**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Happy birthday to all the little tots who are now 1!! Can't believe it's come round so fast!

Just wondered if anyone has that their 1 year check and what it consisted of? X
Was wondering that too. Haven't had CR weighed since all that hoo ha and seeing a paediatrician. So interested to see what she weighs but she's still in 6-9 months and no sign of growing out of them yet. Xx
I didnt realise there was a 1year check. Intetested to hear what happens too.

We had an amazing day for R's birthday on Sat. Weather was so good. Had everyone out in the garden and a bouncy castle and a gazebo. He was spoiled rotten. Have his actual birthday on Thurs which is going to be just family. Where has the time gone!!
I think it's just jags when they are 12/13 months. Appointment comes out in the post automatically(well it does here). This is going on friends of mine with slightly older babies. I'm back at work in a few weeks so hoping it'll be on my day off otherwise my poor mum will have to suffer the screaming! :shock:
We had a 12 mth check - had a questionnaire to fill out before hand, what he can and can't do, eating, sleeping etc. she then chatted about the same things... All a bit pointless to be honest. No appointment for jabs yet xxx
Yeah I think we get a letter too! I'm not looking forward to the jabs! Their a lot more aware this time around!

Robyner I can't believe you've managed to stay clear of the scales! Well done! I'm too nosey and get her weighed whenever she turns the next month, at 10 months she was 17lb 2.5oz so really interested to see what she's like at 12 months! I find different stores really vary I'm sizes! Tesco she barely fits in 6-9 but sainsburys she's always bang in what age she is! X
Waiting for a letter about jabs.
We have a 12m review at our house with hv a week after his birthday.
I was told for ages by them he wor get another review now till hes 18ms old!! But then had a phonecall last week for this 12m one. Probs end up bein pointless as she said its a quick visit. But considerig his last review was at 8 weeks old lol! Be nice to see i hes doing alright. I believe he is anyway :)

1st birthday on 11th July - party on 12th :)

Happy birthday to all the babas xx
My son had his 12 month check at 10 months as apparently it's now between 9-12 months. Hv just visited the home played with my son on the floor asked questions around what he's doing ie words he's saying, crawling , eating and sleeping. She weighed him, measured his height and head. There's a checklist in your red book that they go through in the review section it for me it was more if a conversation then they ticked stuff off. There was a couple of things he wasn't doing at the time ue crawling but she said she wasn't concerned as by 12 months he might be.
Yeah I think we get a letter too! I'm not looking forward to the jabs! Their a lot more aware this time around!

Robyner I can't believe you've managed to stay clear of the scales! Well done! I'm too nosey and get her weighed whenever she turns the next month, at 10 months she was 17lb 2.5oz so really interested to see what she's like at 12 months! I find different stores really vary I'm sizes! Tesco she barely fits in 6-9 but sainsburys she's always bang in what age she is! X

Holi, I think I'm just burying my head in the sand. Although she is perfectly healthy and doing so well. When I was last down south at Easter my mum weighed her on her scales and said she was 14 pound. It has to be wrong as in October she was about 12 from what I remember which means she's hardly put anything on. It really upset me but I've put it to the back of my mind. She is honsestly so bright and healthy and all in proportion and dosent look skinny naked. She eats brilliant. I'm just hoping that was a mistake. I didn't want to get all obsessive like I was before she was signed off from paediatrician xx
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I never trust the bathroom scales (weigh yourself, then yourself and baby, then do the math) times when I've done it and it said she'd gained loads, she hadn't, and when she stayed the same, she'd gained!

CR sounds the picture of health!

Someone guesses Rosie was 6/7 months the other day, she's was nearly 11!! Xx
Thanks Holi. Got her jabs tomorrow or jags as they call them in this area. Hope she will be ok. I've been unwell for 2 days and Dh is constantly working abroad at the moment, wish I lived near my mum xxx
Bless, must be so hard to not have family around you. I'm blesses to live very close to my parents and sister so I can't imagine what it's like not to be close to them, must be so tough. Hope CR is giving you plenty of cuddles to make you feel better! Xx
Aww thanks - happy birthday to Rory too. Hope you've all had a good day. I've spent most of the day saying 'this time last year I was...' xx
Happy birthday Rory and Josh! How time flies! Hope yous have had a lovely day.

Robyner how did cr get on with her jags? xx
Happy birthday Rory and Josh! How time flies! Hope yous have had a lovely day.

Robyner how did cr get on with her jags? xx

She's not herself today Kay Kay. She was due to go out with a friend for a whole day so that igot a rare break but there was no way I could send her. She's really clingy and cuddly. My friends boy had his a few weeks ago and he has come out in a rash in the past couple of days. So sad for them but they soon bounce back.
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