**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Yeah I've managed get other half agree to be 'careful' these next week or so (the trusted pull out method! Haha)

I'm same as you if possible id avoid Xmas and January but if it happened I probs wouldn't mind! :-) would just take some re-arranging!

Can't wait to really get into Ttc again, at the moment it's like I want my cycles back but don't actually want to fall
Pregnant this month! X

Same hun. Ive not been on the pill since Aug last yr but using condoms.. Hoping id get an idea of my cycles.. But they have ranged from 29-43 days since aug!! Argh!
So trying the vits etc this month to see if i can get it down to 28-35 days ready for when i ttc end of may/june time xx
Hi girls how you all doing? Congrats to becky and queenriccy on their pregnancies! Dani and holi fngers crossed it's you guys next x

I've got a quick question I thought if ask you guys since our wee ones are at the same stage. How long are yours napping for now? Matthew will easily nap for 3 hours some days. Lately my mum has been saying on the days she watches him (thurs and fri) she's been waking him after an hour as she feels that's enough. Which is fine by me as he's not too cranky at bedtime and I've noticed he's slept til 7 the next morning. Tried a wee experiment yesterday and woke him after an hour. He went down no problem at 7.15 last night....then woke at 5.30am!! Arrgghh. I guess there's no science to it! I would much rather an extra hour in the morning than during the day but he's so unpredictable and can get up any where between 5.30 and 7. For a while it was 6am every morning.

Anyway I've rambled a bit here but what do yous think?
I wish it was as simple as 'less sleep in day equals more on the night' for us but it just doesn't! Rosie naps roughly 2hrs a day. Goes to bed anywhere between 7:30/8:30 and normally would wake between 6/7 but recently it's been more like 5/5:30am!! Driving me potty!

Rosie doesn't wake well from naps as it is so she would be super grumpy if I actually went and woke her! Wouldn't be worth it!

Thanks for the well wishes seems weird to be Ttc a second I've forgotten everything from first time!! Xx
Hi ladies

I think I'm a bit mad having another!! All good fun tho I'm sure?!?

Josh has been a bit erratic with his sleep recently and I've started to wonder that it might be his naps effecting it. The days he has a shorter nap his sleep that night is much worse. If we're out and about his nap will be up to an hr (or at nursery) whereas at home in his cot he'll sleep for a minimum of 2 hrs.

Basically I think he still needs a 2 hour nap. I did read something someone had posted on fb the other day about naps that said a 2 yr old could cope with about 5 hrs of wake time then would need a nap.


ps are our babies really nearly 2.... X
Hi girls! Just came across this thread I forgot about it! Lol
Going to have a nosey now :-)
Hope everyone's ok, whose had another baby since? Or preg? I'm 22wks with a boy! :-D

Ahhh Bec! Can u ask them at nursery to keep him down for 2hrs if it's because they're waking him? I've always found Hallie sleeps better the more sleep she has. How far along are u now? Xxx
Hey girls!

Noah has between 1-2hrs nap mostly after lunchtime.
Goes to bed 7.30pm ish and is up anytime after 6am.. (This morning was 6.50am) xxx
P.S WHY SRE THEY GROWING UPPPP!!!! Cant believe they r all turning 2 xx
Sleep ..... ? Well .... We have our good weeks and bad weeks but I think the same, if he doesn't get a nap during the day he usually wakes early or through the night. Like today he has only had 20 mins, went down no bother at 7.30pm (the last week he has been a nightmare to put down) but I'm not sure what time he will wake. I'm going to put him to bed at 5pm tomorrow night , no naps through the day as we have to leave the house at 2.30am in wed morning to get to the airport for our jollys.
Thanks for the congrats on my pregnancy, it was a surprise after having treatment for cervical cancer in January - I went through a pretty shit time and spent time away from Olly in hospital, my 6 month check up to check I'm all clear isn't until July .. So I was asked to hold off the baby making until after that - but hey ho, what will be will be.
Now it's sunk in I'm over the moon, it's probably going to be a tough few years with their age gap but I'm well prepared for it all

Emily will sleep for anything from 1hr to 3 hrs after lunch. Doesn't affect her sleeping at night. Goes down between 7/7.30 and awake about 6.30/7.

I'm nearly there with baby number 2. Will be 30 weeks on Saturday. Having a boy. No more after this tho! 2 is plenty for us!! Xx
Hi girls! Just came across this thread I forgot about it! Lol
Going to have a nosey now :-)
Hope everyone's ok, whose had another baby since? Or preg? I'm 22wks with a boy! :-D

Ahhh Bec! Can u ask them at nursery to keep him down for 2hrs if it's because they're waking him? I've always found Hallie sleeps better the more sleep she has. How far along are u now? Xxx

Hey hun, I'm somewhere between 10+3 and 11+1! Just wanting for dating scan to firm up a due date.

