Hi girls...sorry I've not updated lately. Love the pics - so cute!! Great to hear how you are all doing.
Matthew is doing well generally although at the moment he is getting over bronchiolitis and now has hand, foot and mouth! Time of year I suppose!
Milk-wise we stopped using bottles a couple of months ago. He now has milk from a straw cup (we use the Nuby stage 3 ones), about 7/8oz in the morning and same at night. He really seems to love his milk now.
Eating-wise well that's a different story. He's gone from being quite good with his food to being fussy
It's so frustrating! There are things he used to love that he won't touch now, like blueberries and grapes (was obsessed!) now he just shouts NO NO NO!!! Same with cherry tomatoes, yoghurts (although I'm starting to slowly get him back on to them) and various other things. Mealtimes can be a tad stressful!
Got him weighed the other week and was surprised he is only 23lbs - feels much heavier! He is running around a lot so very active. He has a slim build like his dad and is quite tall. Still on the 50th centime so health visitor said it's fine. Still in 12-18 months clothes, will be for a while. Has the odd thing in 18-24 months. Hoping santa (grandparents!) have bought him some clothes in the next size cos I don't have much!
Sleep-wise I'm happy to report he is sleeping so much better than before! For the last few months he's been pretty much consistently sleeping ten hours, and goes down between 7.30-8pm. I would loooooove if he would stretch it out to at least 11 hours cos 5.30am is not the time I want to be getting up at! But at least he is not waking up loads like he used to.
He goes down himself now as well. Up until a couple of months ago we were cuddling him to sleep like a wee newborn. Then one night I put him in his cot, went to hang his towel up and turned round to pick him up to cuddle and he had turned on his side and closed his eyes! Very chuffed that he is finally self-settling. Same for naps. He has one nap a day now, from about 11am-1pm or later.
He is a cheeky wee guy who is definitely testing me at the moment, climbing up on everything when he knows he shouldn't! Obsessed with peppa pig. Says NO! a lot. He can say some words, the funniest being 'chalk' which he pronounces as 'cock' LOL it's pretty funny
He's not saying sentences yet though.
Myself, well I was made redundant at the end of November after 6 years in my job. Good news is I've got a new job that starts in January. Will be working 2 and a half days a week which suits me fine. Have to admit the last few weeks going back to being a full-time mummy have been hard! It's definitely easier being at work!
Hope you all have a lovely magical christmas with your little ones - certainly different to last year! xx