June 2012 babies

Thanks Tabbi for putting me in here... I was told by the midwife that he may be early... i just want him to bake enough so hes healthy... will inform you girlies from the start....xxx
Thanks Tabbi for putting me in here... I was told by the midwife that he may be early... i just want him to bake enough so hes healthy... will inform you girlies from the start....xxx

your welcome hunni, hopefully he will be a June baby x x x
Hey June mummies, how are we all? I have noticed that some of our June babies have started appearing so thought I would see how every one else is getting on :)

I am finally feeling fed up on being pregnant and wishing that every cramp/pain means to start of something :( but it's not!
Spd has made an awful come back this week and I can barely walk around the house, which is so annoying as my nursery is finally decorated with the carpet fitted and furniture in! Just got to put lil mans clothes and bits and bobs in now :) xxx
Hi hunny.
I'm still waiting too!
Got a sweep booked in today at 1145 which I'm hoping will start things off!!
Getting very fed up now.

Good news that your nursery is finished!! I love ours. Just sitting in there and looking around xx
Hey! Well today I am officially overdue!!! :( I asked about a sweep yesterday and they won't give me one till next week!! So I am just stuck doing the waiting game! Hope everyones doing okay! X
I really hope the sweep works for u babybo, and flora joy I hope ur lil baba gets a wriggle on soon :) I need as many labour threads as possible to keep me sane waiting around for another 18 days til my due date :) xx
Hey everyone! Hope the rest of the June babies start coming along soon - mine included, please! I'm totally fed up with being pg now too. I want to have baby before the stretch marks appear, LOL! Can't wait for the labour threads to start.

Sorry your SPD is bad, Kanga. I can't sleep well at night because of hip pain, but my MW just said that it was a good sign because it means that my body is really gearing up for delivery now. Eep! Baby is currently head-butting my bladder, which I will also take as a good sign :)

DH and I are getting pretty excited/scared about baby's arrival. We've opted to try for a water birth at home and it's all getting very real... I'm a bit sad because my parents are really opposed to us trying to have a home birth for our first child, but I am determined to give it a go if I can. Wish us luck, ladies.

Hope you're all well and that our LO's start appearing soon! xxx
I am the same kanga just want my little man out now, sick of having pains then only needing a poo :(
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I cant wait to meet my little one now but not much happening apart from the start of some braxton hicks in the evenings got midwife today so hopefully will have an update on babys size as been told 2 weeks ago in midwifes words 'shes gonna be a whopper'!! :shock:
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Well, looks like this weekend will be intresting as i am been induced tomorrow due to lack of AF, starting me off at 11am. babybo have yours first please lol x x x
Amniotic fluid I'm guessing (not aunt flow as I first thought!!)

Karen - best of luck for the birth you want. People are so opinionated about everything to do with your first birth aren't they?!! I'm aimIng for a birthing centre an hour and a half away from the hospital led maternity unit and everyone's telling me I'm silly "as you just don't know what will happen" FFS the midwives aren't going to let anything bad happen!!!!

I thought I was starting last night. I had waves of period pains and back ache for 4 hours through the night. Definitely sorer today and I know things are heading in right direction but not so many cramps or back ache and no sign of my plug. Oh well, twiddling the thumbs and waiting time now!!

Good luck everyone. Can't wait to hear everyone's stories. Xx
yeah its my fliud hunni, its 4.3 anything below 5 and they induce this close to term. well at least it will be my due date lol. x x x
Oh good luck for tomorrow hunny! Very jealous!
Midwife didn't sweep me in the end cause I'm not full term until tomorrow!!
But blood pressure is high so got to go to the hospital for more monitoring and they MAY sweep but highly unlikely.
If not I'm booked in for next tues for a sweep then worse case the 19th to be induced!!
So at least I have a date in mind of when it'll all be over lol! X
My supposed June baby was a May baby :( x

Thinking of all you ladies x
loula your still a june mummy to us, and babybo hope hospital goes well for you and they do the sweep as it can start off labour some times good luck hunni x x x
Thanx sweetie. Not holding up much hope though xx
I finished work today so can now relax and wait for baby to arrive. He'll probably be late now... ;-) It's strange to think he's just there patiently waiting too!
Karen - best of luck for the birth you want. People are so opinionated about everything to do with your first birth aren't they?!! I'm aimIng for a birthing centre an hour and a half away from the hospital led maternity unit and everyone's telling me I'm silly "as you just don't know what will happen" FFS the midwives aren't going to let anything bad happen!!!!

Thanks, hun. You're quite right - of course we don't know what will happen, but the MW's will know best. I've told my parents that if there's any sign of things going badly then they will most likely get me to hospital well before it turns into an emergency. They have a lot of experience and will do what's best for you and LO. Best of luck at the birthing centre - I'm sure you'll be just fine.

Good luck Tabbi and Babybo. Let us know how you get on

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