**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

We don't have an isofixed one, just a forward facing Babyweaver, we moved him as soon as he reached the weight limit (9kg). He loves being able to communicate with us & look out the window x
We also have the maxi cosi pearl on the familyfix isofix base. Olly moved over at 8 months, he is a chunky monkey and weighs 27.5 lb, we noticed he was looking so squished in his cabriofix at 6 months but waited until the correct weight. He loves being forward

CR will be so much happier but we've a long way to go yet with weight and height, she's getting frustrated.
Got a long journey next week to see the folks, but we will get through it.
Thanks girls, you are all so helpful.
It's great to have this thread xxx
CR will be so much happier but we've a long way to go yet with weight and height, she's getting frustrated.
Got a long journey next week to see the folks, but we will get through it.
Thanks girls, you are all so helpful.
It's great to have this thread xxx

You dont have to wait for the weight & height hun. Its either 9kg or 9months, what ever they get to 1st xx
Ok im just checking. I tried R with a 6 oz bottle of blue milk today for his afternoon bottle. He drank it all as normal and seemed to like it. Is the idea to replace all bottles with normal milk? R still has four 6 oz bottles a day as he is not a great eater although getting better. Should I keep some formula or try for all blue milk? Is formula more nutritious or better for them? Im now unsure. Should I wait till hes eating more food and drinking less?
Hey ladies, nice to see you all on here. We're just back from our hols to Portugal, was a great week and the wee man was great! Very relieved, esp about the flight. But he was no bother, so proud of him!

We're on two bottles of formula, morning and night time. Just bought our last tub of formula today! HV says to give formula until 12 months as it does have more nutrients than cow's milk. Laura that's great he took the cow's milk so well. I've not tried M with cow's milk as a drink yet, hoping he won't stop the difference :wink:
Ok im just checking. I tried R with a 6 oz bottle of blue milk today for his afternoon bottle. He drank it all as normal and seemed to like it. Is the idea to replace all bottles with normal milk? R still has four 6 oz bottles a day as he is not a great eater although getting better. Should I keep some formula or try for all blue milk? Is formula more nutritious or better for them? Im now unsure. Should I wait till hes eating more food and drinking less?

I was going to ask the same actually. CR is only on 2 bottles a day but cows milk is 4 times as salty as formula and breast milk, sounds like a lot.
Hi Kay Kay,

We are going to turkey for 2 weeks on the 26june, mam and dad are coming with us and we are staying at their apartment. How did you get on with the food ? Did you take some bits with you ? Olly eats mostly what we eat now but I'm just worried about hygiene and stuff. I'm packing fruit pots and desert pots and Iv also bought some Ella's pouches, don't know how he will react to this as he is mainly BLW and feed a himself 99% of the time but will let me give him dersert jars and the fruit pouches if I think he hasn't eaten enough. Iv held off cows milk until we get home, I know a cows a cow but I hate foreign milk so going to take his formula. I'm worried about the flight as he is such a wiggled and won't sit still !!!

I'm sure all will be fine and I'm just over reacting - we took him to Cyprus for a week when he was 4 month old as I wasn't as worried then !!

Hi Kay Kay glad it went well we go next Monday!! Was it hot?? Did you manage
To buy decent baby food (jars etc) out there or
You sy pack
It all??

I've just rang the airports super drug and ordered the formula we will need which means it won't take up room in your suitcase or hand luggage!

Noahs on 2 bottles now and are both cows.
Hes a big boy weighing 25lb 9oz and is eating plently so i was happy enough to move him onto cows earlier than the 'guidlines' afterall ive not really followed them with weaning from 17wks etc anyway! Hes been on cows soley for a gd 3-4wks now and hes fine x
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Hi Kay Kay,

We are going to turkey for 2 weeks on the 26june, mam and dad are coming with us and we are staying at their apartment. How did you get on with the food ? Did you take some bits with you ? Olly eats mostly what we eat now but I'm just worried about hygiene and stuff. I'm packing fruit pots and desert pots and Iv also bought some Ella's pouches, don't know how he will react to this as he is mainly BLW and feed a himself 99% of the time but will let me give him dersert jars and the fruit pouches if I think he hasn't eaten enough. Iv held off cows milk until we get home, I know a cows a cow but I hate foreign milk so going to take his formula. I'm worried about the flight as he is such a wiggled and won't sit still !!!

