*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Yay pod pie. Once waters have gone that's it - baby will be on its way within 48h! !!
Podpie that's awesome!! Now you know for definite that it's happening and not long now!!

Tiggy, Podpie, TTC my date is in exactly one week - Friday 20 March! Eek! They will redo my bloods again next Tuesday, so with some luck I will get my results on Wed... Not sure if there would be enough time to move my induction date... Will see. I don't have a huge amount of hope though.

I think I'm excited... I think... More like shocked though :)
Contractions are back with a vengeance every 3-4 minutes and lasting about 45 seconds. Definitely stronger! Just text my mum to say she may be back sooner than expected, she left at 6 and had just got home lol.
Aww I love im sure once the shock of it all wears off u will be chuffed and excited to knw u will be meetn ur gorgeous baby soon.. :)

Swesr so happy for u podpie.. about time baby got an wriggly for u.. hopefully ul have baby in ur arms very very soon now.
Ur sweep def help things progress for u podpie hope it works wonders for me and cervix is favourable on my d day
Podpie gosh! When are you going to the hospital? Sounds like it's time for you to start packing! X
Trying to last as long as possible at home. They're coming pretty fast now and have really ramped up a gear pain wise. Just grabbed OH and had hold onto him to stay upright, but they're not lasting as long! So going to wait til theyre lasting a bit longer!
Hmmmm I wouldn't. Things happened too fast for me last time. But up to you of course. Good luck!
Mum will be here soon and she's our lift so will see how things go when she arrives. I do feel like things are moving quite fast so I'm sure it won't be long. Will probably be in hospital this evening at some point!
Yay Podpie glad things are on the move! Once my waters went my contractions were every 3-4 minutes. Went in at 9.30am to hosp and was pushing by 4 - baby arrived at 7pm so you never know it could all happen pretty quick for you as well :) xx
How exciting Podpie. :D fingers crossed baby is not hanging around. Xx
Fingers crossed you meet your baby soon Podpie :D
Hope Niknaknoo is getting on okay as well! Xxx
Going into hospital. Unfortunately the closest one is very busy so we have a longer drive to get to a pool.
Contractions are coming every couple minutes and lasting a minute.
Oh my goodness it's all happening! Good luck ladies!
I have just gone from the hospital, I had reduced movements today, he has been moving but not the long big kicking sessions he normally has. They put me on a trace and everything was fine, but I am apparently having contractions. The midwife joked she might see me back in there later! I have never gone into labour naturally as I was induced with my two so wasn't even aware I was having proper contractions. I just assumed I was having Braxton hicks. I know this could go on for days, but I'm hoping it will at least help me for Monday when that pessary goes in, or I might not even need it :)

Off to get some sleep now just in case xx
Ooh demaris..that is promising news too. . Glad all was ok at the hospital

Yes been wondering how niknakoo is getting on too..hope things picked up too.

Excitd to hear podpie newz tomro
I'm hoping lots of babies appear now :D good luck ladies!! Xxx
Goodness everyone is on the move. Hope Podpie and nicknaknoo are ok.

Im progressing contractions now mildly to moderately painful every 2-5 mins lasting for 50 seconds. Not called the midwives back yet as I'm managing but too painful to sleep. Dragged hubby downstairs and he is napping on the sofa until I feel I need him.

Wondering when to fill the pool though!

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