*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

I hope you feel a lot better now I.love, my virus seems to have settled and I'm feeling a lot better today. Fingers crossed that it's over! My appetite is still a bit wary but I'm trying to get food inside me for the baby.

Got my mum coming round today and we're going to sort through all the baby's things and pack my hospital bag. Should be a nice relaxing day. :)
Thanks Podpie! Glad you are feeling better! Hope the virus will be completely gone shortly x
Glad your feeling better Podpie. You'll get your appetite back soon.

Demaris your back pain sounds dreadful. Have you spoken to your midwive?

I didn't end up going to my friends as im so full of head cold when I was turning my head driving it was just pounding away and I just feel really distant from everything. Just chilling watching TV with the heating on now!
Oh dear, maybe a nap will help Tiggy? Naps are the answer to all.... When you have the luxury of being able to take them of course.

Mum and I went shopping and she has spoilt me by kitting me out with nursing bras, pyjamas and a couple of nursing tops for when the baby arrives. I'm a lucky girl!

Hope you're all keeping well!
This might be a daft question but..... Is everyone washing the Moses basket lining?
Rachy I don't have a Moses basket, but if I did, I would wash the lining. I washed the sheet on our cocoon-a-baby and even a cover on my nursing pillow and my mobj wrap. Basically, I washed everything that might be in contact with his skin.
Rachy I washed all parts of the moses basket that I could :)
But I have washed everything that she will come into contact with!!!
Here I am, not being able to sleep again because of the face pain, sitting with a hot towel pressed to my cheek and feeling miserable. The annoying thing is that Internet in this hotel is crap, so I can't even watch a film to keep myself distracted. Grr.
Ive just washed my moses basket today.. came out great. Put the hood part n a pillowcase as I didnt take the rods out as thought it may be a bit of hassle to get through again. Also washed my carry cot too. Not much left to do now except hospital bag.

God im feeln pressure tonite down below I think baby must be engaging or something. Its nothing ive felt before during this pg or not I less it down to baby really pressing on bladder. Not sure but its stopping me on my tracks at times. Baby is havig a party in there tonite
Aww iLove how are you feeling now?

I think my body is preparing me for night feeds? I had horrific reflux all day yesterday so couldn't nap despite three hours sleep the night before. Tonjght I've managed 10pm till 2am but been awake since with hip pain, conjestion and shortness of breath again. Cannot get comfy!

Knowing everyone in the house will be awake in two hours is not helping!
Good morning everyone! The compresses helped last night and I had a very good sleep :) at last!

Tiggy oh dear :( it's funny isn't it, they always tell you to sleep loads in pregnancy, but our bodies often have other ideas! X
Eek I think im the only one whose not prepared anything at all! Everything's still in the cellar :/ not even thought about hospital bag!
SpinSugar you are a brave lady! Having my bag packed and things ready gives me peace of mind, otherwise I would be panicking big time now!
I've brought one pack of nappies and vests. ..oh and some maternity pads. My labour was about 5 days so i'm in no panic. I was writing my birth plan halfway through!
I jyst don't have the time or energy. By the time the day is over I can barely keep on top of housework let alone organising. Roll on maternity leave!
Plus I'm only 34 weeks and bound to go overdue. Plenty of time x
When do you go on maternity leave spinsugar? I guess it's easy to think your labour is going to be similar. I keep thinking mine will be 2 weeks early but this pregnancy has been so different I bet you this baby will go overdue. As much as I would like baby a little earlier our house is still not ready. Nursery full of junk and hubby still has lots of paint jobs to finish!
I repacked my hospital bag yesterday lol... Into a bigger bag. I ordered 2 cheapy holdall bags from ebay but one was tiny! So have borrowed a bigger one from my parents for my stuff. Saying that it's not even big. When I've watched one born every minute before they, lug around suitcases. We are only a 10 min drive from the hospitals so it need be OH can go home and get stuff. Or am I missing something? Shall I pack the bathroom sink as well? :) xx
On maternity leave now! Yay! I couldn't have kept it up much longer, to be honest. Work was getting too much. It's so nice to have a lie in in the morning.
Im very jealous lulu.. Im wakened from 5 30 seems happen same time all time now.. really cudv been doing with staying in bed. I dont start my maternity til 11th March although my last day at work wil be 6th march. Cant wait :)
Enjoy ur time off before baba arrives :)

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