**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

That's cute Sara! Lovely way to announce bubs no 2! Are you feeling preggers yet?

Aww Laura clapping is awesome! What a clever cookie!

Holi we're away to Portugal start of June, where you off to? I'm a bit nervous about taking the wee man on a plane! Hope he doesn't scream the whole way there!
That's cute Sara! Lovely way to announce bubs no 2! Are you feeling preggers yet?

Aww Laura clapping is awesome! What a clever cookie!

Holi we're away to Portugal start of June, where you off to? I'm a bit nervous about taking the wee man on a plane! Hope he doesn't scream the whole way there!

Portugal too!! Small world! Yeah I'm
Nervous bout plane too! And how madam will cope in the heat! Unfortunately she's inherited her fathers fair farmer skin tone!! We are going with my mum as dad, sister and husband and their two boys (DS1 is 2.5years and DS2 is same age as Rosie!) so in really looking forward to it!! Will this be your first family holiday?? Xx
Oh how funny Portugal too :-) going to lagos, you? Yep first family holiday. We're going with our best friends and their babies (they'll be 15 months and 20 months) so 6 adults and 3 kids. It'll be chaos but I'm so excited! We went the 6 of us 2 years ago. Will be so funny going back all of us parents now. That's good that you're going with family, plenty of helpers! X
I have no idea where we are off actually, my dad sorted it all! Ill ask tomoro!! I'm hoping me and oh can sneak of for a romantic meal or two while grandparents watch kids, or get a lie in....bliss!! Xx
Awww jealous of all the holidays. We've a little money set aside to go away with but not sorted anything yet. I'm back to work in 5 weeks so need to get back into the swing of things before booking time off!

We've still not got any crawling, a lot of rolling and he can edge backwards but no forward movement - He's such a lazy bum! Feedings going well although he seems a bit fussier than in the early days. We're still bfing too but are on day 2 of formula in the afternoon instead of milk.

Congratulations Sara!
CR Is all over the place now crawling and seems desperate to walk, but not saying any recognisable words like mamma and dada yet.

She hardly takes any milk now, maybe 6 oz a day over the past few days. This concerns me a bit although she eats 3 meals a day, whatever we are having, she dosent drink much, prefering to blow bubbles in her drink or burble it out of her mouth?

How much milk is everyone else on?
Congratulations Sara!
CR Is all over the place now crawling and seems desperate to walk, but not saying any recognisable words like mamma and dada yet.

She hardly takes any milk now, maybe 6 oz a day over the past few days. This concerns me a bit although she eats 3 meals a day, whatever we are having, she dosent drink much, prefering to blow bubbles in her drink or burble it out of her mouth?

How much milk is everyone else on?

Matthew has three 7oz bottles a day, so the most he can have is 21oz (plus another 2-3 oz in his porridge and rice pudding). But some days he'll leave an ounce or two so it goes below 20oz. I try not to stress now. He'll take what he needs. Today he only had 2oz of his lunchtime bottle - point blank refused the rest of it! So I didn't push him. Does your lo have plenty of wet nappies? Sure she is fine, is she's thirsty she'll finish her drink x
Just been wondering where the other June/July 2013 mummies are - mrsolly, bellarina, mablestarr? And sure there's loads more I just can't think of right now. Would be nice to hear from you ladies too x
Congratulations Sara!
CR Is all over the place now crawling and seems desperate to walk, but not saying any recognisable words like mamma and dada yet.

She hardly takes any milk now, maybe 6 oz a day over the past few days. This concerns me a bit although she eats 3 meals a day, whatever we are having, she dosent drink much, prefering to blow bubbles in her drink or burble it out of her mouth?

How much milk is everyone else on?

The dreaded milk problem!! Rosie has her morning 6oz then I try give her 6oz in afternoon but she rarely touches it, then she'll have 6oz before bed. So she drinks about 12oz a day, 3oz in porridge and I give yoghurt, cheese, custard/rice pud to bulk it up!

I get concerned about her milk but more so cos she doesn't drink any water - so 12oz is all she'll drink all day! But she has plenty of wet nappies, not constipated and I offer it so I think she doesn't need it!

At least we won't have a fight trying get our two off milk when their older! They've pretty much decided they don't want it now!! :-) xx
Hi girls I'm still here.
I do more stalking these days, don't have much time for typing.
Olly will be 10 month old on the 20th and I really don't know where the time has gone. I have given up work, never ever though I'd say that, I want to watch my baby boy grow up. We are lucky that my hubby earns a good wage and I bought our house years ago with a hefty deposit so we don't have high bills so we can live comfortable on his wage. I think once he gets a little older I will look for part time work.

Olly has been crawling and climbing now for the last 5 weeks, jeez it's hard work. I have had to move everything within reach. He is cruising along the furtiture so I don't think it will be long before he is up and about. He doesn't have any teeth yet, have had a few boughts of bad teething but nothing has ever come through so we are just waiting.
We have been doing BLW as he hates a spoon coming anywhere near him so we let him feed himself. It's going really well. He has just dropped down to 3 bottles a day (6,6,7) .
He isn't a great sleeper either, we get a few nights where He will sleep threw then something happens and we are back to being up 3-4 times a night. He has a bad cold atm, last night was the first time he has had a temp so if was like a lunatic... Hubby thought I was a mad possessed woman ! We are ment to be at a wedding all day sat and mam and dad are having him day and night ...iv told hubby if he doesn't get any better I won't be going.

We are also going on holiday on the 26june for 11 nights to mam and dads villa in Turkey. We are going with them so I feel the pressure is off us a little. We took Olly to Cyprus last October when he was 16 weeks and he was so little it was hard.

