*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

He has arrived!! arrived this morning at 3.54 weighing a whopping 8lb 14. name is Zachary Owen cannon and will tell labour story when I can.
Totally in love! Will get pic up when I get home and decent Internet access! X
Congrats nicknaknoo and Podpie! That feeling of love when you first hold them is in describable. Well done girls!

Oh dear now I'm crying! Feeling like my body made everything up last night!

Awww hope your boy is ok iLove. I know what it's like when you desperately don't want them to get ill and worrying about them. Fingers crossed he is ok and gets better quickly.
Congrats Nik :D hope you're feeling okay too.
Olya I hope your little man feels better soon.
Oh Tiggy :( I'm sure that it'll be your turn soon, it sounded like things were starting for sure. Fingers crossed it'll be you next :)
I'm so sick of being shattered! I can't wait until I can actually put my head on the pillow and sleep again xxx
Yaaaay! Congratulations podpie and niknak!! Two beautiful boys, glad all went well xxx

I.love, I really feel for you, I hope you all feel better soon especially your little boy bless his heart xxx

Can I have labour dust this way everyone please? Am in early labour but the more I can progress before Monday the better xx
Niknaknoo awww wonderful news!! Congratulations!!! Wishing you a quick recovery and please send us some piccies soon! Xx

My little man has flu and an ear infection :( I so hope that I either already have flu or will manage not to get it :-/ Poor boy.
Never mind skipping the queue Demaris ;)

We're celebrating my LO's third birthday today, and I'm due tomorrow!

Congratulations Nikki! :) looking forward to seeing a picture and hearing both yours and Podpie's birth stories! Xx
Aww Olya! Just seen your update. Hope your wee man is feeling better soon xxx
Was thinkn that earlier whos next..
Think ur right I love its these two ladies next..

Ive been bouncing on my ball trying to do something.. Some of baby movements are strong today though but no braxtion hicks or anything. I'll be here for the long haul.

Anyone got nice plans for tomoro?
Right, ladies, who is next? :) Tiggy, Demaris?...

Just been up the park with my youngest (13 years old!), they have older play areas now that have equipment similar to a gym. It's really cool (I will see if I can get a pic up on the fb group). I did decline going on them, but maybe I should have lol.

I'm still getting the tightenings but no pain, even though trace said 100. I guess this could go on for days, but fingers crossed it helps me on Monday. Eeeeeeek! Xx
Haha! If only you guys had a crystal ball and tell us who is next! I'm feeling absolutely nothing comtractions or tightening wise today.......

Knackered and finding it hard to walk. Managed to get a few bits around sainsburys but that felt like baby might just drop out any second lol!

Not what I had first time around as i just went straight from mild contractions to active labour and so forth! Do you think it means baby isn't in the optimal position or something?
Tiggy don't you know your baby's position?.. I wouldn't think it means much anyway - they say that all pregnancies and labours are different. Just your bubba is still too snugly there x
Demaris I'm sure it will all help :) do you have any other special plans how to help things along? Spicy food or anything like that?

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