*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Primark is definitely the best place to go, cheap and cheerful :)
I don't know if anyone needs any more things for their LO but I just got off the phone from my mama and she got some good reduced bits today from TK Maxx. She said she got some sheets that fit the moses basket, a blanket and a 0-3 outfit for £15! Definitely sounds like it's worth a nose if you have one near by :) xx
How about a big nightshirt. Covers your bum and easy access for feeding!
Just had my 34 week appt. Testing me fir OC (an overkill I'm just itchy Piriton is working fine) baby is still transverse but i've got plenty of time for him to move.
Good luck GF91! !
I've got 2 nighties in my bag and a camp and dressing gown for nightwear. Will be sending hubby for any more and my mum will be around too, we're not far from hospital so it should be ok.

I got a great piece of advice at antenatal on Sunday....get your OH to repack your hospital bag, that way he will know where everything is if you ask him for something. So true though, something could be sitting right under my hubby's nose and he still won't find it. I really can imagine I'll ask him for something then he will bring the bag to me to find it.

Last day at work tomorrow!! Woo!!
Anyone else getting really bad lower back pain?! Not easing if I sit down and cant bare to stand still for very long either.
Have you got a gym ball at all Rachel? It really helps when my back hurts just to sit on it. Xx
Yeah I have. Did have a bounce on it earlier. But my ache is still there.
Primark is definitely the best place to go, cheap and cheerful :)
I don't know if anyone needs any more things for their LO but I just got off the phone from my mama and she got some good reduced bits today from TK Maxx. She said she got some sheets that fit the moses basket, a blanket and a 0-3 outfit for £15! Definitely sounds like it's worth a nose if you have one near by :) xx

Will be my 3rd baby although we lost our first born at 24weeks to abnormalities. .
Cant wait find out if its a boy or girl now.. :)
Feeling really crappy girls. It's only my first week of Mat leave and my work friend messaged me today apparently I'm getting the blame from the twat of a manager I have, that the new girl doesn't know how to do something. I spent days with her training her writing out everything in crazy detail for her, asking her if there was anything she was unsure of. She was away with the fairies 99% of the time and I stressed this to my manager that she really wasn't listening and doesn't care to learn. Wow I've not been there for 3 whole days and the blame comes on me. I'm sitting here thinking why an earth do I even care, in under 4 weeks im due a bundle of joy! Then another part of me thinks my god my manager really is a two faced bitch, and that im going to look for a different job nearer the end of the year as only have to go back for 3 months. Grrrrrrr, why do I feel like this. I work so bloody hard for my consultants and all this manager has done since she has been there for the past 8 months is turn the office into a bitch fest!!!! Argh and to top it all one of the girls I really don't like in the office so we keep ourselves to ourselves (as she is one of them that does no work and gets away with it) said to me last week owwwww what we can't come and visit in hospital. She is the last person on earth I would want there! My oh my. Sorry girls I need the rant, not really pregnancy related I know xxx
That all sounds a bit shitty Sarah! I wouldn't worry too much about it though! Nothing to do with work concerns you until you go back. Just put your feet up and enjoy your last few weeks of being pregnant. Xx
Thanks Nonabean. I know I shouldn't even be thinking about work whilst I'm not there. It's just irritating I made so much effort, and the second im not there I get blamed for something because it's the easiest thing to do. Grrrrrrr..... and breathe lol.
Must remember to breathe and relax and not think of work again until at least after the summer!! Im finding it's hard to just switch off at the moment, my brains in overdrive. I just want my LO here now. I am fed up of his bum sticking out the right hand side of my belly so my bump always looks super wonky when I look down lol:). Xx
Yeah, it's frustrating. Especially when they're trying to use you as a scapegoat and you've done your job properly!

I love when my bump goes wonky. It always makes me laugh. I haven't had much of a bump until this week, as baby was back to back, so totally loving having a proper bump now.

How long have you got left until baby is due? Xx
Indeed! All I need to remember is I have a very 2 faced manager, she is more the type to try and be everyone's friend and then turn behind their backs. Very very nasty she is not liked by many. It's awful but I did my part and taught the new girl as best I could, expressed my concerns about her lack of interest and that's all I could of done.

