**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Arr wow congratulations. I do think be lovely having 2 close together but we defo have no plans for another baby any time soon. If at all. Was such a struggle to have Harry not sure I would put myself through it all again x

You have just echoed my thoughts exactly Hayels!! I dont evrn think I will be able to have another as I stil have no cycle. I am happy with my little man and just enjoying every minute with him!
I'm the same as Laura and hayels I don't think we'll ever have another, took us so long to have this one I just couldn't go through all that ttc again. Feeling very blessed with what I've got. My hubby would love another though! Not for a while but he's mentioned it a few times. He might change his mind when we hit the terrible twos! x
Part of me only wanted the one so I could give 100% to that child but hubby always said he wanted two and I changed my mind. It took us a year and a half to get pregnant the first time round so it was a shock it happened so quick, I think the fact I wasn't tracking my cycle, using opks etc helped things along.

I think my due date is the 15th August, it's going to be a busy year x
That's amazing it happened so quick cupcake, I agree with the not tracking etc it probably helped. And you will have been super fertile after bubs. I've had one proper period 10 weeks post birth then got the coil (mirena) at 15 weeks. I bled quite a lot after I got it in, it only stopped a couple of weeks ago so I've only just recently dtd! Feel a bit embarrassed to admit that.

It's only recently that we've both felt like it tbh cos we're very tired a lot of the time. Bubs is sleeping a lot better now so that makes a difference to our general mood. We feel more normal now. Parenthood takes a lot of getting used to! I'm 34 and hubby is 36 and I sometimes think it would be easier to adjust to this new life if we were younger. We had a lot of time together on our own just the two of us, 13 years in fact! Lucky to have lovely holidays and weekends away. And plenty of lie ins! So now there's another wee person in our lives it just was a major shock to our systems! But the best thing in the world :dance:
Woohoo the forum is back!! Ive had another up the back poo today. Thats 2 in 3 weeks bur think it must be teething related. R has now got his 2 bottom front teeth. Has anyone had the explosive nappies?
So happy to finally get back on . Poor Harry has conjunctivitis. He is on eye drops 4 times a day trying to get them in is a nightmare. He just doesn't like me doing it takes 2 of us. Few people said to try doing it when hes asleep but I tried that and ut just wakes him up. Hope it clears fast his little eyes look so red and sore and he keeps rubbing them which doesn't help. Arr 2 teeth that's great we still don't have any. Touch wood ww still haven't had any mager exploding poops yet xx
No we don't have any teeth but we have had the nappies, I know when they are teething nappies they go up her back and on her clothes.... And I'm sure she knows she's done it as when I go to change her she giggles
Sounds like teething Laura. Sorry to hear about Harry hayels, hope it clears up soon!

Matthew's gone off his milk again, he didn't wake up til half 9 this morning and wasn't even asking for his bottle. He took 5oz but wouldn't take any more, he's meant to take 7oz. He's got a cold could it be that? worried he'll lose weight!
Kaykay noah os the same atm... 1st morning bottle and only had 4oz of it! And only 5oz on his next!

Think hes going through leap no5 atm and they do say fussing with bottles is a sign!

Rory has just started to come back to taking his full bottles again as he was taking 4 ounces then not taking the other 3 for up to an hour and a half later. I reckon its definetly a growth related thing.
Glad it's not just my wee rascal dani and Laura! He had 24oz in total today. Yep most likely a leap/growth spurt thing. Isn't it always!

We have had something really positive happen today though. Our wee guy settled himself for his daytime naps! To put you in the picture, Matthew settles himself at night, we put him down with his ewan the sheep awake and leave the room and he's asleep within 5-10 minutes. However daytime naps have been a different story! I've been having to hold him close to me, rock him and sing twinkle twinkle. Would sometimes take 5 mins, other times it could take 20 minutes. Today he wasn't taking my cuddles! Fell asleep himself. Not a big deal to most folk but is to me!

How are your lo's at going down for naps?
I have the same issue with day time naps, I have to either go out in the car or for a walk around the block for her to sleep but at night she falls asleep on the bottle she's so tired so we pop her upstairs in the cot and she's fine, shame it's such a fight in the day
We had an explosive poo here today Laura! Seeped out the sides and went all over his 2 vests and dungarees! Thank god it happened at home before I went out. The place I had lunch didn't have baby changing facilities! Would have been tricky.

He sent himself to sleep again today for his naps. It's great he's turned a major corner (but also a tiny bit sad that he doesn't need my cuddles to fall asleep anymore hehe!).

We're going to start weaning on Monday eeeek! Just baby rice. Think he's ready. He'll be 6 months on new year's day. Any other June/July mummies waiting til 6 months or just before? Feel like the only one! !
Harry was over 5 months when I started he hated baby rice and porridge and anything that was made with his milk or water but he loves pureed fruit and veg. X
Ooh Matthew will be getting some teeth soon!

Oooh not sure Laura, think he was just a bit backed up to be honest. We had to feed him at 4am this morning, he was wide awake and not settling. Maybe that got his wee bowels going. Do you get someone from child's smile come out to you? We're supposed to but think they've forgotten about Matthew. Will need to phone and chase. You get a free toothbrush, toothpaste and a sippy cup and a wee talk on brushing teeth. They're cutting it a bit fine as he's almost 6 months!
I got the Child Smile lady at the Weaning Fayre. She didnt come to my house though. Got the cup and toothbrush etc. Going to register him at the dentist soon!
Aww how cute to think of him at the dentists with his wee toothy peg! They should do a weaning fayre here, makes more sense than coming out to the house!
Josh has two bottom teeth... I never thought about registering him at the dentist yet... I'm not even sure if I'm still registered! x

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