***June 2019 Mummies***

Sounds like you’ve all had a productive weekend! I took it easy as had a busy week in work and was pretty stressed with it all, woke up Sunday and had dark yellow/bit brown discharge again. Panicked but then I’ve not had it again since. I only ever seem to get it on a Sunday when I’ve been really busy all week. So I chilled all day and baby was really active which was reassuring.

Only four days in work this week and then another four next week and I finish!! Im soooo ready for it now can’t wait!

My friends coming round tomorrow to help me pack and organise my hospital bag eek!
Is there anything anyone can think of they’d recommend packing other than usual stuff? X
Lovely photos linett!
I spent Friday evening in triage for reduced movement. Baby is fine though, as they almost always are!
I think I know the cause though. I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve been suffering terribly with constipation.
Anyway after a bm he hasn’t stopped moving! Haha.

I have 7 shifts left at work! Can’t wait! My college course starts this week, which is exciting. I’m so ready for a career change.

Everything is ready for baby here too... except the washing. Which I’ll do after holiday.
Looked at changing dates yesterday or cancelling, it’s going to cost £400! So we’re just going to risk going I think. It’s only a 2.5 hour flight away from uk, so if the worst happened we could make a dash to the airport and hopefully get home haha.

Hope everyone has a good week.
Oh exciting about packing the hospital bags! I haven't packed mine yet will do it next weekend probably. Last time I packed:

*Clothes to labour in (old tshirt, nightie, tankini top - waterbirth).
*Old/cheap knickers + maternity pad
*Nursing bras + breast pads
*outfit to go home in (something soft, lose and comfortable)
*dressing gown + comfy footwear
*toileteries + flannel
*hand held fan!!
*phone charger, mags, music, change and snacks!
*tens machine if you plan on using one.

For baby:
*nappies + wipes (cotton balls if you don't use wipes straight away)
*outfit (I usually take one in upto one month and 0-3 as I have larger babies lol)
*hat and mits
*blanket or coat to go home in, depending on the weather
*car seat
*milk + bottle if you plan on formula feeding (some hospitals supply this and others don't).

I leave OH to pack his own bag and he leaves it in the carboot. I also pack an extra baby bag with extra nappies, wipes and outfits and leave that in the car also, as a just in case.
Thanks for the list baby, that's really helpful. I will have to start sorting my hospital bag too soon. I have a list of thinks I still need to get but it isn't much now.

Chrissi, I know what you mean about feeling less movement when you need to go. I've found the same thing but so far I have still managed to feel the 10 kicks an hour although they feel fainter some how. I get the same thing when I have indigestion and bloating too.
Thanks for that baby, a few people have mentioned a fan now so definitely need to get one! X
I'd also put in a few vests and grows as you may be in over night just incase. I usually pack 3 of each. Better to have too many than not enough.
I pack snacks aswell. Energy bars, crisps, dry store kinda things.
I found the hand held fan invaluable. There was a fan in the room but it was the other side of the room and couldn't be moved closer. So the hand held fan was brilliant, either I held it or the hubby pointed it at me. Also used the flannel in cold water and slapped on my forehead. The heat in the labour ward is ridiculous, all for the babies benefit but doesn't make it very comfortable for us lol

I've spent all morning stripping the pram and car seat of all fabrics and washing them. There currently on the line drying, know I'm knackered and ready for a nap!
Yes I second you with a fan baby! The heat was unbearable! Can’t remember if you put it on, but lip balm aswell as the heat dries your lips!!

If you want any scents or aromas you can take them in with you, as long as it doesn’t involve a flame I think!

Too uncomfortable now! Has anyone seen the weather for the weekend? 21 degrees where I am I hate heat in England, it’s never hot enough so you don’t get sticky!
Yeah meant to be a hot bank holiday! Nice for most people but it not those heavily pregnant! Dreading the labour wards in June! March and October with my other two was bad enough.

Went to physio today and she said I’m out of line in a lot of places. Tried her best but she said to go back in two weeks (had to go on cancellation list as next appt available is in 7 weeks!) she has told me to go back on crutches for my spd. Upset me a bit as was on them for 10 weeks with knee and only got two weeks of no crutches and back on them :( least I know it will end and have a lovely baby at the end :) xx
No, I've not seen the weather forecast yet. I love the heat, but not so much when pregnant. I was pregnant at this exact time of year with my last. In fact there is 2 days between what his due date was and what little misses due date is lol. So I know all too well how awful the heat is when heavily pregnant. I suppose least we can be thankful that where not carrying throughout August haha.

Bubbles, sorry to hear your appointment didn't go so well. I absolutely hated my crutches. How long after giving birth was you back to normal last time? I think I've been lucky so far. Spd isn't too bad at the min which has thrown me as I was told to expect it to hit earlier and worse! I've probably jinxed myself now lol

I'm so tired today, I'm genuinely grumpy because of it. Lol. Does anyone watch Game of Thrones? It's back in tonight and I'm so excited about it, just hope I manage to stay awake lol

Baby, game of thrones is my target for getting basically to term. By the end of the season I'll be 36 weeks and it will almost be time to have my baby! It's hopefully going to keep me sane. When I had my bleed my target was to get through to the start of game of thrones and avoid the really dangerous micropreemie stage and now I've done that I have to get to the end of the series for basically a full term baby! Let's hope it isn't so stressful it sends me into labour early! It was a great 1st episode!

