**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

I was 12st 6lb at booking in & I was 15st on my induction date. I'm now 13st 4lb so getting there. And I'm not even trying yet, that's all from bfing!

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Oh my god !

Olly slept through last night .... 9.30 - 5am :-) took a full bottle and slept till 8.30am

I tried a different tactic last night .. Usually has his last feed about 7ish then drifts off downstairs about 9ish then we take him upstairs when we go to bed. I offered him food just as he was drifting and he took half the bottle then I took him upstairs at 9 and sat in his room in the dark until he was nearly asleep and then popped him in his cot ! And bang .... Not a peep until 5 this morning, I could cry with happiness. I'm going to try the same tonight and see what happens. It is so much better having him in his own room .. Even if it is only 7 ft away lol !

Hope everyone else is getting some decent shut eye

Queenriccy that's how long my lg is sleeping too since being in her own room (2nights now) :)
So pleased! X x

Tapatalking. X
So we're now joint your thread ! She's been such a good girl till tonight but bless her she either has constipation or colic can't work out which at half 3 this morning oh went to tesco and got colic bottles really hope it helps hate seening her in pain .. My poor moo ! X
I'm so fed up - didn't get to sleep until 3.30 last night and it wasn't LO keeping me up I just couldn't sleep. I stupidly had a diet coke at 9pm so think it was that that kept me awake :-(
Well after an amazing day with dr browns bottles yesterday we haw had a shit night!!
His colic has come back up loads! I know it doesnt take it away all together hut he was up most the night crying with his poor legs curled up :(
Hes een the same this morning! Poor baba xx
We've got our first mummy h baby class today. I know he's too young really but I really need to meet some other mums otherwise I'm going to go crazy lol. Will be nice to get out the house for an hour at least :) x

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I can't believe some of u are having pretty much full nights sleep! We have some good babies born in this month! We're having what I thought was pretty decent.. He feeds every 2 hours (if not more!) during the day, but every 3-4 hours at night so can't really complain. My first didnt sleep through the night until 9 months so I'm preparing for the long haul!

Talking of weight.. I am starting WW on Monday to shift this bulge.. I've already lost 1 and a half stone, stil another stone and a half to go and can no way fit into my pre-pregnancy stuff yet!

I'm having my first night out on Saturday! Only for a few hours but I will be having a wine or 2 so am quite nervous/excited! Been expressing all week to prepare for it which is a bit if a nightmare tho! Anyone else ventured out out yet? Gonna have to practice wearing heels again though as its been months!! Xx
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Wow your brave Claire!

I'm getting my hair coloured & cut on Monday and I'm nervous about leaving him for that haha. He's going to be with my mum, and it will be 3 hours max, but I haven't been away from him atall since birth so im really anxious lol. How much are you expressing off? I have no idea how much to leave him with. Just going to give as much as I can then he should be covered x

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Jealous! I need me hair done biiiig time! Think ill just grab a box dye lol!

Claire have a lovely night out on weekend! Xx
I wish I was getting a good nights sleep my lo wants a bottle every 3 hours!

I have only left j with hubby for a few hours while I went shopping but that's it, I missed him like mad
Ahh have a good night out Claire! :) we left Hallie at the weekend and I was fretting constantly! I don't kno why as I knew she would be fine! But I just felt lost without her! Like I'd left my right arm at home! Lol missed her too much!


Tapatalking. X
Enjoy your night we left Harry last week to go for a night out it was OHs birthday so we went for a fancy meal and few drinks after I missed Harry like mad and was texting my mum alot but was also lovely spending some time together x
One thing I now realise is how important time alone with my hubby is, when lo goes to sleep at night we catch up on each others days and make sure we have "our" time
Tried to dtd last night, was too painful :( really thought I was all healed up but obviously not!

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Yay we had a good night woke at 2 and then slept till 8 :) much better I feel human again ! I think I need to put some make up on and pop out somewhere for an hour today !

O god I'm not trying the deed till at least 6 weeks I'm scared .. Which sucks because we're so close atm I want to be close to him :( cuddles are nice tho xx
Hi ladies, how are you all doing? My lo is 7 weeks tomorrow - it's going so fast!!!! - I havnt ventured out without her yet - tbh im just not ready anyway. Iv left her to pop to the shop - does that count? lol. i cant complain about her sleep pattern - even though i am knackered. She sleeps for around 4 - 5 hours straight, wakes for a feed, then will have another couple of hours. Thats the night sleep. She even sleeps quite a lot in the day. She will have the odd day where she spends most of the day awake, but mostly she sleeps rather a lot lol x
Noah is 3 weeks old today!! I cant believe how fast it going!!

He slept better lastnight. He went down at 9pm after a bottle and slept till 2.30am, had nappy change and bottle and slept till 5.45am.. Hes getting better :) no colic!
And es now sleeping on my OHs chest in bed while i browse the net lol! I should be sleeping aswell!! Xx
Tried to dtd last night, was too painful :( really thought I was all healed up but obviously not!

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Oh god Sara I just read this and went all hot and sicky! Hahaha I'm sooooooo not ready for any of that! Xxxx

Hope ur all ok girls, I barely have time to come on here and keep up with everything that's going on now :( not being rude honest!

Layla is a nightmare, she is literally nocturnal! Last night she was up til half 3, then wide awake again at 5, and then up at 8, I feel like a total zombie! And oh is back at work so it's a nightmare trying to know what to do for the best, she falls asleep in my arms, then wakes up screaming the minute I put her down, she won't keep her dummy in (which in a way I'm glad of because I didn't want to rely on that to settle her) she was screaming almost like she was in pain so I say winding her for over an hour, she brings it up but it doesn't seem to be that that's causing her problems, ahhhhhh it's so tiring I totally forgot how hard it is!!!! X

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