**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Big hugs robyner - I think you no deep down your lo is perfectly fine, we just expect them to follow the 'recommended guidelines' and lets face it, no two babies are the same! I have two very close friends who have lo same age as Rosie, one which maybe drinks 6oz a day, Rosie has roughly 12oz, the other nearer 20oz! If your offering things such as milk and if she doesn't want it then theres no more you can do sweetie - and sometimes I think forcing milk on them (not that i think you are) can make a bigger issue with feeding that can last longer than the baby stage. CR sounds the picture of health. Google is evil. Bloody centile charts are evil! Xx
Thanks Holi, I think I was just desperately searching for some reassurance and someone in the same boat. It helped so much to chat to you during the time when weight was a worry. As you say though they are all different. I guess if they were breast fed we wouldn't know what they were taking anyway.
I will just keep offering and I'm thinking seriously about calling Hv, but don't want to open a can of worms. As you say, charts are evil and it seems as though a lot of Hv just take into account the "average" baby and expect them all to fall into what that is x
Oh Robyner it can all be a stress cant it. I have got myself stressed for opposite reasons as my lo is not eating a great deal and hasnt taken to weaning greatly at all. He is taking a breakfast of porridge which he loves but its still the 4 months plus stuff. Then lunch and dinner is anything from a jar to half a jar to a few spoons of something. He seems to just still want his milk. He refuses to pick food up and put it in his mouth at all so cant go with theBLW option. I see Everyone elses wee ones seem to take to food like a duck to water and are eating fab and Ive got a nine and a half month old who still just wants milk. I did cave and phoned my hv abd her advice was stop bottles (except morning and night) and effectively starve him into it. Yeah easier said than done when hes screaming for milk and your teying to shove food in.

Im taking a step back now. Thinking ok hes healthy, happy alert and all in proortion. Hes an individual who doesnt follow a book. He likes his milk but is slowly progressing trying everything. He knows what he needs and Im pretty sure at 3 years of age will not still be drinking just milk. Think your lo is maybe just petite (always has been) and knows she is ok with just that amount of milk.
Big hugs robyner like everyone has said I guess every baby is different, I too fell into the google search and wish I had never bothered. I try and remind myself that my son is fit and healthy and charts are charts but sometimes that's easier said and done.
Thanks Holi, I think I was just desperately searching for some reassurance and someone in the same boat. It helped so much to chat to you during the time when weight was a worry. As you say though they are all different. I guess if they were breast fed we wouldn't know what they were taking anyway.
I will just keep offering and I'm thinking seriously about calling Hv, but don't want to open a can of worms. As you say, charts are evil and it seems as though a lot of Hv just take into account the "average" baby and expect them all to fall into what that is x

Not sure what your HV's are like, but ours cause more worry and stress than help.

My mates lo is 8 months old. At 7 months he weighed 14lb 2oz and she was told to 'keep and eye' on his weight cos he'd only gained like 6oz in a month, anyways at 8 months he now weighs 14lb 1oz so has lost 1oz, HV recommendation - keep an eye on it?! No one is actually helping her and she's pulling her hair out! So she's demanded to see a pead and they reckon its lactose intolerance (which HV never even considered). Now I'm not saying they should be able to tell you what's up with your lo indefinitely, but it's just have a wait and see attitudes which really worries mummies - waiting for what?! A big gain or....WHAT?!

Really hope your ok and get some reassurance that all is fine and normal with CR (which I'm sure it is)

Our chats really helped me a lot - made me so relieved to hear that others have same worries and issues, even though I wouldn't wish it on anyone, made me feel a little less loopy! X
Robyner I'm another one who had a terribly fussy milk drinker up until a few weeks ago. I don't know what changed but he just started finishing his bottles. Although in the last week he's starting to get fussy again on his 12pm bottle so I think he may be dropping that one. Which takes him down to two bottles a day and not very much at all! You're certainly not alone hun, it can be so worrying and frustrating when they refuse milk but your lo sounds the picture of health so take heart in that. You've got a good eater on your hands which is the most important thing I would say.

Hope you feel better xxx
Ladies what would I do without you all, thanks so much, it helps more than you know xxx
Hi everyone!! Just wanted to bump this threat!!

Rosie has FINALLY started rolling round the place at 9 months!! She rolled at 6months but never did it again so was getting a bit concerned!! She's mastered it now theres no stopping her!!

Went and got her weighed at 9months and she's now 16lb 10oz and only just below the 25th centile - so pleased with how she's doing!

Had a lovely weekend away for Easter with all my family (grandparents, cousins, aunts/uncles etc) and was a little miffed that one morning I came downstairs and my grandma, Rosie's great gran, was giving her chocolate!! Don't get me wrong I don't think a little will do her any harm, but I'd not even given her any before and I wanted to give her it for the first time! Plus she hadn't even had breakfast!! Old people!!

How's everyone else getting on?? Good Easter?? Xx
Hey holi I keep meaning to come on here and update. Yay Rosie! That's great! Had a lovely easter, weather was amazing and always great to have daddy around :-)

Matthew has hit three milestones just in the last week - crawling, pulling himself up to standing and saying mamma! I'm a bit overwhelmed with how quick he's changing esp since he was slow to roll over (7 months). But with it comes the waking in the night again, his brain must be on overload and he's all over his cot. I quite often go in and he's on all fours or standing up touching the owls on his wallpaper! I'm hoping he'll settle soon and start sleeping better again. Probably when he does he'll just start teething again and that'll keep him up lol.

