**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Question for you ladies formula feeding - how many ounces does your lo take now? Matthew takes between 20-25oz a day but it's a real struggle sometimes getting him to finish a bottle. He has 4 bottles a day, roughly 7.30/8am, 12/1pm, 4/4.30pm and bedtime bottle anytime between 7.30-8pm.

I'm thinking of dropping his 12/1pm bottle once he takes a proper lunch. At the mo he's not actually eating a lot, he just sucks the toast/cheese/other finger food and kinda nibbles at it so it might be a while before I'm satisfied he's actually eating a lunch. When are you supposed to drop a bottle does anyone know?
Question for you ladies formula feeding - how many ounces does your lo take now? Matthew takes between 20-25oz a day but it's a real struggle sometimes getting him to finish a bottle. He has 4 bottles a day, roughly 7.30/8am, 12/1pm, 4/4.30pm and bedtime bottle anytime between 7.30-8pm.

I'm thinking of dropping his 12/1pm bottle once he takes a proper lunch. At the mo he's not actually eating a lot, he just sucks the toast/cheese/other finger food and kinda nibbles at it so it might be a while before I'm satisfied he's actually eating a lunch. When are you supposed to drop a bottle does anyone know?

My lo is taking about 24oz a day, I spread it out over 4 bottles but sometimes they don't always get finished.

We also have an issue with at least one meal a day she hardly touches, I tried to drop a bottle but she wanted it then just played about when I gave her dinner.

I think I may just wait until she drops one herself I assume as she grows she will want more food that will fill her up and no longer need an extra bottle.

What formula are you using? I am not sure if I should move upto stage 2?
We use sma gold. Health visitor says to stay on the first stage infant milk til he's 1. The follow on milk is just if they are hardly eating any food and their milk intake goes below 20oz xx
Yer am still using the sma gold first stage. Hv told me no reason to change just stay in that till hes 1 then move to cows milk x
My lo is taking about 24oz a day, I spread it out over 4 bottles but sometimes they don't always get finished.

We also have an issue with at least one meal a day she hardly touches, I tried to drop a bottle but she wanted it then just played about when I gave her dinner.

I think I may just wait until she drops one herself I assume as she grows she will want more food that will fill her up and no longer need an extra bottle.

What formula are you using? I am not sure if I should move upto stage 2?[/QUOTE]

My lo is similar to you cupcake 4 bottles of 6 oz but some have maybe an ounce left. He hardly eats anything at lunch . Got breakfast sorted and he takes something at dinner but lunch is a struggle. I going to just keep trying!
My lo is moving round alot more now rolling around, sitting laying, kicking etc so hopefully when the crawling or trying to starts she will be more hungry and the meals will all slot into place
CR is taking 8-9 bottles sometimes! She has 4 bottles a day. I offer breakfast, lunch if she is awake, which she hasn't always been and she always has dinner. However she dosent eat loads just a few mouthfuls at each meal.
She's only tiny probably weighs around 15 pound now ( was 7 pound when born) but I'm not getting her weighed anymore, found it too stressful when she dropped centiles but she been signed off as fine now. Just petite. No idea where she gets it from!
Harrison is having 4 or 5 bottles a day at the moment, we are trying to get it down to 4 but he's not too well atm so its been tricky. He has between 7-9oz per bottle, and is also on 3 meals a day where he eats half a jar at each. He's also small, was 5lb 12oz at birth & is now 16lb 1oz at 28 weeks.

We have fought so hard to get to this point, he's always been a terrible milk feeder, but he loves his grub! Although he's not atall good with lumps x
Harry will still take 6 bottles a day. some times its 4 I tend to just go with him I don't mind if he still has 6 I just tend to bottle feed him as and when he wants it. He eats 3 meals a day with pudding after lunch and tea and finger food in between aswell. Hes not that big of a baby really only just 18lb at over 7 months so am happy for him to have what he wants really for now. Hes a great sleeper and always really happy so am happy to just let him carry on and drop his bottles him self as and when he wants to xx
Great to hear everyone's little ones are doing well! Josh is loving his food, eats 3 meals a day and 4 feeds (bf so no idea how much he's getting). Thinking about dropping his mid morning feed soon as he doesn't seem too bothered about it, I'd just like to increase his water intake first.

He's still only got two teeth that arrived 3 months ago - not sure where the others have got too.

I'm panicking slightly now I don't have a 1st birthday party organised!!

Any of your babies do a fake cough?
CR has been doing it for a while. I'm certain it's fake and she just enjoys doing it.
Any of your babies do a fake cough?
CR has been doing it for a while. I'm certain it's fake and she just enjoys doing it.

Haha that's so funny you should say that! I'm sure Matthew does a fake cough for attention! My hubby says he's too young to be that clever :-) xx
Oh the fake cough!!! Yes we get that too!! Its proper attention!!
When are you ladies going to move your lo into the next stage car seat?

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