**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Hey robyner!! Sounds like CR is doing well with weaning!

Rosie is 15lb 4oz now, having 3 meals a day an having anywhere between 14-22oz a day. It really varies, but on avarage I'd say drinks 16oz and i make up her porridge with 2oz so total of 18oz. She's completely dropped her night feeds (yippee!!)

She's about 20th centile now

And I wouldn't worry too much about her being on 2nd centile, she's been on that line for a while now and it's obviously where she's meant to be! She's gaining well! :-)

We're breastfeeding still so I've no idea on oz's but Josh has 3 bf's a day and 3 meals. He was 20lb10oz and nearly at 91st percentile.

He drinks water quite well too and some days has snacks. x
I have been worrying about this! I think Millie has about 21oz and 2oz in her porridge. She is 15lb10oz and just above 25th. Also keeping an eye on it as she used to be on 50th xx
Harrison was 17lb 8oz & on the 25th centile last week, he has between 15-20oz a day now & 3 meals a day x
Hi girls! Not been on here for ages! Hope all bubba's are well. Max is a greedy monster who has about 23 oz a day on too of 3 meals and snacks. He was having lots more but we managed to drop it thank god! Soooo greedy! He is 8 months tomorrow and I'm guessing about 25lbs now xxx
My lo is about 18 and a half lbs now (I think) and is 8 months. He still struggles with his bottles so we are down to 3 a day, although he is not really interested in his lunchtime bottle so think that will be the next one to go. He has between 15-20oz a day. I've tried to stop stressing about how many ounces he gets a day cos at one point I was obsessing about it. He gets cheese and a yoghurt every day and sometimes creamy rice pudding that I'll sneak a couple of ounce of formula in to so hope that's enough.

Slight progress with the sippy cup, he holds it up to his mouth now but doesn't know how to tip it up so I have to help him. Getting there extremely slowly lol xx
Harry changes on a daily basis how much milk he takes some times he has 4 full 7 ounce bottles a day and other days I can Bearley get him to take 1 full one. X
Wow! Sounds like all of you are doing great!
What an evening! Just when I think I've got to grips with her new bottle routine, it changes. We've been all over the place for weeks, then I thought I had it sorted. Ended up having to stop getting dinner ready to feed her, so of course she didn't want dinner at all. Has had a lot more milk today though.
Going through a really clingy stage and has screamed the place down every time I put her down.
On a happier note, she is crawling and playing hiding and chasing games. She actually stands herself up if she's right near me when Dh pretendes to chase her and she practically runs into my arms!
So that's two days on trot I've had to cook dinner through screaming because she isn't getting my full attention. I can't leave a room without drama. I know it's normal but how are you all coping? I'm just getting on with what I have to do but it's so hard! Wish my family lived nearby really need a break!
I haven't got to the clingy stage yet!! She's gets a little whiney if she's tired and not being held but that could be by anyone so that's quite good!! Sounds a nightmare I bet it's hard to have sympathy for your lo as you know there's nothing wrong with them their just crying for attention!! X
Oh Robyner I can sympathise! Matthew gets very whiny from about 4pm onwards lately and moans when I leave the room. When I go and lift him he's fine and even tries to push away from me?! I dunno what he's whining for but it sure drains me! Thankfully he's taking longer naps now so I can get stuff done when he is sleeping but when he's up I can't really do anything. Hoping it's a phase! Can you put her highchair in the kitchen so she can see you while you're cooking? Or does she want you to hold her all the time?

It's hard when you never get a break. My mum lives local and when she pops in I'm like 'Yay gran's here!!' and I go use the toilet/get a shower/wash bottles/anything else I've not had time to do while she occupies the wee fella. I'd be lost without her. I try to get out and about most days cos the days we're in the house all day get to me the most. He's not as moany when we're out - too many distractions!
Can I ask what do you girls still do now that you did in the early days? I mean things you're just used to doing so haven't stopped or are holding on to for sentimental reasons?

I still bath my lo in the baby bath on the dining room table and use the plastic moulded seat thing that we used from day one. He's getting too big for it now, his legs hang over the end (he's quite long) and can sit up himself and holds on to the sides. Although he is good at just lying back and letting us wash him and give him loads of attention! I think I'm sentimental about it because it reminds me of when he was a newborn and it was the only thing that would calm him as he cried A LOT. Happy memories. We have a bath seat thing for the big bath but I can't bring myself to move bath time upstairs to the bathroom! I keep putting it off!

Anyone else as mental as me?! lol x
Now you've got me thinking...! I know I got a bit sentimental today as I popped him in his bouncer chair whilst I had a shower (usually shower before hubby goes to work or during nap time but didn't get chance). He was so big in it it was almost horizontal - that'll be the last time he sits in that as it just didn't look safe :'-( x
Sorry to change subject ladies - just I'm having a tight faff!

Right so we had a choking incident with a biscotti about 3 weeks ago and it's really shook me up

Lo is getting so greedy she's just shoving food in her mouth and not chewing enough and ends up coughing loads! This happens every time I give her anything like toast, crumpet, pancakes etc

It's really stressing me out! Is it normal for them to cough and splutter alot when learning with finger foods?? Xx
Oh my word - I meant right faff not a tight faff!! That sounds rudey!! :-) xx
I'm probably not the best person to reply as Harrison coughs, gags & pukes on almost everything (apart from rusks, baby crisp & very soft fruit & veg). We are still on 4mo jars x
I have to admit Rosie prefers the finer puréed stuff but I'm trying to introduce as much textures as possible cos I read somewhere that the more babies learn chew/use their mouths correctly it can really with their speech (probs a load of bollocks!)

My oh thinks I over react when she starts coughin cos I automatically rub over to her and prepare for a smack on the back!
Sorry to change subject ladies - just I'm having a tight faff!

Right so we had a choking incident with a biscotti about 3 weeks ago and it's really shook me up

Lo is getting so greedy she's just shoving food in her mouth and not chewing enough and ends up coughing loads! This happens every time I give her anything like toast, crumpet, pancakes etc

It's really stressing me out! Is it normal for them to cough and splutter alot when learning with finger foods?? Xx

We have the same issue.. Some days hes ok but alot of the time he bits chunks and attempts to swallow without sucking or chewing. Ill offer water and most th time itll go down but otherwise hell be sick.
Hes ok with 7+ jars.. We started mixing his fav 4+ ones with 7+ and that seemed to help him overcome the new texture & lumps. So he can now have 7+ jars with no gagging.. Its just finger foods thats r issue! X
Hey girls, my lo is still on the 4 months plus jars at the moment too. Ive found it a challenge to get him to eat food in the first place so were just beginning to eat solids at all let alone add in lumps! Its a slow process but were now having some solids for 3 meals a day. He isnt even at the point of finger foods either but I worry about the choking. A friend said to me something that I did find re-assuring which is - apparently if they make a noise ie couging and spluttering they are not actually choking they are gagging which is not as serious. If they are choking then they dont make any noise. Its all just a minefield!
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Think I must be quite lucky with my lo is ok with lumps (friend accidentally gave me a 10mth plus jar and he devoured it). I make mostly homemade so have better control of consistency when pureeing. He shoves finger food in and with some food like cucumber or half a grape won't end up swallowing it and eventually will spit it out! x

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