Hope you guys are all well xxx
Wow isn't Matthew doing well!! Not surprised he can't sleep, his little brain must be going ten to the dozen!! I can't wait til Rosie says mama, she babbles alot but doesn't make specific sounds for specific things yet! X
Wow isn't Matthew doing well!! Not surprised he can't sleep, his little brain must be going ten to the dozen!! I can't wait til Rosie says mama, she babbles alot but doesn't make specific sounds for specific things yet! X

Yeah it's crazy considering he really hated being on his tummy til quite late on. He doesn't say mamma to me, it's just another sound he's trying out but it still melts my heart xx
Wow! That's one busy week for Matthew :-) Josh still isn't crawling and is getting increasingly frustrated that he can't. He's mastered going backwards and rolling to get the toys he wants!

Can't believe they are all nearing 1! I was looking at baby pics last night and getting broody - the oh less so!!

Holi - I'd be the same as you about the chocolate :-/

Awww everyones doing fab!!

Noahs ben crawling since 8.5m, started as commando on his forearms lol but now hes everywhere! In the last week hes learnt to stand and pull himself up and is now crusing around the sofa! Falls mostly and looks at me like wtf!? Lol.

Just baby babbling here! Says hiya randomly but will refuse to copy u with anything!
Clapping waving or words he just finds funny and laughs at u lol!

Not had him weighed for a while now. Been almost 2 months but he was last weighed at 8ms weighed 23lb 13oz lol! Chunk!

Birthday all planned. Zoo on his actual birthday and a bbq party te following day in the garden with a few family and friends. Cant wait!! Xx
Hi everyone great to hear everyone is well.
Looking forward to hearing more on first birthday plans. The zoo and BBQ sounds awesome! Xx
Hey ladies, hope you & your bubbas are well?

Harrison is coming on leaps & bounds, crawling around (although still cant roll from front to back), and pulling himself up on furniture & cruising along them.

We still have a proper chatter box on our hands and spends his whole day nattering dada & mumma, he says hiya & waves but we don't have any clapping.

Got him weighed on Wednesday and he had only put on 2oz in 7 weeks so that was disappointing, now 18lb exactly, but he's had diarrhoea on & off for 3 weeks now, so I'm not particularly suprised. Still eats like a baby elephant & has 3 x 8oz bottles of milk a day so not much more I can do there!

Finding the nausea difficult to contend with in the mornings but I'm soo lucky cause my sickness is a million per cent better than with Harrison. I honestly don't know how I'd cope this time if I was as ill as last time!

For his birthday we are having a pirate themed birthday party with a bbq & a little bouncy castle and all our friends & family are invited, it's going to be a bit of a squeeze as we don't have the biggest house or garden but he's only one once and I wanted everyone to celebrate with us :) x
All these birthday plans, it's crazy!! How fast has the year gone! Depending on weather, if Rosie's birthday is a nice day me and her dad will be spending the day at the beach, If rubbish weather we are going to an aquarium! I really don't want a big fuss but we will pop round to see grandparents at some point! X
Lovely to hear how all your little ones are doing. Harry is all over the place now crawling every were into everything. Trying to grab everything he shouldn't. Hopefully the weather will be nice for his birthday going to have a bbq and little bouncy castle. Am so bad I haven't been and had him weighed since the start of January I must go just never seem to get chance with working and being a mum theres know time for anything x
Hey girls, great to read the catch up! All getting so clever. Rory is moving around by rolling and on his front lying down. He isnt crawling but is trying his best. I was back at work this week which has been a shock to the system but getting there day at a time. Birthday wise we are going with a BBQ (hopefully) and ball pool/bouncy castle in thd garden. Hoping its dry. Going to have to have it a week earlier than planned as we just got a wedding invitation through for the weekend we were going to go with.
Lovely to hear how everyone's doing. I think we'll be doing the same birthday wise, bbq and a little bouncy castle in the back garden the weekend before for friends and family. His actual birthday is a Tuesday so think the 3 of us are going to the zoo then birthday tea at my mums after.

Meant to say my lo is over 19lbs now and still in 6-9 months clothes. I have built up a collection of 9-12 stuff mainly summery. We go to Portugal 5 weeks today so hoping it'll fit him ok (he'll be just 11 months then).

Can I ask how many naps your Los are on now? Matthew's been on two for months now, morning about 9.30 and afternoon is anytime between 1 and 3. But last two days he's fighting the afternoon nap big time so I think he may be dropping it. Is one nap enough at his age?
Rosie has a morning and afternoon!! Maybe 1ht each?? Afternoon is always more unpredictable, if it gets to 4:30pm and she's not had one I try my best to keep her awake then pop her to bed about 6:30pm, otherwise she'd have one then be up til 9pm!!

I just did Rosie's summer holiday shop! Went to sainsburys and got 25% off, spent a small fortune! But she's gonna look adorable!

Kay Kay - how long did it take for you to get lo passport back?? I sent Rosie's off 3 weeks ago, I got a txt saying it was recieved but nothing else!! Luckily we don't go on holiday for another 7 weeks so still time!! X

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