*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Ooo exciting tiggy, good luck, hopefully have your LO soon, seems so many of the March babies will be all coming soon! Xxx
There like buses! Is it wierd that I'm excited! Haha! I won't be when I'm in the thick of it screaming for an epidural!
Ahh tiggy..good news for you to. .gosh it really is kickn off in the March m
Group tonite :)
I'm ended up begging for one after 19 hours of labour but it failed 4 times! so ended with just gas and air, hope its not too long for you xx
I've got to stay mentally strong! Any helpful advice would be welcomed! I did beg for epidural last time but in hindsight was in transition and then started pushing and baby was here after an hour. So this time I've got to try and remember that when I'm begging for more pain relief! Really don't want to transfer into hospital either!
Exciting Tiggy! My midwife says the best way to approach it is with the attitude that you 'can' do it. If you genuinely have faith in your own body you will cope better in labour.


Sending positive vibes your way xxx
Wow Tiggy! You as well!! What a weekend we have ahead!

Good luck to all the girls ejo are having their babies! :) x
Morning ladies! Hope someone has had a baby!

For me everything eased off after 1am! So we all went up to bed! Frustrating as feel like it was my mind or body playing tricks on me!

Feel ok this morning! Hope Podpie and nicknaknoo have some better news!
Awww, will be soon enough I'm sure tiggy, I wonder how podpie and nik are doing xxx
Morning ladies, hope all the ones in labour are doing well or have had their babies and are now enjoying cuddles!

I had a resonable nights sleep but woke on and off feeling these 'contractions', but nothing to write home about in my opinion! My trace said I was reaching 100 in the contraction stakes but I still can't feel them all, not sure if that's a good thing-so I never ended back in L & D despite the midwife's predictions.

The kids stayed over with my dad last night so I'm going to use their time away to clean their bedrooms-see if gravity can help. If I can be half ready for the induction on Monday then that would be fab. Going to start my labour thread off now though as they seem to think I am in early labour.

Thinking of all you ladies today xx
Morning ladies,

Well upon arriving at hospital nothing went to plan and I had a bit of a traumatic time to begin with, but alls well that ends well and Reuben Peter Sim was born at 6.38am this morning weighing 8lb 5oz. He is perfect and has already guzzled both boobs and is now cuddling grandma while I eat some toast.
I will make another post with the whole story when I have a bit more energy. :)
I am so in love. Nothing compares.
Awww huge congrats Podpie!! So glad for you! No more waiting ;) hope you are feeling OK and will be looking forward to piccies and the story!! Xx
Sorry Tiggy that things calmed down... Let's hope it's not for long!

We had a crappy night. Both I and hubby are unwell, and now my boy suddenly became really bad. High temp, and he was complaining of tummy ache, arms and legs ache, spinning head and all sorts. We ended up calling 111, and now on the way to see an out of hours GP in a hospital. Worried about my precious boy :(
Aww Olya! :( I hope your wee man is okay! Glad the doctors are seeing you to make sure! Xx
Thanks! I'm just hoping that he has what we have, just with different symptoms. We really can't afford to have another virus in the family! Poor bubba, what sort of house full of viruses are we going to bring him in?!
Brilliant new podpie.. congratulations so glad u have all over u now and ur baby boy is here... :)

I love hope ur little fella is ok.

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