**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Josh has 2 naps - about 1.5hrs in the morning and anything from 20mins to an hr in the afternoon. His afternoon nap is always unpredictable if it's short he's really cranky by bedtime.

I've not bought any summer clothes yet as I've no idea what size he'll need. He's in 9-12 at the moment so I don't know if he'll still be in that size or 12-18 when it warms up.

No holiday for us... Can't seem to find the time and I'm back at work soon :-( xx
Thanks girls, our nap situations sounds similar. Will see what he's like over there next few days. I'm not ready for him to drop that nap as that's usually when I have a wee rest myself!

Holi I also sent his passport form off about 3 weeks ago and same, just a text to confirm but no passport yet. Says online it takes 3 weeks so hoping it comes soon. Slight panic in the back of my mind about it! We both still have plenty of time though. How excited are you getting! Good one on the sainsbury sale, I might have to pop in! The summer clothes are unbelievably cute!

That's a shame about no holiday becky hopefully we'll have another lovely summer like last year and you can do trips to the beach and wee day trips at weekends. I go back on 17th July trying not to think about it too much xx
Harry still has morning and afternoon naps but like the rest his afternoon one can be a but all over the place some times its an hour other times its about ten minutes. Were going away but not till October. Were actually going with my mum and dad and my sister her other half and her little girl. Looking forward to it been years since been away with my family and we all get on well so should be good and nanny and grandad will be on hand to babysit haha x
I went back to work 27th March.. Feels like even to im only in 16.5hrs a week, its like ive never been away!
Well his naps have went back to normal thank goodness! Must have just had a couple of off days.

Robyner how are you and CR doing? x
Oh yeah and Holi - his passport arrived today! You got Rosie's yet? x
Well his naps have went back to normal thank goodness! Must have just had a couple of off days.

Robyner how are you and CR doing? x

Doing good :) CR is standing, walking won't be long I don't think.
Her nap time is always around 10am and it can be between a hour to 3 hours. Then it all depends as to whether she has an afternoon snooze.
Dh is working abroad so when he gets back it will have been 5 weeks altogether :( I'm with my family in England but go back up on Sunday so I will only have a week left without help. He's missed out on so much, she really seems to have changed.
We are coming back down for her birthday and will do two separate little get togethers with a cake, one for my family and one for his xxx
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No sign of our passport!! Hope it's not long!! Glad you got yours, bet your relieved!! Now you can really get in holiday spirit!!

Can I ask, what you doing about food for lo on holiday?? Rosie has bits of our food but picks alot, so I tend to give her a jar for tea then she can pick at whatever we are having - I'm dreading having to pack loads of food for her!! Xx
Just got a txt saying passport is being printed an should be with me in the next week so I'm a happy mummy! Xx
Well his naps have went back to normal thank goodness! Must have just had a couple of off days.

Robyner how are you and CR doing? x

Doing good :) CR is standing, walking won't be long I don't think.
Her nap time is always around 10am and it can be between a hour to 3 hours. Then it all depends as to whether she has an afternoon snooze.
Dh is working abroad so when he gets back it will have been 5 weeks altogether :( I'm with my family in England but go back up on Sunday so I will only have a week left without help. He's missed out on so much, she really seems to have changed.
We are coming back down for her birthday and will do two separate little get togethers with a cake, one for my family and one for his xxx

That's great CR is standing! They really amaze you with what they can do. That's such a shame your oh has missed out on things. From 9 months onwards it seems like they learn something new every day x
No sign of our passport!! Hope it's not long!! Glad you got yours, bet your relieved!! Now you can really get in holiday spirit!!

Can I ask, what you doing about food for lo on holiday?? Rosie has bits of our food but picks alot, so I tend to give her a jar for tea then she can pick at whatever we are having - I'm dreading having to pack loads of food for her!! Xx

Hope the passport arrives soon. I've been thinking about food too, I think I might take some pouches as a back up. And ready brek cos I don't know if they sell porridge over there lol (they probably do but you just never know). But I'm sure it'll be fine, as long as there's bread, pasta, cheese, fruit and veg they'll not starve :-)
Hi ladies hope all is well xx
Yesterday I decided to try and wean CR from a bottle to a cup for her milk.
She's mainly just on a morning and night bottle. And I have always given her milk first then breakfast.
Yesterday I put it in a cup and she broke her heart bless her, crying but then taking the odd sip. I ended up putting it in a bottle again! Today I decided that I would give it in a cup at the same time as breakfast, but she showed very little interest, only having a few sips then throwing it around. Wondering whether I might just leave it at that. Maybe she just enjoyed the comfort?
Where is everyone else at with how much milk now?
Any tips on what you are trying would help.
Cups! That's soooo grown up!! Bless her!

We are just on morning, late afternoon (3/4ish) and bedtime bottle. I do 3 as she prefers little and offer rather than 2 big bottles! She normally has 4oz of each so roughly 12oz a day! Ive Honestly given up worrying about milk intake!

Passports arrived! I am now officially get excited about our holiday!! Xx
Oh gosh I'm not even remotely thinking about moving away from bottles yet, won't be doing that til he's about 18 months I reckon.

He has 2x8oz bottles morning & evening, and around 2.30pm he'll have 5 or 6oz x
We're on 3 milk feeds a day, bf am and pm and milk out of a cup in the afternoon. Took a while to get Josh to take milk out of a cup (he's always refused a bottle so had been ebf) but everyday I offered it to him, he didn't get upset but wouldn't drink it. Then one day we were out and he was in his pushchair getting a bit cranky and I tried again and he drank the whole 6oz. He's taken it ever since. Yesterday he also had a cup for his morning drink as I'd been out the night before and was worried I'd had a bit too much wine to feed! Guzzled it no problems.

I would say keep trying, perhaps try a few different beakers (I think I've got more than boots!).
She didn't seem to miss her milk yesterday morning.
I decided to do half and half and although she preferred the bottle she did take from cup too, so will keep going with it.
Thanks ladies. Xx
Who is thinking about moving into cows milk when their lo turns one?
I'm gonna try it but i have a sneaky feeling madam won't like it so might just carry on with formula for another 6 months if she refuses cows milk! Just a pain cos formulas so expensive! Xx
I'm going to try it when my lo gets to 1, hopefully she will like it as like you say the formula is so expensive
Emily has formula morning and night, 8oz at each feed but during the day she will quite happily drink cows milk from her sippy cup. She loves it! X

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