* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Best of luck things may kick off before they induce but either way ur close. I had the longest sleep I've had in weeks thank goodness but still getting loads of egg white cm, when I stand up I feel it all come out I can even push it out on the toilet tmi alert!!!!!!

The red streaks seem less in it now though. But no more than daggers in my cervix from bubby and so back and period pains.

I really want something to happen. 3 days overdue and super Uncomfy now especially with all this horrible stuff making me feel icky x
Good luck Kato! The may babies are all coming now!

Summer is coming on so much already I can't believe she is a week old today! She is feeding great now and settling in her Moses basket so mummy and daddy are getting some sleep : ) xxx
Gd luck kauto :) happy due date to u Vic , I nearly had a melt down just then , I'm still getting realy painfull stretching pains I vant move wen they happen I'm so pissimg fed up I just want this baby here safely I. Panicking all the time and the memories of my last labour are haunting me well the labour was fine it was the birth of the placenta that didn't happen and I ended up in theatre seriously ill :/ it's on my mind all the dam time , sorry for moany post I need to get a grip xx
Aww igood luck kauto so exiting totally wish it was me lol... I'm getting so many fancy daggers what the heck causes those I don't remember them before or maybe I just blanked them out... Baby seems super active and iv had so much discharge r these good signs lol xx
Wow congratulations to all the new may mummies! Lovely news, they are defo all coming at once : ) I can't keep up! Are we updating the frojt page with all the birth announcements at some point? Xxxx

Have been doing it as and when babies arrived and I've logged on :-)
Thanks Jojo, don't worry, you aren't moaning! I could moan for England about how poorly I feel at the moment, it's what's keeping me from actually being bothered about when baby is going to arrive! So I can only sympathise not empathise! In fact I will! My hearing keeps going funny and dizziness is off the scale! Sharp pains in my head - it's almost like the hormones are trying to be released and it's not working! I know my hormones are all over the place anyway but my prolactin was dodgy when I first got poorly and I swear I still have some sort of thyroid problem despite levels being fine. I've convinced myself I'm going to have to be induced, it's not going to work and I'm also not going to produce any breast milk! See how none of this is remotely related to 'wanting my baby here now' I'm still more worried about my health and how dizziness is going to be in labour rather than if baby is ok and general labour worries! I could also kill the weather - though I realise that isn't possible!!!

Same here with the white cm! Plenty of that! I've got the daggers too but had them for weeks! X
Urgh it's too hot to be heavily pregnant!! I'm meant to be doing loads of sorting, instead I'm sitting at home in my underwear and keep dozing off. Just had a little cry cos I feel like crap :( xx
This might be a stupid question but can contractions feel like the bad belly ache you get when you have sickness and diareohe? Xx
I've started getting that the last half hour and it's actually making me feel sick. Only the top of my bump goes hard though xx
That sounds promising. Get timing!
It's the top that's meant to go hard to squeeze baby down and out!

(I am also a FTM, just going on info I've been given!) x
Yes I think that's what they feel like too lol (also FTM). Jazzy have your little man's movements picked up? I just got stressed out cos mines been less active today but had some lucozade and layed on my side and oh shook my belly and she's now moving about a bit - little tinker!! X
Yeah cherry he's woken up, he was just having a lazy morning lie in!
Now he's pushing around in there, butt pushing out at my ribs and his back all the way down my tummy, knees sticking out half way round my side. Aka his normal position to cause maximum uncomfortableness!

I'm frigging starving hungry today! Been trying to fill up on fruit but it's just not cutting it!
Had a morning of crying, so sat in the sun tanning my arms and feet, not brave enough to get any other body part out! X
Lol oh dear, we're all suffering today :(

Glad to hear little man has perked up! Mine's gone crazy now lol xxx
Anyone else heard a click inside their bump?
Bit like when my joints click but a bit quieter. X
I haven't had a click yet :/ think I would freak out lol!! Had such a boring day. Went to a garden centre (how old do I sound????) had a coffee and then went to morrisons, while walking round there got some really painful fanny daggers!! To the point I had to stand still!!! Feel a bit crampy around sides. Am now enjoying some alcohol free lagers, they are sooooo nice lol, although they still gave that beery 'smell' here's hoping I don't have to go in tonight, I'll smell like a brewery even though it's alcohol free!!! X

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