**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Just out of interest and if you girls don't mind sharing how many bottles are your babies still having. It says on tin of milk that at 6 months they should have 4 bottles a day of 8 ounces Harry is still having 6 bottles a day of 7 ounce plus 2 meals. Am starting to think I should be trying to drop a bottle or 2. But worry hell be hungry he loves his bottles and hes actually not that heavy for his age and for how much he eats he was only 16lb 9 when he last got weighed 2 weeks ago there was a baby in the clinic at the time who was only 12 weeks old that was bigger than him. I worry some times that hes not heavy enough xx
Wow go you cupcake!! Congratulations!

Hayels Rory is on 5 bottles of 7 ounces as he is not ready for 8 ounces. I have been weaning for a few weeks but at times he seems happy to eat then at others has no interest. Im finding it hard to find a time that he isnt too hungry for his bottle but not too full. When I time it right he can have 2 scoops of porridge and opens his mout etc but other times he doesnt finish one and throws his head about. Ive tried pear which he loved, apple which he hates and sweet potato and carrot that he didnt even try. Im hoping it just kicks in at some point. Ill just keep trying. Hes 6 months on Boxing Day.
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Congratulations cupcake!

Noah has 4 6oz bottles and 1 7oz bedtime bottle and he has 2meals a day which will be porridge and half a fruit pot for brekki and abour 2-3pm some type of veg puree and the 2nd half of the fruit pot.
Hes dropped the milk himself since weaning. He was on HB milk having 6 bottles of 6-7oz a day.. But was ten only drinking 4oz of HB then leaving the rest so swapped bk to stage 1 milk and hes taking a few more ozs again xx
Thanks girls. Maybe once he is on 3 meals a day ill try drop a bottle he seems happy enough at the mo. Harry hated the rice and the porridge laura but loves all the fruit and the veg x
Thanks for your congratulations ladies.

We are on 5 feeds a day all 7oz a time we do a lunch and dinner at the moment I will bring in breakfast in the next few weeks, maybe then we will drop a bottle I'm just following her lead x
Hey everyone..nice to see June/July mammys on here again!..Oliver will be 6 months on 14th an has been sitting from just under 5 months he can crawl backwards but tries his hardest to crawl properly bless him lol..I started weaning few weeks ago he is still only having a little breakfast and a little around 4pm but he is only drinking around 20oz in 24 hours most of that being in his bottle before bed and during the night..worrying he isn't getting enough so going to speak to his Heath visitor on Tuesday xx
Sounds similar to Harrison! He has a max of 24oz a day (normally around 20) ans 12 of those are from his 2 night time bottles! He has a bit of breakfast now too. But he's always been tiny & always had a small appetite. It used to stress me so much but he's putting on weight so he's obviously getting what he needs! X
We're still bf-ing so I have no idea and every day seems to vary! Only been weaning since Saturday so not noticed a drop on feeds yet.

Josh has bad eczema so we've got to introduce foods really slowly and keep an eye out for allergies.
Hi ladies! And wow congrats cupcake! Can't believe how quick it's gone and already our babies are so grown up!

We've just started weaning too, still only on baby rice but tried a bit of carrot too which didn't do down too well at first but he seems to be getting used to it. I'm trying to work out how I'm going to do it when I go back to work - like in the mornings do I just give bottle? Or just porridge? Or both? If both that's gonna take ages but also don't want to drop him at childminders having had no breakfast! I can't remember what I did with my bigger boy!

Hope everyone is looking forward to Xmas.. So many cute outfits! Xxx
Great to see you girls. Can't believe our babies are 5/6 months! It really does go so fast.

I haven't started weaning yet, wee man will be 6 months on 1st Jan. Was thinking of giving him some baby rice on christmas day! Will be a nice thing to tell him when he's older. Anyone else holding off until 6 months (or just before?).

Hayels Matthew has 5 bottles a day, first 4 bottles 7oz. The last bottle just before bed is never a full bottle, usually between 2-5oz. He's too tired to finish a full bottle. At the moment he is being very fussy with his bottles, over the course of the day it's about 25oz. Although he has a cold at the moment (his first proper one!) and only took 20oz yesterday. At one point he was taking 30oz a day. He's a fickle wee thing!

He's not rolling, sitting, standing, crawling, anything yet lol. Quite like that he pretty much still just lies there cos I know he'll be doing these things eventually and I will mourn the immobile days! At least he won't wreck my christmas tree! x
Hello ladies :) been a while since I've been on here!! My little girl is 5 months now and I've also just found out I'm preggo again!! Lol cupcake glad I'm not the only crazy person here!! I'm slightly nervous how I will cope ha!
I've also started weaning and she's loving it! Xx
Oh congrats to you too L2310! Couldn't imagine it myself for many reasons but always think it's nice when they're close in age, they will be wee pals for each other xx
My countdown to baby no2 os taking aaages.
Mind u ill b just bk in work so i dont want april to arrive to fast! Xx
Arr wow congratulations. I do think be lovely having 2 close together but we defo have no plans for another baby any time soon. If at all. Was such a struggle to have Harry not sure I would put myself through it all again x
Congratulations L2310. When are you due August? I'm sure these other June/July mummies will be following in our footsteps very shortly!!!!
Thanks girls :) oh dani its gonna be April before we know it! Il be having my 20 week scan and finding out the sex!!

According to my calculations I'll be due 20th Aug cupcake! When are you due? Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly for us xx

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