**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Arr am ao pleased Rory is a good boy to. Have you thought much about weaning yet are yoi going to wait till hes 6 months or will you do it before. You get ao many mixed opinions on it . I think of OH had his way Harry would be eating roast dinners by now xx
Ha, my oh is the same too. Thinks he will be sitting down to a Christmas dinner as he will be 6 months on Boxing Day! Ive bought some aptamil rice as we use the milk. Were not using it yet as he seems to be ok on milk at the moment but Im not against starting him before 6 months if he is ready. Hes a big boy so I think he will be ready before tbh. What about you?
My OH asked how much turkey Harrison would be eating at Xmas haha, he will be 5 & a half months. I said he'd probably have a carrot & a piece of brocoli & that would be that, OH looked bitterly dissapointed haha x
Haha glad its not just my OH then lol. I haven't bought any yet but I do think ill be giving him it before the 6 months. Going to give it a few more weeks then decide what to do xx
My oh is the same. I'm worried he'll treat Josh like the cat and feed him tip-bits! He doesn't understand weaning at all! x

- now Free
Been a long time since ive had 2 minutes to get on here again, my oh is convinced the wee man will be walking by christmas and eating steak dinners he will be 6 months lol
Hellloooooo!!! Any June/July mummies out there??? How are you and babies getting on?? Cant believe were nearing the 6 months mark.
Laura I'm here! Have been wondering how everyone is getting on. Time is flying! My boy is so big and full of the joys, his giggle cracks me up! Hope you're all good and looking forward to baby's first christmas! x
Its crazy were has the time gone. Harry just makes me laugh all the time hes so funny. Hes been such a good baby been so lucky. Glad to hear your boys are doing well xxx
I know Hayels it just absutely flies! I genuinely just still melt when I get a big hearty laugh still. Glaf to hear Harry and Matthrw are doing well too. I have a new friend now from my First Time mums group who has a wee boy called Harry and him and Rory are thick as thieves as they are together all the time. Hes a wee smiley too!!

Reckon we need to keep up the thread.
Yes we definitely do need to keep updated more on this thread. X
Ryan is thriving, loves big smiles and giggles, just finished his swimming course and looking forward to Christmas!
Noahs doing brill thanks girls.
Hes 21weeks tomorrow. 5months old on the 11th cant believe it! Last week at 19weeks 5days he was 19lb 13oz.. Big boy!!! Lol. We are 4weeks into weaning and hes enjoying all his fruit and veg that im pureeing for him.
Sitting up now aswell! He needs to slow down!!

Cant wait for christmas, but dreading the return to work in march :( xx
Hi girls! Josh is doing well and I would be if I had a little bit more sleep! He's far from the greatest sleeper - which I put down to him being ebf and suffering baby eczema which he scratches a lot and wakes himself up!

So looking forward to Christmas - well the rest of December really. Lots of Christmassy things planned - I know he's a bit young but I can't wait.

Great to hear everyone's doing well. Where has the time gone :-/

Hey girls I'm doin ok too ben stayed on 9/25th centile weight wise in the end. I too think il be starting weaning soon ben already sucks rusks asythey help his teething and he tries to grab things off our plates wont be doing blw though it scares me and gota wait till 6mnths great to hear others have started pre 6 mnths too I feel Ben's ready Gunna give it another week though aww Dani I remember waiting for Noah to be ready to come out he was keeping you waiting and now sitting up!!!
Oh great to hear from you all girls!! We have a wee tooth poking through now!!
Hey ladies!

Harrison is doing well, can sit up now, and can stand holding onto furniture! :o

I've not had him weighed for a couple of weeks but he's still very small, is on the 25th line for weight & the 9th for height.

He's 5 months tomorrow!! Its gone far too fast, but I'm loving the little person he's turning into.

Oh & he laughed the other day for the FIRST time! 21 weeks & 2 days it took, so very very slow, but it was worth the wait :)
Hello can I join my little girl was born in June she will be 6 months in a few weeks. We recently started weaning but she is yet to sit up or stand.

I have also just found out I'm pregnant I will be due in August the shock is now starting to set in omg how will I cope!
Wow congratulations cupcake. Your brave lol. I have been weaning for about 2 weeks now Harry loves it loves fruit and veg. He is 6 months on the 14 so started slightly early but hv said was fine cos he can sit up on his own and was trying to eat everything. Weaning is fun x
Brave/crazy I'm not too sure! I am really enjoying weaning also I love seeing my little girls face when she doesn't like it

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