**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Got no plans to move him anytime soon, our seat goes up to 28lb so he will probably be in it til then! X
Same as Sara - he'll stay in his current one as long as possible as I cant afford a rear facing next stage one and want to keep him rear facing for as long as possible x
Rear facing is much safer anyway! & same becky theres no way I'm forking out for 2 more carseats!
Noah is now in a 0/1 group carseat upto 36kg (roughly 4yrs but dnt think hell last that long), hes been in this one since 19wks (now 30wks) when he out grew his travel system carseat.

I changed it around the forward facing last weekend.
We are buying a 1-2-3 seat for my OHs car next week and ill keep this one till he out grows it x
I would imagine I will keep using his car seat til he's about 1. Keep him rear facing as long as possible x
I'm currently using my travel system one she seems ok in it but she won't be for long, I don't know what to buy next... Car seats such a minefield!
How are your lo's with sippy cups? Matthew thinks his is a toy and throws it about the place. If I put it up to his mouth and wet his lips he will sometimes take a drink from it and it seems like he's thirsty. But he just wants to grab it from me after about two seconds! This is at every meal. I know you need patience with these things but man it's tiring!
We tired a sippy cup and it got chucked across the room, so we tried again and the same thing happened so now I hold it for her so she can get a drink
Josh is quite good but only if I hold it or it ends up on the floor, he usually manages about 4oz a day of water. x
Noah gets on well with his. We have a nuby one.
He drinks around 4-5pz of water. X
Rory doesnt drink from the sippy cup he just throws it about too! 😝
Harrison won't drink from a sippy cup atall. His water has to be warm & from a normal plastic cup lol, & even with that he will only take a max of 1 or 2oz a day x
My son is the same with the sippy cup just chucks it away but its all new to them im sure theyll get the hand of it
We use a doidy cup for CR. I think we are finally making progress, but it's taken lots of perseverance and I very nearly decided to try a beaker with a lid, but glad we stuck with it. I have to hold it, as she gets really excited and at times has got rather wet :) she now grabs the handles too. At first I noticed she always put her tongue in to taste it and lap it up. Now she dosent do that and I'm fairly sure she swallows some, although occasionally she just let's it spill out of her mouth. The good thing about the doidy is that it's slanted so she can see what's in it.
Interesting to hear where your little ones all are with sippy cups. Feel relieved actually! We had slight progress today. He lifted the cup to his mouth. Doesn't know how to tip it up or to tip his head back to get the water out but I thought it was progress anyway! Getting there slowly.

He's really not been interested in his dinner lately, is anyone else finding this? We've dropped his 4pm bottle hoping it would make him hungry for dinner at half 5/6pm but he gets really annoyed and just squeals and moans until I take him out of his highchair. Then he's happy as larry! Fickle boy! :rolleyes:
Hi ladies, interested to know how much milk your Los are taking now?
CR is on the 2nd centile and I'm guessing her weight is around 15 pound now.
She eats 3 good meals a day ( we are BLW ) I think her milk intake is only around 15 oz though.
She is still only sipping water at meal times.
She has totally dropped her night feed altogether now it's seems but I'm just keeping an eye on things.

Noah has 18-20oz a day, 3 meals plus a snack. Also about 3-4oz of water a day.

Hes 23lb on the 98th centile x

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