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*** march 2015 mummys to be ***

Someone's got to be last and it's probably gonna be me mainly because I'm stubborn and don't want to be induced unless there is something amiss.........but we will all be here to support whoever is last!

Charlotte good luck for your labour. Can't wait to hear your news! X
Nona I know how you feel, I have days where I'm so fed up of aching and not sleeping and just want baba to be here, I think it's just natural to feel that way. But it will be worth it in the end :)
Hope it all goes well Charlotte :)
Tiggy how late will they leave it before inducing you? I understand the reasoning of not wanting to be induced if I'm honest, I don't know what I'd do if it was looking like I would have to be.
I'm aching so bad but craving a cornish pasty! I wonder if it's worth the short walk to the shops lol xx
Good luck Charlotte xxx

Will update main page for you spinsugar when I know if you have a boy or girl :D xx
Cakey in the NICE guidelines if a lady gets to 42+ weeks they should be offered an induction OR extra monitoring. Extra monitoring involves daily CTG s and twice weekly ultrasounds from 42 weeks until baby arrives.

You don't have to have an induction....its your choice. There are risks to having induction and unless baby or me are not doing well I won't be having an induction. Likewise there are risks to going over 42 weeks. I will not be silly and if something happens like they discover baby is distressed or if fluid levels drop then I will be induced but just for the sake for 'dates' I won't be induced. For me the risk of induction outweighs the risk of going over 42 weeks, but I think I would only realistically allow myself to go up to 42+4. Baby will come when he is ready.

Most midwives just assume people want an induction to get baby out. and often they try to book it before 42 weeks. In my eyes due to inaccuracies of scans and different period cycle lengths etc then it may be baby isn't over due. I still think I'm actually 39+2 as I know when I concieved and was tracking my cycles. I may feel differently in a couple of weeks but i think everyone should know it's actually their choice.
Where as going by my dates, not theirs I'm actually 42+4 already, so will happily be induced next week if baby hasn't arrived by then. Xx
Yes the due dates are always skeptical! Fingers crossed it does kick off for your nonabean. Will they offer another sweep beforehand?
I'm sure I know the exact day I conceived as well, and my due date matches up with it so I'm really hoping he comes along soon.
Having lots of sharp stabbing pains in my cervix and just generally feeling rundown today. The last few weeks are definitely hardest xxx
I'm not sure Tiggy. I see my MW again tomorrow, then as far as I know it's just up to the hospital for induction next week after that.
Do you think they'd offer another sweep after 2 days?! Xx
I don't see why they couldn't do another sweep if that's what you want and you already have an appointment? Hope it goes well.

Hi ladies, sorry for not posting so much, I am thinking of you mummies to be though and of course the mummies. Jago is doing well, still settling into home life as I only came home yesterday. He is known as the boy that delivered himself bless him!

I will catch up with posts soon xxx
Little boy 7 lb 11 oz. Born 5 days "early" no name. I'd been having niggles since 4 am Tues. My midwife examined me last night at 6pm and estimated 4 cm. As I left things really ramped up so we raced around getting far ready. I got the tens on at about 7.45. Midwives arrived 8.30. I wanted to push by 8.45 - they gave me G&A examined me - 8cm! 2 pushes he was out! ! 9.05. Couldn't believe it - I had a 50 h labour last time. 2.5h total! ! I did go in to shock but all fine. I got my beautiful home birth! ! X
Awww spin I'm so pleased for you. Sounds truly amazing. Well done you! I knew you were gearing up for it and dilating and effacing with all those niggles! Shame I don't have instincts for my own body! I'm so glad you got your home birth and everything else was ok. Enjoy your baby snuggles.

Glad your home demaris, hope your settleing in well. Xxxx
Exciting Charlotte! Good luck!!

Well done you SpinSugar! Sounds like a very positive experience!!

Still no further signs of an imminent arrival for me. Thinking I'm due a big boy though as have been measuring 42 weeks since 39.5 weeks pregnant. There literally is no more room.... Xx
Hey ladies. .
Just back from doing bita shopping. Got fitted for my nursing bras..:) and got other last minute things ticked off my list to do before d day.

Jez that was fast spin sugar.. well done.. sounds lovely. .:)
Good luck Charlotte :)
Congratulations SpinSugar!!! Sounds like bubba just couldnt wait around xxx
Tiggy I think I will be happy to be induced with a score of 8+. I think I read somewhere that this is classed as favourable? Please correct me if I'm wrong!

Lanny I haven't told my son much about tomorrow. Firstly, it's not guaranteed, I might go back home if my body is not ready, and secondly, he would get upset if I started talking about staying at the hospital for the night etc. I just told him that I will be leaving early tomorrow to see a doctor and his brother might be coming soon. And then we changed the subject as I could see he was getting upset that I will be going somewhere and leaving him with grandparents. He is very clingy at the moment bless him...

That sounds amazing SpinSugar!! So glad you got the labour you wanted x

Hope it is all going well Charlotte x good luck!
Glad you got the home birth you wanted Spinsugar :) I bet you're so glad he's here now, will be excited to hear his name :)
Good luck Charlotte, hope you have your baba in your arms soon :)
Olya, bless your little boy, hopefully he'll take well to being a big brother :) make sure you try and get a good night's sleep tonight as you're in so early.
I'm excited for my midwife appointment tomorrow and I don't even know why! Not sure if it's because I know how close DD is or because I'm leaving the house for a bit lol :) xx
I love I dread leavin caoimhe and even when she comes to visit us in hospital I dread her leaving. I think I will becom emotional as she does not want to leave my side lately. Im hoping the baby giving her present wil make it not so hard. My parents will be having her whilst I go n and they are so so good with her..so I knw she will be fine.i darent mention hospital as she says I don want u to go. And also fit to tell me she doesnt want doc cut me.. she has seen my section scar before I told her she came from my belly ages ago but only turning 3 im amazed what she remembers.

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