Sorry about your spd bubbles. I hope the physio can fit you in for an appointment to help you.

Enjoy the sunny Bank Holiday. While it's even hotter here (mid-high 30s) we at least have ac so can hide from the heat. Makes packing for the hospital hard because do I pack shorts pj's like I would wear at home or something warmer incase they put the ac on Arctic setting!
I had an Aug baby and surprisingly labour ward was quite cool. Was hotter in there in the winter lol.

Yeah watched GOT at crack of dawn haha. Got far to excited.
Lovely photos linnett.

I get my c/section date next week! so need to start getting things together for hospital bag - I usually pack sleepsuits/bodysuits in up to 1 mth and couple first sizes- actually need to still buy some first size sleepsuits.
I’m just taking long pj bottoms as you do do bleed quite heavy after birth.
I’m planning to take few snacks in - especially bottles of water - last time was so dehydrated after section x
Going to watch game of thrones in a minute! Very excited! My friend worked on the show in scripts so knows what happens. I’m very jealous and not managed to get any info from her!

Baby, my last pregnancy the baby was born and I literally only had a few niggles after that. Hope it stays at bay for you. My second pregnancy was fine so think some babies just cause more trouble than others :) hopefully it means this baby is more like my first, she is a little dream! Second is a bit more of a tear away... haha xx
Woohoo, stayed awake for game of thrones and I was not disappointed! Bloody love that show.

Abi it's good to have milestones I had them through out my last pregnancy. Not so much with this one as I just feared the worse constantly. But now you've said about game of thrones being yours it made me realise that I'll be due to have baby by the time the series finishes! We're all so close now :)

Haha marvellous, how on earth did you manage to stay awake to watch it last night/this morning?! Well worth the late night though wasn't it!!

Bubbles, your friend must have some epic willpower to not be telling everyone! I'd be constantly squeezing her for info. Does she watch the show? Or has working on the scripts ruined it for her?

With my last baby my spd practically disappeared as soon as I'd had the baby. I remember getting out the bath, by myself, something I'd not managed in months! Like you I was just left with the odd niggle pain. I'd read so many horror stories saying the pain can linger for weeks I was really surprised. Hopefully you recover just as quickly this time xx
Wow, I can't believe people are finishing work soon, it's getting so close! I've still got 6 weeks left in work, but that only works out as about 14 days with all the bank holidays, so not too long to go :D
I did loads of research for packing my hospital bag last time, I had squeezy honey for energy and a playlist I had spent ages over etc but labour was so fast we didn't have time to get the bag of of the car, so I think I'll just pack the essentials this time xx
Baby, yeah she still watches it. Her fiancé does visual effects so she likes to see how the script was filmed and what he has done with those awesome dragons! I do wonder if when our babies come and we play the theme tune they get all excited? They say babies pick up on emotions and link it to sounds of their environment. Haha.

Hope everyone has a lovely day today.

Still got 6 weeks of work but hoping it will go quickly. I remember from last two that when you finish work that’s when the time really drags. Taking my ball to sit on when I’m at desk today. My colleagues are going to love me and all the space I take up. Haha x
Bubbles I'm absolutely jealous of your friends jobs!! I mean I'd be absolutely no good at it, I can neither write nor draw lol. Haha nope you don't annoy your colleagues too much, just let them have a bounce round the office. That'll soon put some smiles on there faces haha.

Unicorn, I did loads of researching before packing my bag last time. And like you, never got to use half the stuff in there...mainly because I just got caught up in the buzz of it all that I forgot I'd packed mags, tens machine, massage oils etc. Bare essentials for us this time. I've not even thought about packing it yet. Suppose I should do really lol.

Had an awful night's sleep. Was in bed just gone 10pm, last time I looked at the clock was 11.30pm. Must have nodded off then hubby woke me at 1.30 climbing into bed. I then spent the majority of the night tossing and turning with sore hips. Woke twice crying after having a bad dream, I can't recall what it was about I just know it involved a doll!! Lmao

Was suppose to be going out with the sister inlaw and taking the kids to a farm. She's bailed as she has an interview, I'm a little relieved to be honest. I'm so tired I don't think I could have cope walking around a farm all day. So I think lazy morning at home, have dinner, then take the little man to the local duck park.

Hope you all have a good day xxx
Just back from my scan. He's 2kg and I'm only 30 weeks. How big is he going to be at full term!?! The doctor doesn't seem worried so I suppose that's a good thing but my goodness some full term babies weigh 2kg!
I wouldn’t worry too much Abi those scans are notoriously wrong. And you won’t know how much they weigh till it’s all done and you are cuddling them in your arms. Maybe just pack a 0-3 month outfit in bag just in case :)

Hope you had a nice chill day today baby. I actually slept the best I’ve done for weeks yesterday. Only woke once and that was cause my three year old wasn’t poking me cause she needed a wee. Scared me half to death I was in such a deep sleep. Haha xx

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