How are you guys feeling about having another ? I know saralouise is pregnant, it's totally amazing. I wish I had the balls to do it. Hubby has been pestering the last week to start trying again but I'm so scared.

Hi all my son has just turned 8 months and although I didn't use this forum whilst I was pregnant, I've certainly used it since he was born last July.

To give you a bit of background my son was born and I attempted to breastfeed him, after a vicious circle of jaundice, no milk coming in and mis advice from midwifes he was taken back into hospital at day 5 due to too much weight loss and then we switched to bottle feeding. His weight then gradually increased. So since he was born I've always been anxious over his weight.

He's just dropped his 4th bottle so we are now on 3 (7 3,7 ) he was drinking 8 oz bottles on morning and night but he's recently had cold which has made him throw up and also he has no teeth yet so think it's all linked. It's great to read that I'm not the only one who's little one is slowly dropping milk, hes never been a great drinker but the hv's have pushed the 600mls down my neck constantly. I too give him cheese in meals and fromage frais to bulk the amount up

I currently give him his 2nd bottle after his tea but I'm thinking I should give it midafternoon but he's normally asleep 3-4ish. Lunch is 12.30 ish and tea is 4pm. Bedtime bottle is 7.30. Can anyone share their routine ??

Also what ways do you use to get cheese into your little ones I had made a vegetable and cheese sauce recipe but my son keeps gagging on it and doesn't seem to like it. The only other thing I have is pasta and Tomato and cheese sauce and I'm already paranoid that I'm giving him the same thing over and over again !

Thanks all xx
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Hiya all! Sorry not on here as much. Spend more time on Facebook. Emily is really well. Can't believe she's 9 months on the 21st. Scary how quick time goes. She's nearly crawling but not quite. Her 2 bottom teeth are through and don't think it will be long before her top ones are in. She loves to be on her feet all the time and walks if I'm holding her 2 hands. Weaning has went like a dream. She eats pretty much anything and hasn't really disliked anything that I've given her. She's down to 2 bottles a day. One in the morning and one before bed both 8oz. She gets full fat cows milk in her breakfast. Had to buy the next stage car seat as she's outgrown her first one! Where is my tiny baby went?! X
Hi all my son has just turned 8 months and although I didn't use this forum whilst I was pregnant, I've certainly used it since he was born last July.

To give you a bit of background my son was born and I attempted to breastfeed him, after a vicious circle of jaundice, no milk coming in and mis advice from midwifes he was taken back into hospital at day 5 due to too much weight loss and then we switched to bottle feeding. His weight then gradually increased. So since he was born I've always been anxious over his weight.

He's just dropped his 4th bottle so we are now on 3 (7 3,7 ) he was drinking 8 oz bottles on morning and night but he's recently had cold which has made him throw up and also he has no teeth yet so think it's all linked. It's great to read that I'm not the only one who's little one is slowly dropping milk, hes never been a great drinker but the hv's have pushed the 600mls down my neck constantly. I too give him cheese in meals and fromage frais to bulk the amount up

I currently give him his 2nd bottle after his tea but I'm thinking I should give it midafternoon but he's normally asleep 3-4ish. Lunch is 12.30 ish and tea is 4pm. Bedtime bottle is 7.30. Can anyone share their routine ??

Also what ways do you use to get cheese into your little ones I had made a vegetable and cheese sauce recipe but my son keeps gagging on it and doesn't seem to like it. The only other thing I have is pasta and Tomato and cheese sauce and I'm already paranoid that I'm giving him the same thing over and over again !

Thanks all xx

My lo is just over 9mths now and currently on 3 feeds a day.

7am - bf
3-4.30pm - formula
7.15pm - bf

We tried dropping the afternoon feed last week but even with a snack he seemed hungry so I've introduced formula - he's only having about 100-150ml as until 3 days ago he'd always refused formula as he's always been ebf (I'm back at work next month and can't express enough to feed him with when I'm at work).

With regards the cheese my lo loves a stick of cheddar cheese - I've bought the individually wrapped ones or just cut off the block. Or you could try cheese on toast or cheese sandwiches? x
I don't no, are there special ones or can you just buy them from tescos ?
Sorry girls I'm googling and getting myself all worked up :( no vitamins here either, but I can't help worrying about how quickly she has weaned off milk. I think she had 3-4 oz this morning and the same tonight. She did drink more of her juice though and had a heavier nappy, though before they had only been slightly damp. We've been doing baby led weaning and she has really taken to her food well. She does have cows milk in lots of things, ie porridge fingers, pancakes, rice pudding and yoghurts. She's really happy, healthy and energetic. She's very petite and always has been, she had dropped to the 2nd centile and been seen by paediatrician about that when she was 5 months ( before weaning) and she was happy with her. I'm having an issue with comparing her bottle intake with other babies but also worried in case I'm not being a good mother and giving her what she should have :( :( :( part of me thinks I should call Hv but worried as she never supported Baby led weaning and another part of me is scared I will find out that I Really am doing things wrong :( :( :(
Feeling stressed and looking forward to my Dh coming back from working abroad tomorrow. Sorry to be a moaner girls xx
That's okay hunny moan away! I have literally had so many months of worrying about his milk intake, I've cried about it so many times. But I've chilled out alot now, we are also blw now too but only cause has started refusing purees, I just think if he wanted it then he'd drink it. All you can do is offer hun, maybe speak to HV if it's really worrying you x
Thank you :) I think I may have to bite the bullet and give Hv a ring x

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