Emily will sleep for anything from 1hr to 3 hrs after lunch. Doesn't affect her sleeping at night. Goes down between 7/7.30 and awake about 6.30/7.

I'm nearly there with baby number 2. Will be 30 weeks on Saturday. Having a boy. No more after this tho! 2 is plenty for us!! Xx

Wow - can't believe how far along you are. The finishing line is well and truly in sight. We've said 2 our lot!

My little monster is currently lying on my knee on the sofa as he is refusing to sleep - an hour of him only not crying if I'm singing was quite enough!

Thanks girls. Good to get an idea of what others are doing. He slept two and a half hours today and went down at 7.45. He's been so cranky today, temper tantrum central. Going to bed soon myself!

Mrsrolly I cant believe you're nearly there on no 2. Hope you're well. Congrats on team blue x

Rosebud (bek234) hiya 😃 nice to have you back. Congrats on your blue bundle too x

Becky hope josh is now asleep. Nightmare when you get nights like that. Interesting what you said about 2 year olds and the sleep they need. My mum is of the school of thought if he's hardly slept during the day he will sleep better at night but its not always the case. It's all learning on the job this parenting lark eh!

I'm in denial at them getting older! I still feel like I just had him!
Hey ladies! Long time no speak!

Harrison still usually has a nap of about 1.5-2hrs during the day & sleeps 7pm - 7am. We went away on the weekend & he didn't really have any proper naps just fell asleep in the car & he was a NIGHTMARE. So deffo not considering dropping them anytime soon.

My babies are now almost 2 & almost 6 months. Growing far too quickly!

Thanks Kay, can't believe I'm going to have one of each I'm so excited! I can't believe it was two years ago we had newborns!
Ooh Bec ur so close to scan day then, hope ur feeling ok!
We're only having the two too, I couldn't afford any more I don't think lol
Hallie is a brill sleeper! Can't fault her sleeping in the slightest but I won't be dropping her naps till she does it naturally or until it starts effecting her Obvs. Xxx
Have any of you taken the sides off the cot yet? I'm in two minds on if I should or not. Great pictures and nice to read how everyone is doing. My girl will be turning two in June, wow where has the time gone! And my boy is now 9 months. I'm so broody for another but at the moment we cannot afford another. Childcare costs just outweigh what I would earn so I'm staying at home with the children at the moment until my oldest starts nursery.
Sides are still up for us! And we still are only on the middle level of cotbed! Rosie has made no attempt to make a break for it so I'm happy to keep her as is for a while longer! Maybe will do it in about 4/6months

If I was a millionaire is have loads of kids!! Unfortunately I am not so will probs have to stop at 2 (if were lucky enough to catch again)!
Thanks Kaykay. Im doing good ta. Constantly knackered but that's what happens when I'm chasing a toddler about while preggers!! Lol

Cupcake, Emily has been out of her cot since about January/February time. She's in a toddler bed with a bed guard. Wanted her to be used to it before baby comes. Has not affected her sleeping in anyway. She doesn't climb out during the night either. Xx
We took the side off when Lucie was 12 months �� she didn't like being put in her cot and screamed blue murder and would wake even if you put her in sound asleep. She slept fine in our bed though. So OH took the side off and we bought a bit of wood and screwed it into the bottom holes where the side fixed in. This just created a little lip that meant she couldn't roll out (as she moves a lot lol) we then padded it.she could get out if she wanted to. She had prob got out 3 or 4 times since that's all. She is happy knowing that she can if she wants to.

It was the right decision for us as it used to take about 3 hours of sitting with her holding her hand through the bars or resorting to putting her in our bed. The first night it took 10 minutes without the side on.
Thanks ladies, we don't have any issues with having the side on and we are also only on the middle level still. Maybe I will keep the sides on a little longer, it can be handy sometimes if I want to have a shower I can pop her in the cot with pepper pig on the tablet and I can take a shower
Matthew is still in his cot and to my amazement has never tried to climb out. He's a real climber so I would have expected him to find a way by now. Quite glad he hasn't! Will keep him in it for a while longer I think.

I was thinking of trying potty training in the summer but will let him take the lead and wait til he's ready. If it was up to my mum he would have been on the potty at 18 months but there's no way he would understand at that age. My brother was dry during the day at 18m apparently. They're all different aren't they. Wish my mum would realise that!

Lovely to hear how you're all doing and the second time mums (and mums to be) are too xx
It is lovely to hear how everyone is doing isn't it :-)

Josh has never tried to climb out his cot but he's not a climber anyway so the sides are staying put for ages yet.

I'd thought about potty training in the summer but not sure he'll be ready. Look forward to hearing everyone's tales of how it goes and the mishaps ;-)


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