Awww glad you are enjoying your proper bump now. My bump feels huge but it still looks high. When are thy meant to drop lower? I am 36+3 today, so just under 4 weeks to go. Due March 8th :). I am hoping he is going to be a March baby as have way to many birthdays in Feb lol. I'm just hoping i don't go over too much as starting to feel mega uncomfortable. My friend had her baby last week, 4 days late but weighed 10pound 1oz!. My other friend was due yesterday but no sign of her little girl. Even my maternity clothes are starting to get a little tight, but don't want to buy anything else as I really don't have that long to go xx
This is my second, so apparently they sometimes don't "drop" until you're actually in labour. :lol:

I'm due the 15th of March, so a week behind you, and I'm really hoping baby is on time as my LO's birthday is the 14th of March and mine is the 16th. So a due date baby would be AMAZING!

Alexander was 12 days late though, so I'm not holding my breath. He was 9lb 4 at 12 days late :rofl:

Oh I'm sorry to hear you lost your first LO TTCno2, that must have been so hard :( do you have any feelings about whether you're having a boy or girl this time? Being team yellow must be amazing but there's just no way I'm patient enough lol.
Sarah that sounds horrible at work :( what a crappy boss! But forget about it, enjoy your mat leave, they'll have to learn to deal with it :) xx
Sorry to hear about your work Sarah. Sounds like they are just looking for an easy person to blame, grossly unfair and I think I would feel terrible too. But hopefully you can put work out of your mind now and get on with your mat leave.

I'm having a lazy day at home, my little boy is at nursery so will do a bit of cleaning and pop to the shopping mall to get a Valentine's present and card!

Anyone got any plans for today? Xx
Missbx I have been having this too made gp app to find out what it is. I dont think mine is plug though... may have an infection of some sort. Hopefully she will swab me so I can get antibiotic if need be

I had it the day I got antibiotics I had a weeks corse so I would have thought that would clear it up. I don't have the discharge everyday just seems to be every few days and different amounts midwife said I should have results of my swab test Monday.

They will most likely swab you aswell and send off to hospital to have it checked x
Thanks ladies. It really should be the last thing on my mind. It's just i look after 4 consultants and have great working relationships with them, so to be fair i hope the sh** does hit the fan in the nicest possible way because the new girl would rather sit on her phone looking at Facebook or Instagram than do any work or listen to em teaching her. Just a shame the manager is exactly the same...... Right enough about my work and me moaning lol, back to babiessss!!!!!!!

Wow Nonabean 12 days late? I am struggling now i don't think i could wait an extra 2 weeks on top!

Sounds like a nice chilled day Tiggy. What do you buy for Valentines? My place stinks of flowers at the moment from my baby shower. I got so many and they are lovely but do get right up my nose. I have just got in from popping to the shops, took some trousers back to Next. Oh my, i thought they would fit me but when i pulled them up i heard the elastic go... So didn't try to pull them any further up hahaha. I forgot about Valentines which is very unlike me. We have so many birthdays in February its crazy trying to remember all of them. I have my MW appointment later so hoping everythings all ok. I see her at my doctors surgery and it is like an oven in there. I come out and look in the mirror of my car and my face always looks like a tomato. Must remember not to wear a coat today xx
Yea that was very tough time...I actually didnt knw was pg with her til I was 9weeks. As I had absent periods for months on end since was 17. So she was a shock but a lovely one.. my life changed completely since losing her.. I had plans to go a way to Australia before we found out was pg but al I wanted then was a family. We had to wait for few months though as I needed a op. It was discovered on scans I had large cyst size orange so I lost my left tube. I think its the reason messed my periods up. My gp would never refer me when was younger.
We found out with our first and second. So I really wanted experience the surprise this time.
Think were havin a boy this time. Cant wait find out. Il be happy no matter what though.. :)
Yea missbx ive my appointment tomorrow so hopefully I can get sorted out .
Good morning ladies! I hope your all well.

I feel so sick this morning! Is this like a late morning sickness!!?? It's pretty damn gross!


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