Hi Girls,
Oh yes we have the same with the highchair, Fine going in but when he wants out the whole street knows about it. We are ok with food atm, he has been refusing a few meals but I take it away and give him a cracker then try again 20 or so mins later - that usually works. We also do food infront of the TV - its the only way he will eat at home and it makes my life a little easier, i can get on with the washing up or tidying. He is fantastic with a fork and spoon - he even ate a cheeseburger with a fork on sunday (after i cut it up). He does only have 8 teeth, last one has just come through which caused an ear infection and a nasty cold.
Ollys been walking since July, started the week we got home from Turkey - God Send

Now he toddles everywhere, sometimes gets board in his pushchair or trolly but im trying to teach him if he walks to hold my hand or the side of the trolly/pushchair and he does it now without me saying.
His speech is getting better each day, again can probably say about 20 words and he has even learnt his favourite foods and asks me for it (cheese, ham and cake lol) He also tells me when he is hungry, says 'din dins' and runs to his highchair.
Im just so proud of him, it was crazy to watch him this christmas open his prezzies (kitchen and little tykes car) and his little face was a picture I just sat and cried. He honestly didnt know what to do, at one point was sat in the car playing with the kitchen through the window.
We are no where near potty training yet. There is a potty in the living room but he hasnt a clue, sometimes sits on it and I praise him but he still doesnt tell me if he has poo'ed or wee'd. Once or twice the last week when he has poo'ed he has shouted 'ohh ohh' and ran to get him nappy mat so im hoping it continues and we can go from there. There is a lady at swimming lesson who said her son (1 week younger) was completely dry - then I caught her putting a nappy on him after class WTF ?? Im still finding people comparing and 'mine can do this and that' at playgroups. I like to ask because its lovely to see what I am expected to come next but to some people its like a competition.
Im still only working 2 days, and I still dont have any time to do anything. I always try and make sure my house is hoovered and we have a home made tea each night, but other than that the washing up and stuff can wait. Olly is with my mam while im at work so I like to take him out the rest of the week to socialise with other kiddies - Hubby keeps saying we should put him in nursery 1 day a week but I think it will be all the expense when I can take him to playgroups, swimming , park myself. If we were to use nursery then I wouldn't be able to afford to do all these with him - there are 3 nursery's in our area and the one 1 liked was going to cost £208 a month to put him in 1 day. Its a lot of money !!!
We dont have another check now until he is 3 - she said to ring her though if I think he is under developing or I have any issues. I havnt weighed him for about 3 month, I did it on the scales at weight watchers haha, he was 2st 8lb.
Although nobody has ever brought up his weight with me, he is getting taller and his face has thinned out a lot.
He didnt eat for 2 days last week while he was poorly and I was panicking but my mam said when we were poorly we sometimes when 4-5 days with only fluid.
I cant believe what a gorgeous, smart, cheeky boy I have and I am so scared to bring another child into his life at the moment. He goes through his clingy stages where he doesn't want dad but he quickly snaps out of it. For example last night I went out the door to the gym and he is stood at the door in just a nappy waving and shouting 'bye bye my mammy' and then as Phil shut the door I heard 'bath now dad' hahaha