks very uncomfortable hope the cream helps x
Ooooh dooenya that looks very itchy and painful!
I've got rashes on my shins just above my ankles, but it doesn't itch or anything! X
I'm the same I don't find the ball nice at all can't go on it fir long n like you 2 walk like a twat afterwards lol I go on trampoline for a bounce lol looks nasty that try a cold flannel on it might help, fanny daggers are just baby head n pressure I get them awfull wen baby is wiggling about takes my breath away x

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