I'm sure all will be fine and I'm just over reacting - we took him to Cyprus for a week when he was 4 month old as I wasn't as worried then !!


I was worried about the food too but it was fine. We went to the same place in Portugal two years ago so we knew what the supermarket was like (although we didn't visit the baby aisle two years ago lol - I was in ttc hell at the time!). I took weetabix as that's what he has in the morning and took his formula (ordered the bottles of instant stuff from boots at the airport). The cow's milk in Portugal is absolutely fine as that's what my friends gave their babies when we were there, not sure what it's like in Turkey though. I did take a couple of ella's pouches but didn't need them. M prefers finger foods same as Olly so he ate a lot of fish fingers, pasta, omelettes, salad, veg etc. We bought fruit pots there as he gets one every morning. Gave him pizza and ice cream (just a wee taste but he's never had them here). He wasn't that impressed to be honest! Gets more excited about rice cakes! On that note, I took LOADS of snacks like rice cakes, ellas cookies etc and was really glad I did. They didn't sell many snacky things like that over there.

I have to say I was shocked M sat still the whole flight. He did want to stand on my legs for a big stretch of it but he was a good boy and was smiling and waving at the other passengers. I was really surprised cos I run about crazy after him round the living room!

Hope you have a great time, try not to worry I'm sure Olly will have a great time xx
Hi Kay Kay glad it went well we go next Monday!! Was it hot?? Did you manage
To buy decent baby food (jars etc) out there or
You sy pack
It all??

I've just rang the airports super drug and ordered the formula we will need which means it won't take up room in your suitcase or hand luggage!


Exciting holi!! Yep it was really hot but quite windy in the evenings. Managed to keep a hat on M most of the time and slathered him in factor 50. We had a sun shade thing for the pram which was great, I'll see if I can find it...http://www.jojomamanbebe.co.uk/sp+diono-sleep-n-shade-in-holidays-and-sun-protection+b1295
totally recommend it if you don't have anything like it! He slept in his little cheapy buggy we took with this on!

Just wrote a reply to queenriccy about the food. It's great in Portugal, the supermarket (intermarche) was really nice, like a nicer tescos lol. They also have aldi and lidl out there. The restaurants are child friendly and most have high chairs. We took a booster seat thing which was great (a munchkin one, got it in boots). Used it loads. They mostly all have kids menus, things like fish or chicken nuggets. We ordered omelette (cheese or mushroom) for ourselves a couple of times and gave him some of that. Mostly comes with chips so we didn't go hungry. He was eating the chips too! Funny how you relax about things on holiday!

I'd say take the things that Rosie absolutely has to have but other than that don't worry, you'll be able to get most things there. And have a great time!! xx
Hey Everyone . I kinda went MIA for the past 10months ! Can't believe it's almost 1st Birthday time already!!!!
Hope everyone's well x
Were heading to spain in september ryan will be 15 months, we took ryan last year when he was just over 3 months and it was great itll be slightly different now that hes actually eating solid foods, ill lrobably bring a few toddler meals with us just to have handy
Were heading to spain in september ryan will be 15 months, we took ryan last year when he was just over 3 months and it was great itll be slightly different now that hes actually eating solid foods, ill lrobably bring a few toddler meals with us just to have handy

We're off to spain in sept too, 7th sept to be precise - I can't wait. It'll be our first trip abroad with Josh! x
How are your little ones with spoon feeding themselves? Matthew will only let me spoon feed him if he's holding a spoon himself. He puts the empty spoon in his mouth but when I give him the spoon with food on it he throws it about the place!

Also, do you give them the bowl/plate? I don't because he flings them about as well, I just put his food on his tray and he picks it up fine. Just wondering what the norm is with babies his age. Not sure when he's meant to be doing these things but feels like a long way off.
There would be carnage if I let Rosie feed herself! At the moment I spoon feed her and finger foods she has off her highchair tray!

Now you mention it, for the last week Rosie's been a right pain to spoon feed! Constantly trying to grab the spoon so I have to distract her by singing (lucky girl) think over the next month I might let her experiment with a yoghurt (she adores them so less likely to chuck it everywhere cos shell want to eat it!) xxx

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