**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Awww lau sounds similar to Noah! He sleeps but once hes awake hes awake for a good few hrs! Most the time its colic.. Its horrible :(

We had the issue of him not sleepin in moses basket, the 2nd we would put him dwn he would be awake! But hes grown to love it now once hes tired enough! Lol!
Newborns ay! So unpredictable!

Hope u get a better nights sleep tonight!
I hate OH beig back in work! Dnt have to 2nds to bloody fart on ur own xx
Awww lau sounds similar to Noah! He sleeps but once hes awake hes awake for a good few hrs! Most the time its colic.. Its horrible :(

We had the issue of him not sleepin in moses basket, the 2nd we would put him dwn he would be awake! But hes grown to love it now once hes tired enough! Lol!
Newborns ay! So unpredictable!

Hope u get a better nights sleep tonight!
I hate OH beig back in work! Dnt have to 2nds to bloody fart on ur own xx

Agree with that! Its a successful day if I've managed to brush my teeth!

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I haven't brushed my teeth today..... Omg I didn't even notice! Haha wow I've turned into a right minger!

Dani she does sleep in the Moses basket in the day, she sleeps for hours in there! And I can wake her up and within minutes she's fast off again. It's just at night she won't sleep! So annoying cuz I've got ty too so it's not like I can sleep in the day. I'm just hoping its just a little phase and she soon snaps out of it! X
Babies just don't seem to like Moses baskets all that much!

Can't believe it's so hot again today! We'd planned a nice long walk but it's just too hot to be out with my little man! He's got a heat rash already :-(
Wow your brave Claire!

I'm getting my hair coloured & cut on Monday and I'm nervous about leaving him for that haha. He's going to be with my mum, and it will be 3 hours max, but I haven't been away from him atall since birth so im really anxious lol. How much are you expressing off? I have no idea how much to leave him with. Just going to give as much as I can then he should be covered x

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This sounds awful but because he's my second I'm not half as anxious about leaving him as I remember being with my first! I'm only going out 8pm till midnight so my plan is to feed before I leave, and then I've been expressing bottles with just over 3oz in each. He should only need 2 as its only 4 hours, but I've done another just in case, and then have 3 more to last till morning when all alcohol will be gone ( I'm only having 2 wines). The expressing has been a nightmare though, been at it all week to get enough! Xxx
Wow your brave Claire!

I'm getting my hair coloured & cut on Monday and I'm nervous about leaving him for that haha. He's going to be with my mum, and it will be 3 hours max, but I haven't been away from him atall since birth so im really anxious lol. How much are you expressing off? I have no idea how much to leave him with. Just going to give as much as I can then he should be covered x

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This sounds awful but because he's my second I'm not half as anxious about leaving him as I remember being with my first! I'm only going out 8pm till midnight so my plan is to feed before I leave, and then I've been expressing bottles with just over 3oz in each. He should only need 2 as its only 4 hours, but I've done another just in case, and then have 3 more to last till morning when all alcohol will be gone ( I'm only having 2 wines). The expressing has been a nightmare though, been at it all week to get enough! Xxx

Sounds good Claire, well done with the breast feeding! I was really gutted I couldn't carry on for long. X

I agree with babies not likingoses baskets! My lg wouldn't sleep longer than 1.5hrs so we put her in the bassinett and she was going 4-5hrs straight then every 3hrs! Now she's in her corned and goes from 9-10pm to 4-5am!!! Bottle then 815am on the dot!!
She definitely likes a lot of room bless her xxx

Tapatalking. X
Ahh last night was the worst night yet! I thought it was supposed to be getting better?!

Harrison was up every hour - sometimes 40 minutes for boob... & he was guzzling it down each time, literally like he'd never been fed! I'm soo tired, and we have his tongue tie appt at the hospital so I'm already feeling fragile about that :(

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We had poor night last night too, Josh was up loads and wouldn't settle. I think the heat played a part. He's now flat out in his bouncer chair! I know u should try and sleep to but I'm thinking the washing up needs doing, along with the washing and general house tidy!
Noah wasnt to bad lastnight.. But dreadful this morning!!!

I dno if hes crying cos hes tired Snd fighting it or theres something wrong!! :( hes had his bottle n bum changed.. Ive managed to get him off to sleep now but hes in n out grizzling :( im so tired.

This tiredness is the worst part. My friend come over yest n said 'omg ur eyes!! U look knackered' lovely :shock:
I'm finding the sleep deprivation the hardest part. I can deal with everything else - although our house looks like a bomb site, but I'm starting to not be able to function properly with the lack of sleep :(

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So much for flat out, woke up cried and now fallen asleep on my boob! No doubt when I move him to his bouncer he'll wake up!

