*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Good luck eve and hh.

Haha about shaving...I had my full length mirror out to have a good look! Otherwise it was never getting done.

Had midwife today, Cervix still too far back to do a sweep. Boo! But she tried so hard so can't blame her! Kinda wish they had a device for it though. :) pretty much been prescribed sex. OH has said he's too tired (not even home yet) but I will get bouncing on him! :) haha
Mine was like that with my first tasha. It's frustrating I know!
In the induction suite now, just getting monitored at moment before they give me a pessary. Feeling rather nervous! Can hear someone puffing away on gas and air beside me lol.

Good luck eve, hoping for a baby boom this week. Will try and update as much as possible, wifi isnt great x
Still here think we are in for a long night! Some Tightenings but that's it! Labour ward very busy and lots of inductions so think I maybebin a queue in the morning if he doesn't come this eve. GL here's hoping sounds like we are both in the same boat x
Good luck to you both with your inductions. Can take a little while but won't be that long, at least things are underway!
Rang my hospital again as I've had some more bleeding after that gush of whatever it was earlier. They said it sounds like the show and not to come in until I'm having contractions. You can have the show weeks before labour starts though right? I'm definitely not having any contractions right now. To make it worse my MIL (who I do get along with and love to bits) keeps ringing saying she has a feeling I'm going to have the baby any day now. Just because she was 2 weeks early with my OH and his sister, she's convinced that I'll be early too. It gives me so much false hope :wall2:
I'm just going to try and relax now with a cup of tea, hoping to hear some good news from at least one you lot this evening!
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Some people lose it weeks before, some people during and some just before it all starts. It's just no indication.

Buggy with my first he was well engaged by now and they managed to do a sweep! :) but I'm not too bothered (a baby this week would be nice though). :)

Aw induction ladies hope it all moves quickly for you. Xx
Pains have ramped up. Put my tens on but not sure they're regular enough. About 7 mins apart but some aren't as painful as others
Ahhhh 3 June mommas on labour watch!!!! This is a bit too exciting!

Buggy - fingers x'd this is it!
HH - good luck!
Eve - good luck!

And lalaroo your hospital are no help! Think I'd be stressing if I'd felt a gush followed by bleeding! But as others have said your show doesn't mean immediate labour. I do hate the whole build up of folk telling you you will go early. I had that too and has made me crazy with impatience now!! Xx
Ooh exciting ladies,good luck, hope for some news soon. I so wanna have our bubba this week, 9 days to go...just ate more pineapple and bouncing away again.

Tasha annoying about the sweep.

Lalaroo, your hospital sounds a pain, hope something starts for you if it was the show.
I blooming hope so. Going I when my sister gets here which won't be for half hour. Then half hour drive to hospital. Hopefully will all work out.ok
Omg! How exciting for the first week of June...

Good luck Eve, HH and Buggy... Hope all goes well and that we'll have a bunch of June bugs in no time :)

Lots of random twinges here and a little back ache but nothing spectacular. Consultant appointment in the morning so going to request a vigorous sweep - OH offered to do one for me but I think his idea of a sweep is a tad different to mine...

Haha pismo, I asked the OH to have a feel about he said no! asked for sex and he said after his nap! :)
Good luck pismo.

At hospital waiting to be checked. Praying for 4cm at least pains about 5 min apart been going on for a good few hours so let's hope!
You ladies must be dedicated to be considering sex!

Didn't go to acupuncture as they called to say they can't see me until I'm 37weeks so I've to call back tomorrow for another appointment x
Not amazing news. Nothing has really progressed. Boo. Could still potentially progress quite quickly as body has been through it before. Staying here to see how it goes and trying a little walk

hope eve and hh are doing better
Still having contractions. About 6 minutes apart. I thought it would be more straightforward having laboured before but it doesn't seem to be picking up the pace. Bouncing on a ball while oh has a little nap on my bed!
Quick update from me. Still around 2cm after pessary (grrr) although having pains and irregular tightenings.

Moving up to labour ward soon to break waters!!

Good luck to buggy and eve, hope your making good progress x

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