*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

You're waiting longer than me TTCno2! My last day at work is 1st March and even that seems forever away, I just can't be on my feet any longer. Happy 34 weeks as well :)
Hope GF91 is okay, saw her thread earlier!
I packed my hospital bag and was all organised but I keep nicking stuff out of it when i run out of things like shampoo, make up remover pads etc. need to get my act together and finish it and zip it shut lol. I wont be packing baby bag until we have moved now, which is a week on friday :D

yes I saw GF's thread too, hope she is ok but also excited for her if its the real thing! :)
Thanks TTC. I work in a school, so running around after kids all day was getting way too tiring. I know some people work right up to due date, but I just couldn't do that. Not to mention the acid reflux and carpal tunnel syndrome keeping me awake for half the night. My lie in is actually the bit when I get to sleep. :P

Has anyone else taken annual leave pre-maternity leave? Technically I'm not starting my maternity leave until due day, but I'm on annual leave until then.

Hospital bags 1 and 2 mostly packed, but I'm sure I've forgotten something important.
I've been on maternity leave since 4th Feb. Had three and a half weeks annual leave to take beforehand so I'm using that up first. It's use it or lose it where I work! I'm really enjoying the time to relax. In fact I've just found myself fast asleep on the sofa...

I packed my hospital bag yesterday, it's a small suitcase on wheels. It's a bit of a tight squeeze and my wash bag is separate but I just about got everything in. Baby's bag is separate, I've packed all his things in his change bag. We also live only ten minutes from the hospital so if there's something I've forgotten it's not the end of the world.
I'm planning a home birth so ill want an emergency hospital bag with stuff for baby and I plus everything I need for at home. .. Don't even know where to start. Food and drink probably!

What changing bag are you all getting? I had pink lining but zip broke in weeks and it's too bulky for baby wearing. Bit stumped xx
Just been to midwife and baby is 2/5 engaged :) and I'm measuring 38 weeks! Been feeling lots of pressure down there and in my bum.

I've still been having some greenish discharge so they have sent a swab off to be tested could it be me losing a bit of my plug? x
Missbx I have been having this too made gp app to find out what it is. I dont think mine is plug though... may have an infection of some sort. Hopefully she will swab me so I can get antibiotic if need be
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I kind of hope for GF91's sake that this is it for her, I know she's really struggled with her SPD.
Missbx so exciting for you!! Fingers crossed :D
I'm seeing the midwife on Friday and if she doesn't tell me that baba is engaged I might just cry. I feel like my hips are being pried apart and I feel lots of pressure. Either that or he's had a massive growth spurt lol. I just don't know how much more uncomfortable I can get.
TTCno2, think your LO will make an appearance on the 25th or not? I have a feeling mine is waiting until my dad's birthday on the 30th :) it'd be so nice for him. Xxx
Cakey thank you very much for your concern! It's really kind. Looks like I might be in early labour- going in in abit to be monitored. I'm ok just uncomfortable- really irritating because I'd like something that definitely says "your in labour" to happen xxx
Oooh ladies it's all so near now isn't it!

I have my c section booked in just over 3 weeks due to SPD.

I am stressing over nightwear and underwear.

Do you think 1 nursing nighty, 2 maternity over bump pj bottoms, 3 nursing bras, 2 sleep nursing bras and an unlimited supply of camis are enough?

Wondering if I need more than 1 nighty! In bed I usually only wear a cami and knickers!

Oh and I can't forget an unlimited supply of Bridget jones pants!
Hope you are ok GF keep us updated ️xx
I've just woken up for a long sleep. I went food shopping this morning literally only got a tiny basket of stuff and was in Tesco for about 15 minutes, and my hips were killing me. To the point I thought i couldn't drive back as changing gear was painful. Anyone else had bad hip pains? I keep getting it on and off. Yesterday I did my last primark etc shop and walking around the town, wow well I can't say walking anymore I was waddling! Going to see MW tomorrow for 36+4 app. Is it bad to say I'm feeling a bit fed up :(. I want to make the most of my Mat leave but I'm really feeling i can't do much. I'm amazed I actually fell asleep this afternoon xx
Had my mw appointment today at 36+4 and I've just looked in my notes and she has out 4/5 engaged but didn't mention this to me at the appointment! She did comment on the fact baby feels a good size? My bump is solid and has been throughout my pregnancy... just worrying as im only small at 5ft2 and a normal size 8! Just hope I don't go over now!! I don't post very often but I do love reading how everyone is doing :-D x
Crikey its all happening! GF good luck hun :) Rachy I would go for more than one nightie definitely, mostly because its hard to tell how long you might be in there.

I have packed one short one for the delivery and two long ones to wear afterwards because when you bleed after it can be more watery than a period (sorry TMI) and you will go through pads more often than a normal period at first. So its best to have a few nighties to fall back on should you need them. Also, I dont know about every hosptital but mine encouraged me to go down to the main room and eat at mealtimes with the other mums (midwives keep an eye on baby if its sleeping)-or even before baby if you are in early labour so for me long ankle nighties were a must!
Good luck GF keep us posted. I hope you get your "yes your in labour" or no your not".

Demaris-thank you! I shall buy a couple more in that case! I always wonder if I'm going mad with buying!

I had two short nighties but my mum reminded me I'd want something for feeding baby afterwards without showing too much flesh, so she bought me a couple of pairs of nursing pyjamas. :)
Good luck GF.. x

Cakey I had a feeling baby may come few days earlier but now not so sure I think 28 or 29th.. so exciting for that all to happen. Ive a scan next wed and then ffollowing wed seeing mw. Need to write down all the questions I want to ask.
Aw good on mum Podpie! I'd like to think 2 pairs of mat pjs and a nightie would be ok but am going to get a couple more nighties incase! They are so not the height of sexiness!
Gf91 I really hope everything goes okay and maybe you'll have your little bundle soon :)
Another option Rachy is maybe some long mens tshirts? I was going to invest in some of those from Primark and I have some nice over the bump pj bottoms :)
TTCno2 it is so exciting! I'll be really intrigued to see when our babies come :) is this your second? Xx
Hmmm that's a good idea cakey! Thank you!
I'm going to make the trip to Primark tomorrow then! (It's only down the road but I just want to hibernate now!)


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