Sleep deprivation is a shocker - it wouldn't be so bad if you knew after one bad night you'd have some sleep the next night but no!! Good job we love them so much!!
Definitely agree about the sleep.. I feel so bad on oh coz he keeps suggesting stuff for us to do but I barely have the energy to shower let alone get ready and go somewhere! And when we do, I end up having to stop and sit for ages to breastfeed... Feel bad for wishing time away when it will get easier but it's the only thing that keeps me breastfeeding xxx
Harrison is the same Claire. It doesn't matter if I have literally just fed him before we leave, he always wants boob when we are out!

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Sorry for the rant ... And it's long x

So everything was going well and then Break down .. Mil decided she would come over and take eliza out so we could have some time to our self (which we don't need yet ) I found it really hard to say no so I went along with it well when she turned up she was her usally crazy self being loud and thinks she knows everything so I tell her eliza had a fed 15 minutes ago and she said when we get to the park ill give her another one which I told her she doesn't need one she answered I fed my children every hour or two and didn't listen to a word I said .. So I left it and thought o well it won't hurt then she got her in the car shut the door and left her in there for 5mins I went to see her and she was boiling it was so hot it there I grabbed her and bought her back in the house and she was like what are you doing !! I said I can't do it I can't have her away from me I'm not ready so she tried to take her off me and was like dont be silly she will be fine ! I started crying and oh said that I'm ovb not ready she's only four days old well mil had a right paddy she said well I'm not taking Tyler out then you can so he started crying , I said let's all play in the garden and she was like no you have wasted my time and my day I'm going home .. Since then we have had texts saying that i have depression she been telling her son and girlfriend that we've locked our self in the house with all the windows shut and we can do what we want with our child !! Is it me beenin unfair or is she bloody getting crazier I didn't know how I would feel In till someone took her off me why can't she understand that .. So now mil hates me and we were ment to be going to dinner with them Sunday but if she's going to make me feel bad for loving my daughter I dont want to go :( .. Mil are nightmaires .. Apart from that were all doing well lol x
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What the hell!!! Crazy MIL alert!!!!

Hun uve not been unfair in the slightest!!!
4days old and she wants to take her out!! Without u!! Shes stupid for even asking!
Try n ignore her with her stupid comments! U decide whats best for ur daughter!

Hope ir feeling better hun, id be the same! Even now my mum comes over to help me n i cant go upstairs n sleep, feel i cant leave him for 2mins! Not that i dnt trust my mum or anything i just feel like i cant leave him! Xxx
Wow! Ur mil sounds mental! She's only 4days old and I don't blame u for not wanting to leave her! She shouldn't make u feel bad at all! Glad ur oh stuck up for u thou. :)
Keep ur head up and go to dinner on Sunday, proving that ur not locking urself up! Bless u! Can't believe she left her in the car either, it's so warm at the min.

Tapatalking. X
Hardly been on here since Millie was born! They really do take up all your time dont they lol xx
Sorry for the rant ... And it's long x

So everything was going well and then Break down .. Mil decided she would come over and take eliza out so we could have some time to our self (which we don't need yet ) I found it really hard to say no so I went along with it well when she turned up she was her usally crazy self being loud and thinks she knows everything so I tell her eliza had a fed 15 minutes ago and she said when we get to the park ill give her another one which I told her she doesn't need one she answered I fed my children every hour or two and didn't listen to a word I said .. So I left it and thought o well it won't hurt then she got her in the car shut the door and left her in there for 5mins I went to see her and she was boiling it was so hot it there I grabbed her and bought her back in the house and she was like what are you doing !! I said I can't do it I can't have her away from me I'm not ready so she tried to take her off me and was like dont be silly she will be fine ! I started crying and oh said that I'm ovb not ready she's only four days old well mil had a right paddy she said well I'm not taking Tyler out then you can so he started crying , I said let's all play in the garden and she was like no you have wasted my time and my day I'm going home .. Since then we have had texts saying that i have depression she been telling her son and girlfriend that we've locked our self in the house with all the windows shut and we can do what we want with our child !! Is it me beenin unfair or is she bloody getting crazier I didn't know how I would feel In till someone took her off me why can't she understand that .. So now mil hates me and we were ment to be going to dinner with them Sunday but if she's going to make me feel bad for loving my daughter I dont want to go :( .. Mil are nightmaires .. Apart from that were all doing well lol x

Omg...hun ur not crazy at all, shes the bloody inconsiderate one! Jeez, you'd think as a mum herself she would totally remember how u must be feeling after just a few days after giving birth. She shouldnt even have asked you if she can take your lo out without you yet - its WAY too soon! For the first 2/3weeks after my lo was born, i couldnt even bare people holding her for more than 10 minutes at a time. I remember when she was 4 days old, and we went out for the first time to Kiddicare, and OH's brother decided he would push the pram (pissed me off, cos it was the first time we took her out in her pram, so i wanted to bloody push it lol), and then he bloody wheeled her off around the store, and i went mental panikcing about where he had taken baby. You literally dont want them out of your sight for the first few weeks. Hun, dont take notice of her stupidness, take your time and you'll know when your ready to go out without your lo xx

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