June 2012 babies

Oooh this thread is getting rather exciting!!! Can't believe we are having our babies this month. I have been really stressed trying to finish everything (work/cleaning like a maniac/random jobs)...BUT... THE END IS IN SIGHT! I have finished cleaning and getting everything ready for baby today! Tomorrow and Saturday I just have some errands and little jobs to do, and so I am feeling much much more happy. I can finally relax a little bit and look forward to being a MUMMY!

People are starting to annoy me though...anyone else getting a barrage of phonecalls to see if there is any news?! Also I have friends asking when they can come and visit the baby! I think I'm going to have to put my phone on silent and forget about it.

Hope everyone is feeling really well! x x x x
My due date was today but i had my lo by elective section on 30th may :)
Mrsblue- I'm being inundated with texts Facebook messages and phone calls!!

I've actually changed my Facebook photo to a text saying


Not had as many texts since!!

I'm currently sat in a bath of essential oils hoping they'll do the trick! But think I've put too much in! Oops! Is that a bad thing? X
Hey June mummy's to be, I hope you're all well. I can't believe we all should be mummies this month :) The last week I've been feeling very 'different' also I've had lots of period pains and BH, fingers crossed it won't be too much longer, I can't wait to meet my little man :) xxx
Can I ask. Am I the only mummy bloody petrified lol. It's my first and I am getting more and more worked up about labour. I'm hoping my midwife might be nice and sweep me tomorrow but I'll only be 38 and 2. Xxxx
very unlikely mw will sweep you tomorrow.
I sympathise with the has baby arrived yet, as soon as i finished work i kept getting asked and in the end i just snapped and said when something happens people will know, then got accusedof beign hormonal, idiots lol x
I'm waiting for the 'any news yet' to start. At the moment I get people saying 'oo I reckon next week' which is just as bad as it gets my hopes up. I thought I'd be getting scared about the labour by now but to be honest I'm quite excited and pretty chilled about it, I reckon I must be really weird :) xxx
So how many of the June ladies have gone!? They all seem to be popping out! I'm still waiting :( no signs of it wanting to come out either, although when I was being monitored Thursday I was having lots of tightenings! X
I'm still waiting 1 day over now!! Back at the hospital Tomoz for more monitoring. Feel like I live there at the min!!
I'm still waiting...I'm actually feeling quite scared about labour for the first time. I think it's the unknown quantity - just don't know when it's going to happen. Can't quite believe how close I am either...but my bet is that babybo is next :) x
Good luck, girls! Well done to the ones who've just had their babies - I am SO jealous. Can't wait to see who's next... (can it be me, please?)

I ate the hottest burrito of my life today in the hope of at least helping things along. I eat really spicy food regularly, though, so I don't think it will work. Gave LO a massive bout of hiccups but nothing else...
who was the first out of the june babies to be born?
My Little man was born 30th may (due 7th june) i know theres another girl than had her Lo the same day as me
babybo - hope LO comes out sooon x
My june 6th baBY WAS born 30th may x
I didnt find labour too bad, yes it hurt but it was the contractions that hurt more x
I feel very odd tonight. It's like a odd tummy pain. Not cramps but it's made me feel like oh this is different????
Just taken two paracetomol just incase as I'd like a decent nites sleep :0) xx
I,m still waiting also, both my boys were here by this point so I feel like I,be been pg for ages. I had a sweep on tues but nothing's happened. Yesterday and today I,ve had some really strong contractions, but they,re not painful iykwim? I,m hoping that they are getting things ready down there lol. I,ve been lucky with the 'have u had the baby yet' but my oh is driving me bloody insane, asking me if I feel anything yet, do I think I,ll have her today, why isn't she coming, Why are you sitting up like that....... The list goes on lol.
Im still waiting aswell!! I hope im next!! :) I am having the tightenings, some of them are actually quite painful, but they arent proper yet!! I am so bored of being pregnant now and having to go hospital all the time to have its heart monitored is stressing me out, I just want him/her to come out so I can see its okay!! also trying to sell my horese the week I am due is a nightmare!!!! x
I'm still waiting too. I've got to say this week has been the longest week through out my pregnancy. Come on all our babies. Xx
Does everyone else go to bed each night thinking 'will this be the night?'. The waiting is crazily annoying - wish I had a crystal ball!!
Does everyone else go to bed each night thinking 'will this be the night?'. The waiting is crazily annoying - wish I had a crystal ball!!

I do!! the other nite I went toilet 3 or 4 times and was sick, so I really thought things were starting. But still nothing argh!!

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