**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Josh has two bottom teeth... I never thought about registering him at the dentist yet... I'm not even sure if I'm still registered! x

I just have the child smile lady in my head going now as soon as he has a tooth you have to brush his teeth and register him!! Reckon it will be fine to leave it a bit!! 😜
Sorry if this sounds stupid, do they just pop though like over night? My lo still doesn't have any at just over 6 months
For ovr a week he had a tiny bit showing.. Then literally yesterday i almost cut my finger from his tooth! So guess it did just come through over night, ive been checking it daily xx
My lo has no teeth yet and no sign of any coming through. He is biting everything and anything though, drooling loads and sucking his hands(and feet! ) constantly so I reckon teething has started. Doesn't seem to be in any pain yet though thank goodness! Must admit I love his gumsy grin!
Hows everything going June/July mummies? Was wondering if any of yu have thought about what you plan to do for you lo's first birthday? Im kind of undecided as yet. Anyone know what they want to do?
I have been thinking about it laura think we might just have a bbq at my mums just cos she has more space than me I have a few friends who had babies just before me and after so will invite them but will just be for family really. Hopefully the weather will be as good as it was last year x
Hey girls!

I was thinking a little party in the house/garden. If its nice then a bbq aswell. Dont have a very big living room or garden mind! xx
I'm the same as hayels, a bbq if the weather is nice. Present wise I've no idea! I have 2 friends whose little ones are 1 in March and they're both getting trikes. Need to see what he's into nearer the time. Maybe a walker depending on where he's at.

We're a month into weaning and it's going well. Breakfast is porridge (4 tsps) and some pureed fruit. I put his reflux meds in the fruit now, much easier than using a syringe. Lunch I'm experimenting with, usually toast but have made savoury muffins that he loves. Things like cherry tomatoes, houmous, scrambled eggs. He likes some, not bothered with others. He's not keen on natural or Greek yoghurt but likes cheese. Dinner is usually 2 kinds of pureed veg and bread sticks. Been trying him with finger food and he likes broccoli and cauliflower.

He's started waving and clapping which is really cute and took us by surprise. He's not rolling over yet which I can tell is frustrating him. He tries but one of his wee legs won't let him! He's sitting up well although I still need to put cushions round him.

How's everyone doing? When you all going back to work? I'm not til July but dreading it already!
Harry sits well on his own but I still put cushions around him just incase. I have been back at work since he was 6 weeks oldyme and my boyfriend run our own business so I always new I would have to go back pretty early but I was only doing 2 days a week untill last week when I started back doing 4 days. It was horrid at first leaving him but not so bad now my mum has him aswell for me which is good and she really enjoys her days with him cos my dad still works full time mum was home on her own quiet a bit so she loves her days with Harry x
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If we knew the weather was going to be good we would definetly have a bbq. Problem is if its not then our house will be pretty cramped. Have a good few people who we would want to invite. Im not really wanting to have it anywhere else though as tbh hes not going to still know what its all about.

Present wise I really have no ideas. My inlaws already got a smart trike for his Christmas . They also got him the gift I had really thoughr about for his birthday. May just go with boring old clothes!!

R is getting there with sitting up but not steady at all. Food wise were struggling but persevering with trying all sorts. Breakfast only mastered.
Hey ladies, CR is ding brilliant. She has two teeth, first one cut at the beginning of December and the other just a few days later. We are doing baby led weaning and it's going pretty well. So glad I knew about it, as she totally , point blank refuses to be fed anyway. Her favorites so far are grapes, sausages and lasagne. She sits up perfectly, but has made no attempt to crawl, she gets around by hitching herself about on her back or rolling. She has a complete obsession with baby Einstein puppets too :)

We live away from family, so I'm wondering at the moment whether we should. Go down for her birthday. If not, I think we will just take a cake to church ( it's on Sunday). As for a present I have no idea. We have a jumparoo, got that for Christmas. We have no room for anything else big. I will keep in touch to get some ideas. Xxx
Harry loves baby Einstein aswell. He loves custard the dragon he sits and giggles at it . X
Awww so sweet. CR always used to react to the cockerel. She smiles the moment I switch it on now and cuddles up to watch it.
Wow you ladies talking about first birthdays, I wish time would slow down my lg is growing way too fast.

I am due back at work in April, when I think about it I get really upset I don't want to leave my lg with a stranger at a nursery
Hi robyner :wave: great to hear all is well with you.

Cupcake - it goes way too fast! But I'm not getting ahead of myself just yet, he's not even 7 months yet! They really are not babies for long so I'm enjoying every moment of his babyness! :-) And you'll not be back at work long before finishing up for mat leave again! :dance:

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