Evening ladies ooooh dominos pizza after labour now theres a thought!! I can honestly say the cup of tea I was given after having each of my two was the most AMAZING cup of tea ever!
Things are certainly ramping up on this board now, i wonder how Chrissie, Rhonda and GF are doing? And yes, allthingsgirly. Thinking about them today
Well the Infusion went fine, I had no reactions apart from a strong metallic taste in my mouth for a while after. I had 1000mg of ferinject which even though I was at the hospital for ages actually only took 15 mins to IV in-it was the setting up of the cannula etc that took the most time! It looked like they were giving me cola lol.
I have to go back next tuesday for another dose the same and they said I should start to see a difference in a week or so to my energy levels. I hope so!
So tired now though, have been up since 5 with no nap today-cant function without a nap anymore!!
I'm no longer pregnant im now a mummy. Oliver was born at 0036 this morning much to the delight of the midwives as I broke their bed lol. He is a very sweet and quiet little boy. Breast feeding coming on well. He is prem of course so will be in for a couple of days but all his obs and checks are coming back fine. One proud not quite yet March mummy �� xxx
I'm no longer pregnant im now a mummy. Oliver was born at 0036 this morning much to the delight of the midwives as I broke their bed lol. He is a very sweet and quiet little boy. Breast feeding coming on well. He is prem of course so will be in for a couple of days but all his obs and checks are coming back fine. One proud not quite yet March mummy �� xxx
I'm no longer pregnant im now a mummy. Oliver was born at 0036 this morning much to the delight of the midwives as I broke their bed lol. He is a very sweet and quiet little boy. Breast feeding coming on well. He is prem of course so will be in for a couple of days but all his obs and checks are coming back fine. One proud not quite yet March mummy �� xxx