**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Josh is no where near feeding himself with a spoon! He's not even interested in trying. Lazy boy is more than happy when I'm feeding him. We've tried plates but they just go flying. xx
I spoon feed harry still but he also has a spare spoon in his hand. His finger food goes on the tray of his high chair. If I give him the bowl it just goes straight on the floor and he eats nothing because hes more interested in throwing the bowel. Ao at least I know if am feeding him hes getting something. He still isn't the world's best eater any way. Xx
Also costa del sol a place called nerja where we got married, its about 40 min drive east of malaga
We did baby led weaning so I've loaded a spoon and given to CR from the start. She has a good go at scooping it up herself now and prefers me to leave the fork or spoon loaded on the tray for her to pick up.
I don't give plates and bowls they would go flying lol I just put small amounts at a time on her tray.
We have a bowl that has a silicone sticky thing on the bottle of it and he takes nibbly finger foods from that..
But dnt use it all the time, easier with the tray.

He wont take food off a spoon if i hand it to him, only the last spoonful of a yog for somereason lol otherwise hell just sit bk with his gob open and let me feed him lol
Thanks girls, good to know. I can see him looking at the spoon and the bowl when I'm feeding him and he gets frustrated that he can't do it himself. That's why I give him a spoon to hold, give him some sense of control. We've done BLW a fair bit but that's mostly been concentrating on him picking up food from his tray and feeding himself, which he does well. I guess the reason I'm asking is cos my MIL asked the other day can he not eat off a plate yet? Or use a spoon himself? I sorta laughed in her face then realised she was actually serious! :shock:
I swear parents/MIL tell white lines about how 'so-and-so was potty trained by 12 months!' Etc! Xx
My baby turned 1 today im feeling very emotional and dont know why, I feel like ive blinked and hes just so big now wanting to explore everything no time for kisses or cuddles, hes been such a blessing
Aww happy birthday Ryan! I can understand being emotional hun, it's a big milestone. They really aren't babies for long xx
Harry was one in Saturday. it was a lovely day weather was great and he had a lovely party . I just can't believe my little baby is one already . Hope ryan had a lovely birthday x
Happy birthday Harry! Feels like yesterday we were all pregnant xx
Actually hayels (and laurat) it feels like yesterday we were in ltttc!
Aww happy birthday Harry! Oh and KayKay you are so right! Life truely is so different and all I hoped for!
Wouldnt change my son for anything he brings more joy to my life than I ever imagined was possible, It does feel like yesterday I was in ttc wishing for this im so so fortunate
Olly is 1 today ! It's been quite an emotional one for me !!
We have had a lovely day at his swimming lesson this morning, lunch and a wander around tesco this afternoon and he is now sat eating his tea watching Henry on baby tv !!

I love this little lad so much

Aww happy birthday olly! Matthew loves hungry Henry too. You wonder why he keeps going back to a restaurant that never has what he's after lol! X

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