Aww Demaris hope you get it all sorted at the hospital. Not that i've needed to yet, but if i have any problems i have to phone straight to the delivery suite. My number for the midwives is a community one, so 99% of the time they are not even in the office, good number to give patients ay!! If you do leave a message its always a different midwife that calls you back.
I have just got back from my MW app 36+4 today. My BP is high so instead of seeing her every 2 weeks i now have to see her every week, and she said baby is back to back. I've got to invest in a ball and do some bouncing, and apparently try and read magazines on all 4's. Anyone else had a back to back baby and one that's turned? She also said something about my LO's head being engaged, i can't remember by what amount as after she told me baby was back to back and it could mean a longer labour and more of an urge to push, my thoughts went all over the place! xx